Act more adult / more grown up

Blind Bandit

Blind Man Being Lead to Nowhere
This thread isn't about my age its about people telling me to be more grown up . Or my favorite "blank is part of being an adult" I hear this from so many SJ's it not even funny. When ever I hear this I associate it with. Be more SJ like and stop being so INFJ. Stop being so Introverted hurry up graduate, find a girlfriend, make more friends, get married have kids, find a job ,be more like the rest of society. Dose anyone ever feel this way?

I so tired of hearing how to be an adult from the SJ majority. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Do have issues like this as well? How do you deal with them?
I hear you on that one, I think deep down they are concerned for you. For them good can only come by sticking to "The Big Book of Do's and Dont's" that they seem to mentally carry around with them.

Maybe it makes them anxious to see you ignore something they cling to so strongly?
That's interesting because I frequently find myself feeling alone because I don't act like people my age or even people older than me. I see myself grown up (according to this page) with a level head on my shoulders.
I don't think I'm smarter, but I feel like all I know is common sense --but it seems most people do not have that... Lately though I've been asking a lot of people, and am surprised to hear how often they do something without thinking or especially, finding themselves out of control. Unable to control reactions, feelings, etc. For myself my natural tendency is to not react... rather react later after it's sunk in.
Ignore them it will only make you miserable. Do what interests you. And most of all find new friends knowing that you will have to go threw a lot of them to find ones that work for you. You need people who will actually support you and listen...
SJs--- screw it. that's discrimination..

really, a problem with the world is discrimination...there are a lot of problems, but discrimination of ideas is one of them. People think you should do this and that. The fact is there are expectations for people to be a certain way and we all live them. Nobody likes them- not even these SJs you speak of, because by factoring SJ you discrimate against them. I'm acknowledging that the absolutes in this paragraph such as 'nobody' are generalizations. Some people may like them, I've just never encountered those sorts of people.

There's a dilemma we have to face as a human being. All of the time, contrary ideas are being thrown at us. Most people will have a collection of ideas that they live by- we call these, beliefs. The problem with beliefs is that there always is one opposing the other. It's usually best to agree to disagree with there are opposing ideas clashing at each other, but every person has to act on their own beliefs. They can't just let people tell them what to do. Individual thinking leads to conflicts sometimes- the people doing it think it's right, the people on the receiving side thing it's wrong.

While there is no actual right or wrong, there's something that I call respect. I don't care who it is that you are talking to, or what they believe. All ideas, and especially people, should be respected. See- this is a belief of mine. And others will disagree with it, and try to threaten my idea because or ideas conflict. But if everyone at the very least respected people's ideas, and the right to live, there would be a lot less problems going on constantly.
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I have a nerf tommy gun.
pics or it didn't happen. I wanna see a thread.

Slant while I agree you would be surprised how ingrained the societal norms can be. Even with SJs who seem what normal or liberal.
Ignore them, follow your intuition. The main thing about being an adult is being able to take care of yourself.

Try not to take yourself too seriously as you'll change a lot.
here you go.

The second one is a water gun.


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Slant while I agree you would be surprised how ingrained the societal norms can be. Even with SJs who seem what normal or liberal.

Uhhh how did you interpret my post? I don't think we're touching the same bases or you wouldn't have said that.
Uhhh how did you interpret my post? I don't think we're touching the same bases or you wouldn't have said that.

Ok then re explain what you where trying to get at.
:( Tell me what you understood I don't feel like re explaining that inspirational post took a lot of time to think out.
Yeah, I feel like this way of thinking has ruined a significant part of my life. I basically forced myself to stop doing most of the things that I enjoy out of fear of this.
:( Tell me what you understood I don't feel like re explaining that inspirational post took a lot of time to think out.

Ok everyone has their right to belief and has the right to live their life in the way they feel is more correct.

And everyone has there own way.

So did I hit it?

And I respect that but I'm not talking about people living there lives I'm talking about people pushing others to live like them.

Big difference.

Yeah, I feel like this way of thinking has ruined a significant part of my life. I basically forced myself to stop doing most of the things that I enjoy out of fear of this.

I've not gone that far I just don't let people in like I once did.

My mom (sj) and my dad (sp?) aren't close to me or least not like I would like.
Ok everyone has their right to belief and has the right to live their life in the way they feel is more correct.

And everyone has there own way.

So did I hit it?

And I respect that but I'm not talking about people living there lives I'm talking about people pushing others to live like them.

Big difference.

No, the point was that everyone lives they way they think is right and sometimes force their beliefs on other people because they think it is right, even though there is nothing that is inherently right or wrong the person on the receiving end thinks it is wrong for other people to do that. The part where you got confused was I was saying that I personally have a belief where people respect other peoples' beliefs without forcing their opinions on other people, and then I was talking about how people will try to deconstruct that believe to because that's essentially how a lot of people are.