About Socionics


Community Member
has anyone ever heard of it?

they seem to be using the same four letter typing... but i heard that the method is different... thus if you were typed by socionics then it wouldn't be the same if you were reading Myers-Briggs descriptions.

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Yeah, it seems J & P are calculated differently. E.g. MBTI INFJ is INFp in socionics. But i'm not an expert, so someone who knows both systems fairly well could better explain.
Correct - Socionics measures last letter for N-types based upon strength of preference for S/N versus T/F. For example : I prefer N more strongly than F. Therefore, in the Socionics system, I am an INFp. If you prefer F more strongly than N, you would be an INFj.

There's some debate as to the validity of the system, but I would agree that there's something different about those who strongly prefer N over F, and why some INFPs seem like INFJs and vice-versa. The rest of the interactional theory leaves me a bit cold, though.
As far as I managed to understand, the group of functions and types sounds very similarly at first, but the functions are just different. They are not the same cognitive functions. They have other definitions, even though for the most part sounding as the same things. So there isn't really a direct match between the two systems. Which is very confusing, because so many results and observations also seem to fit between the two systems - for example, if we switch P/J for introverts. But we shouldn't. The INFp (soc) isn't really the INFJ (mbti). It has similar position among their types, but their types as a group are not the same types, even if we switch P/J.
(i say monkey business)

yea, i don't really like the idea of the switched j/p functions...
that would change the descriptions completely.

also i like how the site, socionics, has in-depth relationship structures between the types, but of course that also wouldn't be the same.:m080:

would you say it's a reliable system compared to the mbti?
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but wait, so basically... it's as simple as that? the theory of socionics cannot just be J into P or vice/versa.

that would change all of our functions completely.

also i like how the site, socionics, has in-depth relationship structures between the types, but of course that also wouldn't be the same.:m080:

would you say it's a reliable system compared to the mbti?

The functions are not the same. MBTI focuses more on individual type characteristics, whereas socionics places more emphasis on intertype relationships.
ahhh, ok...

LOL sorry about editing my post afterwards... XD

yea, socionics is tricky, tricky business.
i think all that info on intertype relations is cool, but stuff like beneficaries or supervisors puts me off.
To avoid being sued by the Myers Briggs people who make their money on team building for corporations, the Socionics people had to reinvent the way they interpret the Jungian Archetypes.

Socionics switches the J and P of their INTROVERTS, and applies a lower case letter. INFJ = INFp, INFP = INFj, etc. Socionics has the same coding as MBTI for their Extroverts. ENFJ = ENFJ, ENFP = ENFP.

Socionics also has a very questionable system of typing people based on their physical features. As far as I've seen it's absolute garbage, but that's my opinion.

Otherwise, there are some interesting tidbits about Jungian Archetypes in Socionics, just like there are with Keirsey, and the others who have researched this field.
To avoid being sued by the Myers Briggs people who make their money on team building for corporations, the Socionics people had to reinvent the way they interpret the Jungian Archetypes.

Socionics switches the J and P of their INTROVERTS, and applies a lower case letter. INFJ = INFp, INFP = INFj, etc. Socionics has the same coding as MBTI for their Extroverts. ENFJ = ENFJ, ENFP = ENFP.

Socionics also has a very questionable system of typing people based on their physical features. As far as I've seen it's absolute garbage, but that's my opinion.

Otherwise, there are some interesting tidbits about Jungian Archetypes in Socionics, just like there are with Keirsey, and the others who have researched this field.

Pretty much ,

I don't take really use Soncionics at all.