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  • Not a problem…been kind of busy here myself with this stupid detox I’m on….felt like shit for a good week and a half. This is probably the first day that I don’t feel horrible.
    Don’t worry about the PM…it’s all good…I’ve been there too man…I know what it feels like as well.
    Glad you are doing okay…thank you for your help I appreciate and so does you know who.
    I will absolutely survive this bullshit going on right now…it’s just my path right now…no sense in fighting against it.
    How about you?
    This is about as much as I know about him…seems like some great stuff…he’s made some pretty far out claims it seems…so I’d like to learn more about him if you had a good video, please post it!
    @rep. Hey, it would be nice to hear your thoughts about it. :) It's very confusing.
    all books by steven forrect, jan spiller, donna cunningham, the idiots guide and the dummies series are good for beginners as well.

    also check out

    there are also a lot of inexpensive online courses that are pretty decent. they actually teach you the methods to read your own chart.
    Yea i used to check out cafeastrology when i first started. But the info is kind of generic. The same thing with astro but it is still good way to learn when you first start. The online foum community at is also a good place to ask questions about specific aspects of astrology.
    hey...check out some good info there on the current astro trends :)

    have you checked out yet? also great place to get your charts for free. lot of cool info on there as well.
    Yeah that sort of stuff

    I believe people should be free to do what they want to do as long as they aren't hurting others....but sometimes it seems that thelemites don't put that second part in....sometimes their rule seems to be: i can do whatever i want

    My issue with crowley is that he pretty much did do what he wanted leaving a trail of destruction in his wake and i don't just mean broken hearts or noses put out of joint, i mean people died, went mad, got injured and all sorts of chaotic stuff and like i said he tried to spark war between germany and the US!

    Chaos seems to follow people from the OTO

    By alpha male i mean if you imagine nature for example a wolf pack as a group of animals who create heirarchy through violence and intimidation thelemites often seem to have that same kind of mentality...they all want to be top dog like crowley
    Hi Broken Daniel

    Yeah thelema was the religion that crowley created; he claims the foundational book for the religion, The Book of The Law, was 'revealed' to him by an angel named 'Aiwass' who whispered the words over crowleys shoulder whilst he was in Egypt

    It's my personal opinion that the story is bunkum and designed to give a kind of mystical currency to the whole rigmarole

    Crowley was a prolific writer and the book of the law has his hand stamped all over it. Of course some magicians would claim that it came from a realm of crowleys consciousness which gives it a legitimacy as a 'revealed' document

    Thelema claims to be the religion of a new age...the aeon of horus

    Crowley saw this new age being formed out of a turbulent period of great bloodshed (horus is a god of war) and he even tried to stoke tensions between germany and the UK in the US press (he was involved with british intelligence)

    I personally don't like the tone of the book of the law but then i also think that crowley was an agent of the illuminati so i have zero trust in the man. That's not to say that he didn't have a gift for the occult but imo he used it for his own personal aggrandisement and to push his 'law of the strong' which is basically social darwinism

    Crowley was a trickster and he played games with his readers so his work can be a bit of a labyrinth

    If you want to learn about magick a better bet might be Franz Bardon whos books are well regarded or a more contemporary author is Lon Milo Duquette

    Watch out for thelema though because as i say they advocate a law of the strong which manifests as a lot of alpha male posturing! They don't really come from the heart chakra!
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