Am I an INFJ?? | INFJ Forum

Am I an INFJ??


Aug 14, 2013
Hey guys, a little background on where I am coming from... I recently stumbled upon the MBTI Personality Test, and my first result of the bat was INFJ, after a quick google search I started reading up on it and I could relate with damn near everything that was said in the personality profile, but that whole rare thing didn't quite sit, one part of me was hells yeah I am rare as fuck :p, but the other part was telling me, don't count your chickens haha, I tried to find all new websites to take as many variations as I could and they all said the same thing pretty much. But after watching and reading pretty much everything I could find about the INFJ personality all the time loving the fact that everything is falling into place and making sense, it was making me understand my place in the world.
Jumped around on the Ennegram test from a 9w8 to a 4w3 and now a 2... and then I gave up on trying that one myself haha. I sent the test around to a few people at work out of curiosity, I wanted to see if the related to their results as much as I did mine, and they did. So I started reading up on their profiles and found that I related to the ISFJ profile, so then I thought, I must just be confused between types, so I was an IxFJ, but eventually the more profiles I read, I have no idea what I am, I am an IxFx atm.

Please help lol, I am getting pretty confused. But at the same time this topic is way too interesting to just forget about.

Sorry, I forgot to tell you about myself, I am a 27 year old guy living in Perth, I am pretty much the quiet guy, I have a few people in my life as I regard as really good friends, every one else just seems more of an aquaintence, not in a bad way, but like, if I quit my job I wouldn't see my co-workers again way. It seems as I am the nice guy all the time, I always feel like I put on my "social mask" when I go into social situations, but cant wait to get home to just chill out and read a book and surf the net etc. I really do enjoy being around people but I always feel like I am putting on an act around people, its not that I am being someone I am not, I am just being some one that I don't have the energy to keep up 24/7.

I am really good at helping people with their relationship issues even though I have never found some one that was patient enough for me to feel close enough to feel totally comfortable around them. Some times I get these feelings that I can only describe as de ja vu, its kind of like a head rush and an internal feeling of dread and it feels like everything is the same yet different, and I feel physically ill. It doesn't happen often, one of the first few times it happened was when we moved out of my childhood house of 20 years. There has been a few other times but I always thought it was stress related, but I had one the other day, and had a blue with a friend of mine that I was very fond of for not talking to me, later to find out she was in a car accident, I am worried about her, but have briefly spoken to her, and it was a massive case of bad timing and foot in mouth that she isn't talking to me atm. I am thinking its just a major coincidence but after reading that bit about the intuition in the profile it has made me stop and think.

I am open to any questions you guys have, I am very interested in finding out about who I really am.
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If I am to judge you on what you have written alone: you are not an INFJ.

Unfortunately, we have no opportunity for face to face interaction with you. You'll have to rely on your own ability to honestly observe yourself to know for certain.
If I am to judge you on what you have written alone: you are not an INFJ.

Elaborate? I would like to hear your specific reasoning. I have read about the cognitive functions but I'm more interested in how specifically you drew your conclusion.
The difference between INFJ and ISFJ is bigger than just sensory vs intuition. If you are an INFJ you are Ni (introverted intuition) dominant, with Se (extroverted sensing) as your fourth function (Ni-Fe-Ti-Se), while ISFJ have them reversed (Si-Fe-Ti-Ne).

you could be Fi dominant, which would make you an IxFP.
I have read a lot about mistyping and such and I am looking for some one with quals to talk to, but I started reading the other profiles and I can heavily relate to INFJ, ISFJ, and INFP, I havent looked into INSP, because I figured the result would be the same. Just interested in the opinions of others that know more about this than me.
Come on Mods, shouldn't this be in the "Type Me" subforum. Bunch of slackers.
@Nixie what is it with you and that? Lord, that's exactly why you should be a mod...

Anyway, newbs can't access "type me" so we'd be shutting them out of their own thread

@malenko Sure. Nao hav a cookie and proceed to discover for urself.

@Nixie what is it with you and that? Lord, that's exactly why you should be a mod...

Anyway, newbs can't access "type me" so we'd be shutting them out of their own thread

@malenko Sure. Nao hav a cookie and proceed to discover for urself.
Yes, have a cookie and if you move to the right, you can be issued a unicorn. :) Goodness sakes, why is this subforum inaccessible? It seems that most newbies are interested in this specific question when they first get here.