
  1. Anomaly

    Jar of Fears

    Let's talk about fear. I'm curious if there will be any similarities amongst those here. If you were to fill in each of these jars with a particular amount based on your fears, what would your jars of fear look like? Here's a blank to fill out using whatever application you have on hand. I'll...
  2. S

    My Greatest Fear: Love

    Hello to all. tbh this is just going to be a bit of a vent: a thought dump if you will. Basically, the greatest fear that I have identified thus far is my fear of love. I am afraid of being in a romantic relationship more than probably anything. Being a bit of a psychology nerd I find this fact...
  3. Fallible

    I need help breaking down the wall surrounding my soul

    It has been almost a year since I started living alone in my own apartment after having lived with my parents since I was born. I recently turned 22, working a full time job that I don’t like. The plan was to spend all of my free time working on my passion and eventually get a job in that field...