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  • I did great. Just glad it is finally over. This semester took a lot of effort...just wasn't feeling it this time around...BUT, I came out on top. That's all that matters. Looking forward to Spring :)
    Ive been sleeping alot lately. And been up weird hours of the night, playing league of legends with my brother for the most part. My holiday season is going pretty well. I'm just waiting for the 21st to pass so I can enjoy life again. Too many people making me hyped up that the 'world might end' or an 'awakening', etc. etc. too much for my schizo anxiety prone brain.
    I got seven Mac-11's, about eight, .38's
    Nine 9's, ten Mac-10's, the shits never end!
    You can't touch my riches,
    Even if you had MC Hammer and them 357 bitches!
    Biggie Smaallllls, the millionaire, the mansion, the yacht
    The two weed spots, the two hot glocks!
    HAH, that's how I got the weed spot
    I shot dread in the head, took the bread and the laaannndspread
    Odd... I thought introverts were allegedly the better listeners. Maybe that's just how it looks on the surface or something.
    I will. I came to the airport an hour early. I'm pacing right now.
    Telling an INTJ than INTPs are the more intelligent of the two is a dangerous road to go down Ms. Subwayrider. A very dangerous road indeed.
    I think INTPs might actually be deeper than INTJs. We need to see tangible results from our ideas, whereas INTPs don't and so can spend far more time exploring a theory. Yes, debates seem to end two ways here. Either they're closed by monitors because some people go to far or they run out of steam after a while. There have been debates on INTJ forum about the proper way of masturbating that have gone on for pages and pages.

    I don't think they're uncommon for any type. No matter your past or personality, odds are you're at least some bit fucked up. I know it might seem that an unhealthy INTJ would take things out on others, because of that Fi, we're more likely to blame ourselves for not living up to our standards.

    I currently reside in Ireland, Cork to be precise.
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