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  • err...in my MSN, you're offline D: I assume you have added me.
    this is getting annoying. Do you have another messenger? I'm probably dling skype quite soon, but I need to buy a mic first. :|
    Done :3 I hope this time it's sent properly. It's the one you wrote in your profile, no?

    the toilet seems like those traditional toilets.
    About the quality, though....Have you ever been to Indonesia? Or China, for that matter? They are...particularly worse than Singapore. FAAAAR FAAAR WORSE. But of course, I'd only seen the public toilets. No idea about the private ones.

    I assume you're going home soon? Yay!
    btw, I'd like to keep talking but I have to go to sleep now (got to go to work tomorrow), sorry >_< I'll reply to you tomorrow.
    good luck on staying there, and I hope you'll feel better soon :)
    What does it look like?
    ...Do they use water?

    That must have been very very annoying.
    I used to camp in one popular camping spot here, and the toilet is....awesome. Think public style toilets, with all its tile the color of dirt and/or disappearing and/or damaged. The color are all murky water, with little to no light. My mind blocked out whether there are.....anything around, but I do remember there are one big beehive inside the toilet. Oh, it also functions as bathroom.

    How is she doing?
    Oh; Singapore. that...must have been a huge difference. (....coming from someone who lived in Jakarta; Singapore is CLEAN. SQUEAKY CLEAN. Sterile, even.)
    Holy, that's an old house. Old old old house. whose house is it?
    Ahh...sensitive nerve; That's related to the sinus, I assume?

    Hang on til the morning, then go somewhere else to spend the time. *pats*
    O_O that sounds awful.. What sort of pills are you taking? For the sinus?
    I assume the hotel is very, very nice. Better than your current place of stay; But now you're stranded over a kampung.
    I'm sorry D: that sounds terribly annoying. Especially the toilet...I guess it's not exactly the cleanest one.
    Though I'm surprised that the kampung you're on is dusty; is it a kampung within a city?
    Where do you live, if I may ask?
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