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  • I'm sorry to hear that :( It still hurts. But I think I may have found an insurance plan I can qualify for. Eeeh I don't like asking for money...
    Take note of how you say "perceived negative situation". That is what the P means in my MBTI type, someone that judges you so quickly based purely on appearances anyhow. A keen prejudice is all I have to offer. There are so many times I wish I was a bit quicker or used better judgement, but maybe the next time around I will be spot on.
    I think I read "The Witches" when I was younger, but I can't remember any of the details now. It's a book that brings out Dahl's darker sense of humor if I'm not mistaken.
    The majority of his books are considered dark humor anyway, no?
    I have this one quote by him written down: "and above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you, because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places."
    Sometimes life can seem to get pretty tedious, but it's a good reminder for me to watch the world with glittering eyes.
    That's very sad, but it's just another example of how suffering can lead an individual to accomplish great things. He was very interested in the history of chocolate which I'm sure played a role in his writing the book as well. He was very imaginative, and often drew upon his own life for inspiration. If you want a laugh, look up the story of his last words. Almost perfect until...
    "Each of the seven deadly sins are represented within the characters of the story."

    I never noticed that before. How interesting! I'll have to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory again with that in mind.
    I always found it interesting how when talking about a certain group of people we don't use the name that they use to identify with. Like Spanish vs Espanol and French vs Francais what is with that? That was what I was trying to illustrate in your depiction.

    I hope my conversation was not too close for comfort, what with you talking about backing up what you say. You seem a bit whipped, is someone pushing you around? I think people online with blogs like the recognition, why else would they be there. They certainly have no claim over what information they put into the public domain.

    I suppose you have quite a few INTP friends? Things seem a bit alien when people connect online almost instantly. I for one am not this suave in most social settings! lol but you would be surprised how much deeply personal information is alluded to in casual conversation, metaphorically, linguistically, circumstantially, counterfactually. Ain't it funny how all those words end in Ally? It is no wonder I am such an introvert what with a figurative gun pointed at my head every time I open my mouth around some emotionally charged facts. :D
    Hey man I like your posts, good references.

    And now I am reading your profile thinking wtf does Pacific Northwest mean? Do you live in Alaska on an igloo a drift in the ocean somewhere in a generally Pacific Northwest direction? It sounds like something a meteorologist might say, pacific northwesterly winds coming to hit Kansas so hide your wife and hide your kids, lock that poor dog Toto up its time to go over the rainbow and beyond. For all I know you might be Canadian. Which posits the question does Mexico have a generalized Pacific Northwest?
    I am doing alright. I am abroad. My grandmother is ill so I took two weeks off to travel and see her.

    Other than that, I am okay. I think I am at a point in my life where I don't know what I want next. When I was younger I had only planned up until this point. Now, I am unsure of what do next with myself. Maybe, I should just enjoy the present.

    How have you been? And Sensiko? Tell her I said hi. :)
    I'm glad it's getting a bit easier at least. I'm doing fine, similarly trying to stay present and calm amidst the internal mind games.
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