Recent content by Scatterbrane | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Scatterbrane

  1. S

    Help Greece?

    So the problem is institutional corruption. What's the proper response to that problem?
  2. S

    Out of sight, out of mind?

    I don't have the maturity to face the parts of the world that don't reach out to me. Not yet. Maybe later. Until then they won't seem real to me because I will have neither experience nor understanding.
  3. S

    My Life for Auir (07-27-10)

    I've not been selected. :m068:
  4. S


    How do people cope with insincerity? Have you ever offended someone because you are under a pretense? Are you easily offended by same?
  5. S

    Low IQ predicts cardiovascular disease

    IQ is correlated with income, and higher income in turn with the ability to afford nutritious food. Cheap food is suspiciously lacking in nutrition per caloric value, at least in the US. Convergent reasoning ability—what IQ attempts to signify—may also be relevant to the tendency and ability to...
  6. S

    [PAX] Supreme Truth?

    Some people seem to think that philosophies such as materialism and determinism are dogmatic belief systems, so to those the answer is yes, the beliefs I ascribe to claim to hold supreme truths.
  7. S

    Keeping up with technology

    Growing up as a wee nerd helps. :m058: If I wasn't already well familiar with the basics, I might suck at keeping up. Sometimes I need to tell myself "goddammit you know these things, toughen up" when I'm being nervous and skittish about adopting new devices or applications.
  8. S

    [PUG] Critical Thinking: What It Is and Why You Have the Right to Do It

    Being shown to be possibly, probably, or absolutely wrong in the opinions that underlie your decisions doesn't feel very nice. To most people. Being wrong is often equated to being defective, which in turn instils shame. Some learn from this process that... the process is painful, so they stop...
  9. S

    Why I wish I was an INTJ and highly admire them.

    Isn't it more general maturity that your are admiring more than any specific trait? Most of the traits that you mention seem to be signs of a fair degree of maturity on the part of the INTJs you know, and if they have any particularly discordant behaviours you're certainly not telling us about...
  10. S

    If you had to choose between...

    You INTXs really like testing the limitations of these options I see :m066: I want to say I'd pick the ability to see 10 minutes into the future because it has by far the most potential to be an informative and overall useful experience, but depending on what the underlying mechanisms of...
  11. S

    Do you own your body after death?

    This is a fairly subjective topic of morality, but most western customs hold that you have post-mortem rights over your remains, even though what you may do with them is fairly restricted. I prefer it that way, seems more conducive to giving people assurances what with death being such an...
  12. S

    The Void

    Anyone played it? I like it, even though sometimes the characters disturb me in a wide variety of ways. Or maybe exactly because they tend to do that...
  13. S

    Si in INFJs

    Well I once thought I saw something happen in a movie which never did. That's about as bad as I've noticed.