Recent content by RyuTech | INFJ Forum

Recent content by RyuTech

  1. RyuTech

    [INFP] ADHD and INFP

    I got Bupropion but not for the ADHD but for the depression going along with it. Its adding Dopamin and Noradrenalin to the brain. I did not notice any changes though im still nowhere near able to take part in everyday life again not to mention working. The symptoms shown in ADHD descriptions...
  2. RyuTech

    [INFP] ADHD and INFP

    I was with my psychologist for the first time some weeks ago and was told i would suffer from adult adhd. When i was reading up on the topic i noticed many things marked as problems caused by adhd that are similar to the infp personality itself. Im still trying to dig deeper to see if i really...
  3. RyuTech

    What game are you currently playing?

    Too much "Rust" these days. Brainless beeing hostile against others shooting them on sight as they try to survive and get everything you worked for. Its as harsh as reallife just that i can switch servers.
  4. RyuTech

    Book Suggestions

    I enjoy books about either Society/Future, about Fantasy or Psychology. Thats pretty wide though. And of course this thread is not to make recommendations for me :D but to share your favorite pieces and explain why you like them.
  5. RyuTech

    Book Suggestions

    I just wanted to mention that the title of the book is different in english. It is called "Down and out in the magic kingdom" and its possible to read it online for free as the author published them without aiming for money. <- You can download or watch...
  6. RyuTech

    Can you read personalities just by looks?

    We dont "jugde" the book by its cover but we are able to turn the book around to its back and get a grasp of what is in there (if you can read it).
  7. RyuTech

    How much water and liquids do you drink a day?

    Just adding mine in here :) u drink mostly 1-1.5 litres a day. Thats definitely not enough and i know that but i always forget i need to drink i guess. I only drink when im thirsty or my throat feels too dry.
  8. RyuTech

    Attraction to intense, passionate partners

    We are talking about emotionally passionate here right? With intense expressions like a deep turbulent sea of feelings. I share beeing attracted to these kind of feelings which is also my reason for the "are you easy to seduce" thread. The more intense a person and the more emotions flooding...
  9. RyuTech

    Materialism as a cult

    I dont see any guilt in this situations. Of course the documentary stated that those at the top control everything etc and they are evil. But in the end they were just formed that way too. Finding the root of the problem would take years of detailed analization and wouldnt help anyone. We have...
  10. RyuTech

    [INFP] Please find my inner self!

    Ive just redid the Personality Test and this time it was way more clear that its INFP. I wonder if i became more confident in who i am and settled or if I push myself further into beeing one?
  11. RyuTech

    Materialism as a cult

    Right and thats exactly what was replaced by money and things. You get told to get new things making you feel good instead of caring for yourself instead. People started sacrificing their needs and their individuality to function well which is needed to get those things that ultimately dont...
  12. RyuTech

    Materialism as a cult

    Working alone together is still better than working alone for yourself (those fat cats at the top) or working for someone else without realizing (those hard workers caught in materialism). Working alone together is actually what we should aim for to keep our individuality while maintaining a...
  13. RyuTech

    Materialism as a cult

    After some thinking about it as sick and immorale as he was (i wont say his name though its bad history of our country) there was one thing i still remember what he tried to achieve. He used to say he wants the country to be self-sufficient. I think thats actually the right goal but we have to...
  14. RyuTech

    Materialism as a cult

    Couldnt have said it in a better way ! Thank you <3 Love your thinking :D
  15. RyuTech

    Let me find you music to express yourself

    Im sorry :fearscream: I did not know that! I just googled it a bit and will listen to it some more to get a feeling for it :3