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  • Hey! how are you? I am a mod over at INTJ now, still okay for me to come here right? I feel like this is coming to a friend's home :)
    No matter how cool you think you are, you're still cooler. soon grasshopper...
    I've never head it thanks for posting that piece it is lovely.
    Hey, thanks for the super chill compliment! Yes, it is much harder to make that same connection irl. It really feels like a mind of matter thing though. Sometimes I won't always be in the brightest mood, or neither will others at the time, and it just makes connections that much harder. I'll never forget what I did two weeks into my job though. :D I felt like my best and I came into work and shouted "HEEEYYYY" I never felt like doing it again... it was just that particular day. Now, every time I come into work, this older lady will always give me a big greeting. People always assume quiet ones don't need attention, but everyone needs attention!

    The subway though? Yeah, you probably don't want any attention there. I work at a retirement home, so you get to be a little more 'homely' with the small group of people you get to know and work with. Have any great experiences in NYC? I imagine there be a lot of unique experiences compared to where I live. I live in Sarasota, Florida.
    A marvelous invitation from a truly reputable fellow! Alas good sir, I work this night and the next. I start a new job on Monday that will usher me out of the graveyard world. Perhaps later in the week or next weekend? Fear not, I am not blowing you off...I wouldn't have responded if that were my goal. In the mean time, rest well and dream of large women.
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