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    Another friend on the INFJ forum.
    What a wonderful day.
    I won't derail that thread any longer, but:
    No, not quite.
    Haha yeah, pop out might be a better term. Although, I'm having a lot of fun playing "Gee" on the guitar in a jazzier style.

    PS, thanks for the rep
    Let me know if you've got any more music recommendations! I can't really go around asking people if they like kpop...
    Alright...but let me know if they don't. >:3

    p.s. Your body is smart if it rejects foods with alot of fat.
    Oh. Whoever is living with you better take good care of you when you get sick. >:O
    Malerone- has no bad side effects except for back soreness, but it is super expensive and insurance wouldn't pay for it.

    Those are the three options for anti-malarials if you ever visit a country where you'll need one.

    Doxycycline: anti-biotic anti-malarial that kills just about anything that goes in your body that would cause infection, but it reduces your resistance to sunlight like 95% and can cause a bad skin rash and I think mess with your stomach. Another guy in my program had the skin rash happen and so he choose to go off of it and risk malaria instead (bad rash). They encouraged me to go off of it too, but I didn't want to risk malaria.

    Larium- anti-malarial that makes you have weird dreams and is otherwise fine except that it can really horribly mess with a person's mind. It is the drug recommended by the peace corps. They say don't take it if you have been depressed at all (especially bipolar), and that is why I didn't do it. I'm not sure how bad it would have been if I had, but it could have been disastrous.
    I've been up to a lot. Mostly trying to figure things out in my life, you know, dealing with your demons and cutting and connecting with people that matter/don't matter. I'm glad you're ok, just a weeks ago you were on a break from this forums, it's good to see you're back.
    Ah I believe so, you have a good memory mochi. It can be fun to be part of a big family but it can also suck. My sisters were going to highschool when I was a little kid so I didn't really connect with them. With my brothers that's a different story. We used to do some pretty crazy things like play baseball with a can of hairspray (I once broke a window xD) or make clay pots out of dirt, yup those were fun mischievous days. Your uncle's name is Pablo? I like him already. :D

    sure go ahead =)
    I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters. From oldest to youngest: Erika, Adriana, Jaime, CAptain Pablo, Marcos, Andres and the little dude Felipe. :D

    p.s. I know some people here are VERY private so don't feel forced to tell me their names just because I listed mine.
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