emotional support

  1. Angelica Jesslan

    Ada orang Indonesiakah disini? (in Bahasa only)

    Hai, aku cuma pengen tau aja berapa banyak sih orang Indonesia disini yang personality nya INFJ? hehehe Seperti tipikal INFJ pada umumnya, aku juga ngerasa ga fit-in sama kebanyakan orang disekitarku. Tapi forum ini jujur aja bikin aku ngerasa kalo aku ga sendirian lagi, malah aku ngerasa...
  2. INFJok


    For the past few years or shootings, there have been a certain "type" of people responsible. With the Columbine shooting, the shooting at the Batman midnight premiere AND the recent shooting by a man and his wife killing 2 cops and a pedestrian, ALL HAVE BEEN MALES. SADLY...ALL ESTPs...