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  • Don't need to thank me :P
    You're a wonderful bestie, and I hope we can always keep that friendship [=

    Always sending love and best wishes your way <3 Love ya
    yeah that's always fun -_-

    you'll be fine though, you'll find something :) Good luck!
    y'all gonna turn into a pile of mush -_-

    (just dropping by to say i'm drinking a monster :) )
    Click on the smiley above the text editor next to the B I U and font editing buttons
    :m170: i see you've assimilated enders's habit of adding s's to nouns and the end of sentences :)
    Afternoons squinty ~.~
    I have been up :3 I've had important things to drinking excessive amounts of caffeine and workout out <<
    Well at least its going >w< please don't ask me to critique it ~~

    You like it though (at times), and at least it will come in handy :3 must have been off tumblr for at least a minute, color me impressed ;]
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