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  • Yeah, a lot easier. On the internet you can kinda be yourself, which is cool :m159:.................My socially akwardness kinda depends on my mood lol Sometimes im a 3 and other times im a 9, but i guess on a normal day i would be a 6 or 7....... :/ yay internet high five.
    Hahahahaha lol thats so accurate.....same with me......my computer will never leave me lol lol lol........I love people but hate social interaction lol well I guess just small talk........which is pretty much a big contradictory, because you have to get past the small talk, in order to get to know someone.......I like conversations over the internet a lot better ;) I'm sorta socially awkward.......so yeah :m161: lol
    Hahahaha I've been on tumblr so much, they caused my gif game to be pretty strong lol haha thanks, I guess you could say "fascinating" :md: lol..........and wow he does kinda look like him
    Oh yeah I heard, somewhere that intp's are supposedly always w6. I think people stereotype INFJ's as type 4's or w4. hahaha what do you think is the main reason intp's aren't stereotypically "loyal".............and I need to read more on enneagram in general....
    haha lol Oh my gosh dude, your blowing my mind right now I can't deal.....
    Hey I think you accidentally wrote to your visitor messages.......so I didn't get the notification......I do that sometimes lol I saw it because it showed up in my activity :)
    But yeah I don't see why a 9 wing would conflict with a 5 personality. 5w9s, if they exist, would be intellectual people who are also chill and passive.
    I don't know much about Enneagram, but that's what the general consensus is I think. It's odd to me that INTPs often have w6 Enneagrams. 6s are stereotypically 'loyal' to people around them, and INTPs are definitely not stereotypically loyal to people around them lolol. I think I just need to read up a little more on the 6 variant.
    Are are personalities hereditary, or our they conditioned? : 0 You INFJs are mind provoking lol. Wait how is mind-provoking different from though-provoking?
    You know that never really crossed my mind, where people get their personalities, well not until you just mentioned it now lol interesting stuff.
    you INTP's are really thought provoking lol XD
    That would be cool...how would that work though? Someone should do a study on that lol :)..........
    Some people think race has something to do with a persons MBTI type. I don't know if that's the case though lol
    wow, so INFJ's and ESTP's repel eachother? Would not get along as friends? (Too much conflict?)
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