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  • yeah, pretty dead here,,,wanna play a word ask a question or sumthin?
    sry to hear about your unhappiness, i believe there does come a time when things don;t hurt anymore without having to lose your humanity. i haven't reached there yet though :p recently i have been thinking about the destructive nature of competition. what are your thoughts on competition between individuals?
    wow. yugioh WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP. wow. that's heavy duty. and so cool for you!!!! i remember having a huge stack of yugioh cards i'd take away from my students, lol. cravings go away in less than 2 minutes...the craving will pass...
    oh i'll make a video, but don't hold your breath!
    wow. i look like an anime boy. :suspicious: j/k if i were into cosplay, it would be over and I would leave a trail of bodies, lol. Although seriously going to Comicon sounds funner and funner these days :)
    I'm learning guitar too :) one day I'm going to start a band and call it 'sensiko haircut' for reals, lol.
    sure, i have a music degree i never use anymore :) but mostly piano and harp. i was a concert harpist once a long time ago... in a faraway land... been playing the piano since i was 6. but ever since i moved from LA i've been writing TONS of music its fucking awesome!!!
    yes, much better thanks. i got some cool new music software to play around with today. i've got a couple songs that i just need to record :D
    That's interesting. I seem to be exactly what Fi described. It's very important for me to know how people really feel on the inside, so I know how to respond. If they are genuinely not interested in me, why should I bother talking about myself? If people want to talk about themselves more, I don't mind it. If that's what they like, then I'll hear them out. It's just that I'm always plotting, thinking of what to say and how to relate; just dropping little pieces of myself here and there.

    About my mood? I sense that people can alter my mood very easily. I think it would be good to reach out to people IRL more. Find people who seem more real. The forum is fine too, but it's a different kind of experience when really interacting. I mean, you can't see my face, so how much of the meaning of this conversation is lost, simply because the full expression isn't being shown?
    ohoho, that's great, isn't it? :) Do you go to tinychat?
    I'm actually surprised you said that. From my standing point; you have this easygoing look and attitude that attracts people. :]
    What do you plan to read?

    Indonesia, btw; the weather's been quite tricky these days.
    cool. Whats Fi mean?

    Yeah this place is like a haven. It's a bit harder to express yourself when you can't know for sure how people perceive your comments. I find it helps to clear your head, settle down, before you get right on the computer. Sometimes I go in silly mode (which is alright if I don't go overboard) but I like the moments when you learn something about you/others when you act more caring

    No I didn't make a new years resolution. I am trying to better myself regardless though. One thing I feel good about is that I am more expressive towards people at work. Now that Im coming out of my shell, I want to reach out to people more. You ever feel hopeless when you havent interacted with anyone for a long time? I got up for work, worked all day, and now I gotta go to bed and do it again tomorrow. It sucks the life out of me, but I try to stay in the right. If I stay caring, it softens my heart a little bit more when I see people love back. I can be really gooey sometimes! :)
    Absolutely sleepy right now lol. Just went back from my workplace (...we opened early, and closed early too. Everyone is TIRED). Obviously planning to sleep, and maybe draw later.
    In general, still within the grip.
    How about you?
    Hmm.. well in a way I'm testing Korg to see if he's capable of responding objectively. The other guy... obviously hopeless.

    I'm winding up for a blog post actually. About what's up with me.
    Hey there! Thanks for asking. I have to say, I feel more expressive since the first time I came to this forum. A lot has happened (emotionally) to me in a short amount of time. I'm maturing is what it is.

    How about yourself now? I watched your intro video. How's that new years resolution going for ya?
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