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  • Aww you where forced, that sucks :/ lol wow.........when would you say you feel the most socially anxious?
    I think it's the same person....maybe.....idk.......well thanks now I'm confused and it's my name lol XD
    Actually, for the most part INFJ's are pretty sociable.......while still being very introverted lol Because of their very Diplomatic nature and their Fe, they are a lot of times, mistaken for extroverts. I think older INFJ's, who have developed their Territory and Inferior functions (Ti and Se), seem very, very sociable. I'm a very good example of an INFJ who hasn't developed all their functions lol jk But yeah, I've always been very quiet, shy, with major social anxiety. I was the girl that never said anything unless she was spoken to, and when I did answer it was either short and to the point or I would just smile and nod haha. But I think now I kinda learned to be more calm/chill in social situations. What's weird is ever since I found out about MBTI and started studying it, I've actually become more calm about socializing. :) I still need my introvert time though, don't get me wrong. I need a minimum of at least 5 and 1/2 hours a day lol
    hahahahahaha lol XD I know right, way to many people lol
    Okay, Real talk: have you, as an INTP ever been to a state fair?
    lol learn something new everyday.........hahahah wait, you tried to write Ms. missjayjay in the other message didn't you? lol
    hhhhmmmmm.......okay based off of most of the INFJ's I've seen online/ in person. At first glance, I would say that they usually have a sad or irritated look on their face lol, they tend to usually look distracted, dazed, lost, or deep in to thought. They usually have a very laid back/calm demeanor as well. Also a lot of people say, their eye's have a lot of depth, most of them have this INFJ death stare lol. I hear people say it's like their staring into your soul.

    I thought this was a funny meme...had to do with the INFJ death stare lol
    lol Okay, I was actually searching for INTP's at the State Fair today lol based off of what you said, I found a few that matched the description you gave me lol hahahahaha
    Haha I think I understand what you mean lol But tell me Mr. Observant Rock how does one spot an INTP? lol
    "ENFPs tell everyone how they feel. INFPs tell nobody how they feel" OH MY GOSH that is soo accurate.........WOW
    pretty much, INFJ's are mistaken for extroverts sometimes, mainly because of that Fe function. hahaha lol what's funny is that I don't know any INTP's in real life . Wish I did :( you guys seem really cool :)
    Yeah, it took me long time to get the hang of it. The separate communities and forums or like the main reason I go on it, I especially like the generation y/z forums.
    lol sorry I wrote you a whole paragraph XD........MY BAD lol

    As a matter of fact, she has!!! lol I always thought that because their both NF's (Diplomats). Me and my ENFP sister actually think the same sometimes, same opinions and thoughts. Another reason I think is because the ENFP is the most extroverted introvert and the INFJ is the most extroverted introvert. She's still really crazy and psycho don't get me wrong lol. when I'm with her in public she seems to kinda bring out my extroverted side. Shes actually pretty shy a timid when it comes to talking to adults or if shes in a place of business. Anyway I think the ENFP/ INFJ kinda balance each other out. Sort like the INTP/INFJ's relationship in a way.
    I feel the INFP/ENFP are more alike then ENFP/INFJ. My mom (INFP) and sister(ENFP) are like the same people lol they kinda go at it at times. I feel it's because my mom see's herself in my sister and she doesn't want her to turn out like her. My mom was kinda dazed and carefree as a child, witch is a lot like my sister.
    What mad you think of that?
    hahahahaahahha......me?.... sociable? lol XD :m146:............I guess I kinda seem that way on the internet lol I have my extroverted moments in real life XD
    I have google+,gmail, youtube, tumblr, I won't name them all cause I have a lot lol that's just what I go on the most. I don't have instagram, twitter, or facebook ( planning on getting a facebook though)
    do you ever go on personality cafe or typology central ..........? I usually go on INTP/ INFJ forums
    OH my gosh that would be sooo weird........then we would be average instead below average lol.......there you go again, thought provoking lol
    NOW, if you'll excuse me, I gonna go re-think my entire life and question my existence lol
    I love tumblr, You can find pretty awesome gifs on there.....what other social media accounts do you have?
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