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  • I don't know how to produce your sounds. Have to be irl to hear first. You said produce, though: not reproduce.
    You're welcome. That'll be $2.99 plus tax. Thank you for shopping with us and have a nice day!
    At the moment the weekends consist of trying to finish all the work around the us that needs done to be able to sell so I'm glad it's the weekend but only because I will be able to get some stuff done. I hope you have some fun planned for your weekend. Once the house is sold I'm going to have myself some mind-blowing fun times to help make up for all the hard work.
    Have you ever seen onomatopoeias having sex?

    They appear to zoom, zoom, zoom in the boom boom and then wham bam and thank you ma'am.

    Craziest thing I've ever seen!
    Ha! That's awesome! Who gets who's 'puzzle piece of skin'?

    I like this Zelda couples tattoo:

    I appreciate that. Do not be disappointed if they don’t go my way. I have found unfortunately that it takes as much luck as it does effort that have things go your way.
    Limbo – For the longest while I saw my life playing out a certain way. I wanted things I did not have so I created them. A few always eluded me. My current position in life is a surprise to me, something I did not see coming. I use it to remind myself that at least from a human perspective, nothing can ever be truly known. This is both reassuring and a little bit disconcerting. How boring would a life be where you knew both the beginning, the end and everything in between?
    I see you situation a bit like how I started. “What if I do this and this happens? What if I do that and that happens? “ All the while trying to guess at the outcome that you will never know until it actually happens. What will happen though is that if you don’t at least try, we know for sure you will regret it later in life.
    Move forward with no fear. Fear is a creation of the mind nothing more, remember?
    I used to feel responsible for other people's feeling and I also used to react strongly to how people behaved around me and how I perceived they thought of me, to the point that if somebody was in a bad mood around me I figured it had to be because of me.

    I am much better now. I figured out a few things. First, I am not responsible for how people feel. I try to be nice to everybody but if somebody decides they don't like me or they react negatively to something I said or did, it is really mostly about them. Because somebody thinks something about me doesn't make it so. Others are also not responsible for how I feel. If I am hurt it has more to do with me than it does with them. That does not mean that it's ok if people treat me badly, it's the opposite, if I don't overreact I can be a lot more reasonable about explaining what somebody is doing that is bothering me. And it helps to not take things personally that are not meant personally or imagine that somebody is upset because of me when it is probably about something else.
    Thank you. Hope all is well with you and yours. I see the skies and beyond the same way...
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