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Saru Inc
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  • If you're down, you should bring up the whole, people are a product of their circumstances point he argued me tooth and nail over. :laugh:

    This is him:

    I don't expect every person who has different experiences, different development, different biological predispositions, etc. to meet some golden expectation of how human beings should behave. I'm realistic. If I have someone who was abused as a child and they turned to drugs, I recognize that is how they have coped, and only after I have educated them on alternative coping strategies and seen to it that they have received therapy for their abuse, do I begin to hold them accountable for choosing drugs. I won't hold them accountable if they are unaware of other ways to cope. The same goes for any crime. I hold them accountable within their own individual context of circumstances. I would be a huge walking asshole if I didn't.

    Actually, there's a lot you could use against him, lol!
    Are you in a Ni-Ti loop?

    I've noticed...

    I can't sleep, I read through my Anatomy/Physiology Syllabus and I am scared/anxious
    I figured as much, but had no clue to what extent >>sheezus<<
    The funny thing about it was that I wasn't even trying to step to him in the beginning, just trying to clarify....
    Oh wells... I guess I'm just in one of those moods today :rant:
    I know how you like your craigslist items.
    This:"[Don Rickles] reminds me of a truck stop urinal cake inside of a trashcan with a hole in it that has toxic waste seeping in on a trash barge in malaysia."Also, don't die. I'll come for you in a jetson's style hover craft.
    if you're not interested just tell him you thought you were looking for more, but you realise what you really need in your life right now is friendship.. he'll get over it
    the only other thing i could think of was to put up a purely "looking for friendship" profile, meet up with people on a non-date basis, then cautiously see where it goes from there - rather than starting off right from the beginning with all the relationship and sex expectations, which you or they might not want to go through with.
    online gay dating pretty much sucks imho. every guy i ever contacted was not really that into me. every guy who ever contacted me, i was not really that into him. heaps of people who i met lied about various things. might as well just go to a gay bar and smile at guys i think are cute.
    well, if you're not that into him, i guess you'll meet someone else, or maybe it doesn't bother you that you're not that into him.
    what's he like? have you guys met offline yet?

    no, it's not that, i'm not really into scat. the only reason i don't live in america is because i live in australia. if i did live in america, then i would live there. plus you american boys are too hot for me, i can't take the heat for more than 2 minutes in the sack.
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