I am an INTJ female dating an INFJ male. Within a very short period of time, we fell deeply in love with one another. I really want our relationship to be the very best it can be and so here I am doing a bit of research into his personality type. For those of you who have dated INTJs, what did you like and dislike about the relationship? Something that my INFJ tells me is that he feels that it is sometimes difficult for him to connect with me emotionally and I'm not entirely sure what he means by that. Did any of you feel that way with your INTJ partner? How can I improve the emotional connection between us?
I was in your situation but as a male INTJ - Basically over time the INFJ will warm up your feelings. It's just to be there for them, they get really emotional, so:
When they're down, they want reassurance that its gunna be okay - not a strategic draft to a solution, to them that means nothing, they just want warmth and you to experience the pain with them.
To allow them a comforting environment to come to you, to hold their hand and look into their eyes when they are sad and to just "be there" in the moment with love - Not point out what the issue is.
If you manage to cry with them they really like that
To become soft, let all strong intj thoughts go and be supportive
Obviously don't lose yourself - they like your hard nature. Just recognise in their eyes when they are down. Don't ask "whats up" - they won't tell you.
Be like: *sit next to them and hold their hand* - INTJ: "I can see something is bothering you, do you want to talk about it?" INFJ "No, Im fine". INTJ: "it's okay, you can tell me, are you feeling like [insert feeling]" INFJ: "No, I just feel like this and this, this is whats up". INTJ: "Well its okay! you're alright . *give hug*
They basically would like somebody to unload their feelings to - but because everyone does it to them they feel a bit lost, they are the natural counsellor, but they need counselling. INTJ's are terrible naturally at this!!
Good luck!