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  • Mhm. I have spoken with you at length, some impression of Radiant Shadow must have formed in your brain. I am curious what it is.
    Utility should not be confined to science, merely checked against it. Truthfully, I view Jung's personality through the same lens as you do the Enneagram. Hopefully Dr. Nardi is able to churn out more neurological research on Jung's theory, however; scientific validation of any personality model would, I believe, fight the wave of standardized behavior that is currently corrupting the mental health industry.

    That description fits - I am fiercely individualistic - but I am still wary of binding a correlation to causation. It is very easy to use post-hoc rationalization to fit one's self into the parameters of a given personality, a label that, at the end of the day, is relevant only for identification purposes. I'm guilty of this at times with Jung's theory. In the past year or so, I have focused more on motivation, achievement, and emotion to understand myself and assist others than personality. I still think the latter is useful as an organization heuristic, but I will not treat it as more at this point. I hope to one day be able to soundly revise this habit, but, well, all in due time.

    Reluctance to share one's thoughts and ideas is normal: criticism is uncomfortable and rejection can be outright painful. Humans crave order and security more than anything else, I think, and threats to their sense of self undermines both. Humor and an awareness of scale - where you are versus where you want to and can be - can make things less dire. I am glad to hear your parenting skills have improved ^.^
    I felt the pain of identity submersion and dispersion in high school, when I first started formal education and was surrounded by what seemed oceans of emotions, behavior patterns, and thoughts. My Fe was so hypersensitive to everyone around me that it was like having many selves simultaneously swirling around in my head, none able to reach a consensus on anything; it was the most foreign and alienating experience of my life at the time. I quickly learned to erect psychological boundaries around myself to prevent the terror of identity dispersion from ever occurring again. Consequently, a stable sense of self, self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation, and emotional moderation ensued. This may be why my Ni is well-developed: it is cerebral, detached from and untouchable by any foreign force. As Ni asserted its supremacy, my Fe was recalibrated to protect from and inspire others instead of inviting them into my head. But I digress.

    I'm not really familiar with the Enneagram system. I recently read an article by one of its founders that essentially stated Enneagram was never meant to become a serious psychometric instrument. After that, I erased what little I had read of it from my mind completely. I think the object of obsession for INJs mostly depends on how their Ni is focused. Although it extracts ideas from multiple contexts and flays them down to their bare, skeletal essence to see if they are universal and worth believing in, the search for truth as an end unto itself can actually come secondary to deciding how to best live one's life, particularly if one acknowledges that mortal apprehensions of truth are asymptotic. That has been my experience, anyway. Shrug.
    I've been reaching out and making contact lately. I shouldn't think I'd be so easy to forget, but... loved ones get wrapped up in their business of living. I tend to put out that nerves of steel vibe and people think I'm riding through hell in an armored tank or something... but I'm not an inpenetrable force. How are you?
    I think the difference for me comes from simply using Fe differently in real-time and in digital space. Among other people, it runs on automatic (passive state): scanning everyone's body language, word choice, diction, and facial expressions to best interact with them. I'm basically on stage as one actor among many trying to fit into the script of the situation or institution we're in. Social customs and individual configurations are constantly absorbed and analyzed to reach a given goal or state. Sometimes I'm even lucky enough to get someone to lower their mental walls and let me help with something. It's not always easy or fluid, unfortunately; sometimes there is simply too much happening at once or my Ni, which has always been very strong, demands I give it attention. On this forum, my Fe steps back from the flesh-form of man and considers him and his mechanics more abstractly (active form), giving Ni more psychological space to play around in. Thus, my articulations are more figurative, spectral, and penetrating because of a larger Ni-loading. This is particularly true for my blog.

    Either expression of Fe is as important and valid as the other, they're simply used for different purposes.
    =) Consider yourself special!

    (I'm actually soft and expressive in person. This is one area of conflict between my forum presence and real-time presence.)
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