3D Psyche

Lenin Compres

Hey guys, here is a new free test. Check it out. It also approximates your MBTI. And it's really fun.

Here I come out as Ideational (teal color)
I am an ENTP
Spiritual INFJ

The best concept to define the focus of this state is essence. It happens when we are physically relaxed, but emotionally tense and rationally flexible. We are in this state when searching ideals, meanings, significance or transcendence; when we are involved in abstract reverence. We look to study our values, and conceive and expose our feelings. We are devoted to ideas, and enjoy exploring and elaborating on them.
I got Ideational and I am INFP.
You created this test?
This looks familiar...
This looks familiar...

Lenin Compres created the original test that was posted here a while ago. He mentioned in a blog entry recently that that test was just a rough sketch, and that this is a revamped version.
Lenin Compres created the original test that was posted here a while ago. He mentioned in a blog entry recently that that test was just a rough sketch, and that this is a revamped version.

Ah, I see. Thanks for clarifying.

Enjoyed taking it, ended up Spiritual: INFJ
Daily: ISFJ
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Thanks so much guys, it is very exciting to see your participation :) I am more than welcome to also receive observations of any kind
This was fun. Seems pretty well made so far. I'm impressed! I will browse through the site further.

We get our own result page, too!


I got enfj: Social.

Then cordial, organizational, heroical, ethical...

The best concept to define the focus of this state is openness. It happens when we are physically, rationally and emotionally flexible. We are in this sate when we engage in activities in accordance with our social environment; when we are looking for middle grounds and getting involved, but not looking to be devoted to anything. We focus on outreach and versatility itself. This state has no links for reclusion.
By definition, this is the state of alertness, inquiry and empathy. It is linked to the Organizational, Heroical, Cordial, Factual, Sensual and Ideational.
Its main characteristic is sensing the surroundings for ideas, pondering about emotions, and being inspired by present events. This defines our ability to fully connect with the moment, on a sensorial, conceptual and emotional level. But it also makes us susceptible to it.

For "daily" I got es-j.

I'm just disappointed that I didn't wind up getting a pretty colour. :( Mine was grey!

That is pretty awesome, [MENTION=3998]niffer[/MENTION]! It's all shiny and colorful. :}

Result: eNT-
Daily: eNTp
Colors: i--j (I just selected the max for all the colors 'cause I think all colors are spiffy)

The best concept to define the focus of this state is ingenuity. It happens when we are physically relaxed, but rationally tense and emotionally flexible. We are in this state when we organize thoughts, imagination and ideas. We are attentive to rational structures while thinking of ways to make them new, different, nicer or intriguing. We enjoy playing with the script, plan or system for the sake of novelty and surprise.

By definition, this is the state of abstraction, order and empathy. When opening (socially), it links to the Organizational or Ideational. When internalizing (individually), it links to the Logical and Philosophical, and indirectly to the Inspirational and Entrepreneurial.
Its main characteristic is regulating our inspiration, or empathizing with the logic behind things, all while avoiding physical engagement. This defines our ability to structure or construct things that come just from our imagination, or trying to share or grasp them empathetically with others.


Interesting results, maybe I should look more into ENTPs. The part about avoiding physical engagement isn't quite accurate, but oh well.

One thing, though, [MENTION=5157]Lenin Compres[/MENTION]:

In part 3 of 4, you wrote "Ingage in physical activities" instead of "Engage." Cool test, kudos to you for polishing it up. : )

I do think you have some ENTP-ish qualities to you. :)

There are lots of typos on that site like that lol. I'm thinking the creator's first language is not English.

And I declare that all personality tests made from now on should include shinys and moving pictures!
Result: INFP
Daily: IN-J
Favourite Colour: ISFP

Sensual State
The best concept to define the focus of this state is taste. It is the state of appreciation of aesthetics and art. It represents a psyche that is rationally relaxed, but emotionally tense and physically flexible. We are in this state when looking to rejoice in the moment, or looking to recreate memorable physical experiences. We are focused on our values and attentive to appreciate them in our surroundings. We have a clear idea of our likes and dislikes, and do not question our feelings.

By definition, this is the state of sensation, instinction and valuation. Its main characteristic is sensing the surroundings for emotional appreciation, or valuing tangible things, all while avoiding rational stress. This defines our ability to be exalted or repulsed by what is being presented to our senses, and not be concerned or restrained by norms or rationale.

Archetype: Designers

Stylists, Curators… People who have a strong tendency to this state focus on their feelings and environment. Their attention goes towards physical harmony and pleasure. For them, being graceful and tasteful is more pressing than being logical or industrious. However, their focus is not just physical beauty, but artistic, ethical, social, technical and sentimental as well; and, in this sense they are arduously laborious. They tend to have a strong sense of family, communion and community, but to be selective with their groups. They are fans of celebrations and ceremonies, harmonizing and rejoicing. They can be entertained by drama, but focus on achieving emotional stability. They are welcoming to change and strangers, but may struggle to reshape things according to their values. They have many natural talents and great appreciation for art, music, food, fashion, etc.