because these jobs are the easiest to get . Job in computer field is hard one because of their criteria. e.g. computer jobs asks for experience,academic career,reference etc and the criteria sucks
Professionally i am a computer engineer but my profession has become my hobby where as i am looking for job in other field like banking or in police service and even as in coast guards.
I know how you feel about almonds, lol. but about a dozen of them are the same as an aspirin as far as pain relief goes. But caffeine also works wonders. Feel better!
I've a read a little of both, not studied them in depth. I have the Walden books collection actually. A nice bound set. Always meant to read them, but never really delved in.
Oh I don't write! lol. For some it just comes natural, for me, I would have to spend a ton of time that I don't have devote to learning and then doing. I'll leave it up to you pros. Hehehee.