2012: Solar storms


Alright, I don't want to be the crazy guy sitting with a shotgun in the dark corner with the doors locked, but:

Are any of you guys worried about 2012? I've read quite a few pages on the sunstorm of 1859, and even NASA tells us this will happen again. And it will probably happen soon, we just don't know how soon. Add the Maya calendar ending it's cyclus on the 22nd of December, and you have one INFJ with existential worries.

1859. We weren't all that dependent on electricity, but when the solar storm hit, telegraphs were run without batteries. They just ran on the current floating through the air. Electric generators just melted down. Even the compasses were left spinning wildly, due to the magnetic fields thrown around us.

NASA have stated that the upcoming storm could be even worse. Probably rather in consequences than in strength. Just imagine satellites, cellphones, trains, cars, computers, omg the Internet(!) and least not the hospitals and police radio. We could be looking at some serious stuff here.

I'm not saying you should all go out and stack canned food and bullets, but what would you do to prepare yourself?

I would:

1. Learn CPR.
2. Get a fishing pole with a lot of extra stuff.
3. Buy multi-vitamin pills.
4. Get a few boxes of candles and matches.
5. Propane burner.
6. Allright, I'd get a few boxes of canned meat.
7. Allright, I'd get a gun and learn how to hunt. And allright, a few bullets.
..if that were the case; I think what I would do is recognizing where will life changed. Probably learning self sufficiency; lack of computers, car, etc, won't mean an end of human life (unlike, say, ZOMBIES). However; there will be a high possibility of a lot of things being scarce; canned food. Medicine. Bottled water. So probably I should stock them.

The rest? farming, mostly. Fishing will be almost impossible. Biking and swimming.

And maybe how to spend my time in a world without electricity.
The Mayan Calendar ends b/c how on earth can people create a calendar that goes on forever? That would one seriously big tablet. If there is any hidden meaning, I would be more inclined to believe that when it ends ... what to come next is a new era. I think the mothership will return to collect [MENTION=1798]Feelings[/MENTION]. :D
Agree on the farming part. But why would fishing be almost impossible?

..if that were the case; I think what I would do is recognizing where will life changed. Probably learning self sufficiency; lack of computers, car, etc, won't mean an end of human life (unlike, say, ZOMBIES). However; there will be a high possibility of a lot of things being scarce; canned food. Medicine. Bottled water. So probably I should stock them.

The rest? farming, mostly. Fishing will be almost impossible. Biking and swimming.

And maybe how to spend my time in a world without electricity.
The best bet would be to move to some area that is so low-tech and where farming is so primitive, that people are already established in local self-sufficiency - and would be completely unaffected by technological collapse.

All you need to stock up on are local languages and something you can trade: either skills, or portable valuables.
Agree on the farming part. But why would fishing be almost impossible?
In my place; not likely to happen.

Besides; fishermen wouldn't extinct; I would reckon they will flourish.
Why stock up? In the chaos I'd just take what I needed if it got that bad.
I'd learn and practice permaculture and how to build cob houses. Like a Hobbit. Also how to hunt.And settle someplace remote.
Move to Utah. You'll either be praying to God every single day that some major event wipes out all of your fellow neighbors or, you'll realize that if you want to prepare for an apocalypse, it's good to live near Mormons :)
Think of it also as a test of Capitalism. If power companies want to stay in business, they'll be quick to fix their equipment. No power = no $$$
i have no idea why everyone is so freaked about this.
i didn't understand the big deal when the year changed to 2000 either.
in fact, if there is something catastrophic in our future i just as soon not know.
People who post on the internet that they are hoarding surplus will be my first target.

What sort of things do you like most?
I hope you won't be too terribly upset with me when you find out that I wasn't hoarding at all. I was just lonely and wanted some company.
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prepare to be turned inside out

know Truth

canned food and guns will be useless in the new life
I will do nothing. If it's the end of the world, so be it, I have no regret.
Why are everybody talking about the world ending? I was merely asking what you would do if we lose all electricity, and how you would prepare for it. I'm pretty sure everybody are fully capable of understanding that there's no reason the prepare for the end of the world.
Why are everybody talking about the world ending? I was merely asking what you would do if we lose all electricity, and how you would prepare for it. I'm pretty sure everybody are fully capable of understanding that there's no reason the prepare for the end of the world.

World wont end unless the sun goes nova... some are saying this could happen, but I think not.

we are passing through a dense interstellar cloud called 'fluffy'

so we can guess that the sun will react (solar ejections) as it passes through this dense magnetic field

electricity could go out from solar flares, yes

it'd come back online though, soon enough presumably...

but there is always chance of a pole shift triggered by one of these big solar storms
and then there are earthquakes and volcanoes and tsunamis to consider