Recent content by whales | INFJ Forum

Recent content by whales

  1. whales

    The feelings thread

    Today Descartes told me to reject the senses. I tried to reject them, but I still feel my brain hurting!
  2. whales

    Caption the Picture

    Sister hipsters love to be Forever 21. "Awww yeahhh, it's so great to pass gas and have the stench stay under my dress." "I can't believe she fell for it, Joey! When I'm at her place tonight I'll unlock the backdoor for you and keep the axe on the kitchen island." FOR NARNIA!!!!!!!!
  3. whales

    INFs and jokes.

    I don't think this is much a defining trait for INFJs as much as it is a personal thing. For me, I crack a lot of jokes and get a lot of them, too. Snarky and sarcastic the most. xD But online I don't as much unless it's tumblr, since sarcasm isn't well recepted unless in person.
  4. whales

    Describe your process of forming thoughts to verbalizing them

    OMG This is me practically every time I raise my hand in my philosophy class. Expectations: Meletus is charging Socrates of being an atheist; however, this is false as Socrates clearly states that he does believe in spirits or God, simply not the ones that Athenian society deems as the valid...
  5. whales

    Starting or Using a Journal

    Lately I've been keeping one. At first it was because last fall I started college and wanted to write down my initial reactions to various experiences, but it's sort of evolved into a more personal chronicling of my life. Not so much of "Today I did this and this," but more of writing a new...
  6. whales

    Controlling Your Dreams

    Hmm, I do, but not in the traditional sense. Overall, I control the plot of the dream and the direction it's going, but all the little moments are kept spontaneous and in the control of my subconscious. I tend to oversleep if the dream is interesting me, but it's very easy to wake myself up if...
  7. whales

    High School Horror Stories

    I have a good middle school horror story. lol So in my adolescence I lived a very sheltered life and didn't get out much, so there were some well known pop culture icons that I didn't recognize off the bat. One of my cousins gave me a shirt with a bunny printed on the front, and I loved my...
  8. whales

    INFJ Musicians?

    I've recently gotten back into instruments after a four year hiatus! I'm planning on taking some piano lessons at a community college and leech off the piano lab. lol
  9. whales

    aw, thank you! :)

    aw, thank you! :)
  10. whales

    Connecting with people on Facebook

    I removed all the people from high school I added for the friend count and kept the people I'm actually friends with and want to still keep in touch even though we're going to different colleges. I went from about 170 friends to 50. It was weird. I refuse to add my mother. Refuse.
  11. whales

    A Glimpse into your "self"

    How would you describe yourself in one word or phrase? happy What would you consider to be the most attractive aspect of your personality and why? One guy told me that he liked how ambitious I was. He said this as I stabbed a scalpel into the frog we were dissecting. So I guess my knowing what...
  12. whales

    I saw this cloud

    mr krabbs!