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Saru Inc
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  • You were so close! But you are totally incorrect. I am hunky early to mid-twentieth century Western actor Clint Walker.
    I hear there is a new one that involves 12 people instead of 3. I will also not be seeing that one.
    To this day I refuse to watch that movie. Just the trailer was enough to disturb me for weeks.
    Anyway, no thank you I do not care to imagine that. Also, I do not use the restroom for I am a lady and that is not something that ladies do.

    I think I would die laughing if I heard that conversation.
    By the way, what does swamptastic mean?
    Lolz. Sorry for messing with the mood. These two guys are just pissing me off right now so I'm hell bent on proving them wrong (even if I make an ass out of myself).

    And now Arsal's in the process of telling me I'm an Fi dom because I said something that was very "Te".
    Gonna answer both of these at once.

    HAHAHAHA. Africa doesn't smell THAT just depends on where you are to be honest.
    I spent the 5-6 hour bus ride last night debating INFJ vs. ENFJ and ENFJis winning.
    My Fe definitely overshadows my Ni, but they definitely work together to make things happen.

    And it's okay if you can't afford long distance. (but I just buy phone cards for matters like that)


    I've had some great fun here, and even got a beyond epic weave, but I'm ready to come home : )

    I'll be home Sunday morning, so math tutoring can certainly be arranged.
    Sorry, Saru. Would you like me to delete that? I thought the writing was hilarious but if you want me to take it down I will.
    Hmm, Yeah, it seems like it would be that way but I'm not sure if it is. I mean, Fi has to do with making decisions while 4s just kind of wallow in emotional and intuitive though. I could be a 5w4 but I think the 4w5 description fits me almost exactly. And I say that knowing that people sometimes see what they want to see but I felt pretty sure of it.
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