thirtiesgirl | INFJ Forum


INFJ, sometimes heavy on the I; music geek, occasional hipster geek, sometimes just a geek; pop culture junkie; sub-culture observer; lover of crime dramas, film noir, detective fiction, Victorian lit (particularly books and films about poor young women who must resort to their wits to make their way in the cold, hard world), abstract art, modern art, weird art; black cat lover, animal rescuer, finder of lost things; known to occasionally belt out the odd Dolly Parton or Linda Ronstadt hit in the shower. ...And that's more than enough said for now.

Here's an over-dramatic little poem that often describes my mind-set.

Her mind lives in a quiet room,
A narrow room, and tall,
With pretty lamps to quench the gloom
And mottoes on the wall.

There all the things are waxen neat
And set in decorous lines;
And there are posies, round and sweet,
And little, straightened vines.

Her mind lives tidily, apart
From cold and noise and pain,
And bolts the door against her heart,
Out wailing in the rain.

"Interior," by Dorothy Parker

Hobbies would include reading, writing, working, sleeping, and futzing around on the internet; inasmuch as working could be deemed a hobby. I like morose indie pop music from the '80s and '90s; crime noir; Victorian lit; the style and decor of the 1920s and '30s (which explains my username). I also love the boho-hipster '50s and mod early '60s, and have an appreciation for things with a grim, darker edge. I mean, how are we supposed to recognize the light if we haven't done a little traveling through the dark? I also like boys with guitars, glasses, samplers and too many Stereolab CDs. ...Ach. I've said enough, as usual. You can read the rest of it in some of my other profile entries.
Ach. Too much to write in this small space. I'm sure you can infer some of it by what's written elsewhere in this profile. Mostly, I'm a nice middle-aged white lady. That's the surface. If you want to know more, you'll have to get to know me better. Oh, and I like semi-colons.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
My cats; my smarts; the internet; music I love; tv; my fabulous shoe collection... is that 6?
What would be your epitaph?
And another thing,
Well, I'm kind of already doing what I want to do


I wasn't born of a whistle or milked from a thistle at twilight.
No, I was all horns and thorns, sprung out fully formed,
knock-kneed and upright.

-Joanna Newsom

