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  • Respectfully sir, I'm going to have to disagree :becky: I'm gonna try at least
    Goood now we have attained a new level of friendship. This is a great day srsly.
    Finally we are unbound from social protocol and we are attuned with that which truly matters in life (lol presumptuous much)
    I was going to reply~ but then I realized I wasn't interested in that subject anymore. Is that bad? Is it bad? I mean, something inside of me is only replying because replying is the nice thing to do~ But something else is telling me I would just as well run awaaaaay and leave it all without a care in the world. But then again, ~ LET'S SEE.

    Let's just sign a contract. You will be totally cool with me even though I don't follow social protocol to the letter, you'll only act when you feel like it (I don't want to force anyone to do things they don't want to do, srsly) IN EXCHANGE~ I do the same with you. Except I do what I want to do. Wait, uhm Yea. If you want to make some amendments to this contract then you have to say so. If not just sign here.


    My signature will go here


    It's so pretty isn't it?
    Is is strange if other people only start thinking about deeper meaning, values, purpose, etc. exclusively when they're depressed? I mean, I had this really interesting conversation with people I never expected... Only because they were depressed and in need of certain answers and inner harmony. I mean really now, that's just hmpf.
    nope, its INFj. I can copy and paste all the parts i agree with. I am not an ENTP, and I find it laughable almost. Not in a jeering "neener neener" way, but only because I'm so.... "not that." Also many more people think I'm INFJ, in fact you're the only one who thinks I'm entp.
    You're right, though, I get like that when I'm passionate about a belief, and it is usually divisive and alienating. I need to continue to work on that.
    i ahave to go work, so I'm "warning you" that I did only SKIM through the links, I'll read in detail when I get home but. Honestly the ENFj description did fit me a tad better than the INFj description. I am naive when it comes to socionics, so I'm not quite sure how this works but... Why does INFj essentially have Fi as dom?
    I skim the links people post in general. I don't have time to read through everything.

    But I did read the one you sent me, but frankly I don't really know how socionics works in the first place so I'm not that interested in it. I always thought everything was inverted in socionics. Like an ENTP is an ENTJ or something. Again, I don't really know. I've not yet read the newer links you've posted, but I'll go ahead and read those now.

    I think the thing is, if you were to post a link of what Ne was, I would say "omg thats me!" However, if you were to post a link of Ni AND Ne, Ni would fit way better than Ne. Like, when I thought I was Ne dom I was really just connecting with Nx, not so much the Ne. I honestly don't see things as they could be, in the way an Ne would. I can't really explain this in direct terms, so I guess I'll go read the links.
    So I was read that link, and honestly not I kid you not the functions described I fit the most was the ENTP's Ni.

    errr, the exact part I felt so insync with "YES THATS ME" was "7. Introverted Intuition
    While the ILE may seem entirely spontaneous to the observer, he will often plan extensively for the fallout of his ideas in order to rally the support of others and guide it towards actualization. As a by-product, most ILEs will view lectures about foresight and planning as irritating and unnecessary. There is no need to go over that which he has already considered, in the privacy of his own mind."
    I was watching Wishbone, and I realized what *isn't me* about Ne. I don't like discussing my ideas whatsoever. Artsu said "you know we never discuss any deep shit' I don't feel comfortable dicussing it until I've reached the way I want it to be. But then I face a dilemma, do I share it with people? I really don't like to because I've garnered all that I can from it, but I still want to move on.

    I used to think I saw Ne in myself ,but really I just saw "Nx". I also tend to bluff that I have Ne, because Ne is a more societally appropriate function. People think Ni is a douchebag function, while Ne is a witty humerous ingenious function.

    I've also noticed people with Ne like to draw, people Ni either don't, or don't like it that much, or its hard for them to do. This is a serious observation, and I do think it holds some merit.
    But see thats not me. First off, I rarely voice anything. Thats not me really at all. The possibilities aren't jusst "hanging there" waiting to be connected, and /or already connected. If this makes any sense, I use my Ni Fe to mimik Ne Ti. Ne is definitely not me. Hell, niether is Si in my top four, even if I am an S, i'm an SP. Se/Ni are definites.

    I also saw you write that I put the group as an afterthought. While this may appear so by the way I interact on the forums, when it comes to the actual me I'm definitely always put the group. Unless the group is just being retarded THEN I may go my own way. because their idiots.

    Sometimes I feel you read way to much into what I say/write, other times it doesn't look like you read into it at all.
    Thats what so funny about all of this, is I see myself in ALL of your posts. Like all of them. But no, I'm not an extravert whatsoever. I saw when you talked to Artsu on why I may be an extravert. Now I'm not going to say those are your only reasons, I'm sure you're bringing in other factors that you're just not sharing. But.. I'm not an E. I did think I was for a while, in face before you joined I actually thought I was an ENFP for a month, and an ENTP for a few weeks. I think the problem we're running into here is that my posts on this forum aren't necessarily sincere. Aka, I tend to give tons and tons of reps on this forum, and I'm a very "encouraging" personality. I'm not saying this has anything to dow ith MBTI whatsoever, it probably doesn't, but its because I'm working on being a warmer person IRL. IRL i'm a very stone cold also like INTJ type personality. SO I'm practicing on here. Kind of. I also notice that humans need a lot of recognition and affirmation.

    But here's where we run into a problem. I AM an F. and I DO have Fe. So I have to be XXFJ. Now if you want to debate whether thats dom or aux Fe go ahead. But frankly I think its kind of obvious its not a dom F. I really am nice to people only as much as to feed my N. Now perhaps this may be why you think I'm Ti-Fe. But again, I'm not an E, and not a P.

    I do find it hilarious how you're an obvious INFJ. So it Artsu. Yet you don't see INFJ in me at all. hurrumph.
    it was a joke. hardee har har. I'm totally not an entp though. I know that won't convince you, but thats cool beans.
    People of the same type are the most compatible in one direction because all objects have the same energy relationship to both, meaning they are able to line up the best. People of complementary type are most compatible in the other direction because there is optimal energy flow between them.
    Other types will tend to relate to one another through specific media, which happen to be high in energisation for each respective function.
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