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  • Thinks. I toyed with the idea of making it my profile picture/avatar, but did not. :p

    Glad to have brought happiness to you.
    And Biology NEVER gets old; it's always changing, there is always something new to learn. In fact, when i was in Cell Biology, we were discussing the types of stem cells in a Lecture, and a new type had been discovered hot off the press the day before. General Biology was VERY easy, and my professor was a 50 something year old man, who had dance in his step and wore tight jeans and flamenco shirts lol. My Evolution Professor was the Spitting image of Bird (from the forum) and was one of the few Professors that could keep me awake at 8 AM. My Ecology Professor wore Crocs, a flower skirt, and a T-shirt to class every lecture and was one of the few Professors that could put me to sleep at 11Am XD. Let's just say that this major is not necessarily for the lazy, but things are pretty interesting.
    Computers and I aren't exactly mates either, but I can live with that.
    Good luck on your quiz, should be very easy : D
    Is this for the course or the AP exam? If for the latter, my teacher was the same way; We had one 2, 3 threes, 15 fours, and 4 Fives. (something along those lines)

    I was lucky not to have my own computer senior year, or I would've NEVER gotten anything done. I still had things to distract me though o_O
    I often use songs and rhymes to remember things, especially in Government and A.P Bio.

    Studying Biology seems like a lot of memorization on the surface, but in reality, the more you apply the information, the better you will understand it in a sense that memorization isn't that necessary. There are going to be topics that endlessly fascinate you and others that threaten to put you to sleep in an 8AM lecture.
    Oh! I didn't know you had messaged me. (you messaged me on your own page, but that's ok...It has happened to me before).

    Yep! It's the Med School version of the SAT. Lawyers take LSAT, Business Majors take GMAT to name some examples.
    I'm honestly not looking forward to taking it, but it must be done. At least I have until the summer to prepare.

    my gpa is the same, though it was 3.4 at it's lowest...I am a victim of procrastination as well. It's like the old joke, "I'm majoring in Procrastination with a minor in facebook" (This forum would be my minor, though)

    Thank you for your encouragement : ) I am positive as well.
    As for Calculus, you are probably in review-mode, I presume?
    Googling MCAT (Medical Capabilities Assessment Test?), I assume it's a college-level standardized test? I personally find volunteer work fulfilling - nothing is more rewarding than getting one's hands dirty in the 'real world' to help a cause, imo - but stumble on GPA (mine currently fluctuates between 3.6 and 4.0 -.-) due to procrastination.

    I'd have liked your Calc teacher, I think :) I was looking forward to actually learning and working today instead of dilly-dallying.
    Volunteered at a homeless shelter ran by older ladies and had a blast! I wish you luck in your efforts - I'm positive you can succeed
    I still have about a week; I start on the 29th. First days are usually that way, if teachers actually go over the syllabus. We can read, can't we? : ) (My Calc teacher and high school passed out our syllabus and, without skipping a beat, told us that we are seniors that can read, so put the darn syllabus away so we could get started. I liked her immediately)

    You would first off ,need to have at least a 3.5-3.7 G.P.A. Secondly you would need to score high on the MCAT (Think mid 30s at least). Third, you would need to get involved with extra-curricular activities within the university and have at least 150 hours of volunteer work in a hospital or other medical facility. And yes, it is very very competitive, and you will have to work hard for it. I don't mind your questions lol : )

    I have been recently been applying to volunteer at places. One of them is a place for older adults, and I would love to be able to volunteer there. Older people have a such a spunk about them that I like.
    Pretty much, haha. I'm not sure what I want to specialize in yet. Possibly pediatrics?
    I will ponder this more when I do my rotations in Medical school. So for now, An M.D (Medical Doctor ) is the direction that my path is leading me.

    I can relate, though people either think that I am 16 or 24, depending on my company.
    I also relate much better to those who are older than me than those of my age group.
    I am on track to going to medical school, but whether or not that is for you is up to you of course. I'm still not 100% sure that I want to go on this path.
    My back-up plan is to teach chemistry or biology to middle or high school students. Life is very beautiful : )

    To be honest, I was surprised that you weren't already in college. You come off more as my age.
    I'm glad that you haven't been completely lonely.
    In that arena, I consider getting an A consistently, outstanding. Ironically, Trig Identities was my best section; Go figure lol.

    Molecular/Cell bio is interesting, but Ecology has definitely been the most interesting of my bio classes so far.

    Ouch! 34 times. That is just..ehhhch. It must get lonesome, I imagine.
    At least you can maintain a permanent residence in college...
    You aced Pre-Calculus? You should be fine then! Though in actuality, it's not the Calculus part that kills people, but the Algebra involved in simplifying/manipulating your answer. It can get really nasty, but that is another Visitor message lol. I started out a a Biochemistry major, but after taking Organic Chemistry (aka a year of hell on Earth), I decided to change my major to Biology. I think that it will be more worthwhile to do this in the future. As for Extra-Curriculars, just find some that interest you (they look good on applications, as pretentious as that may sound, but you should still do them for the fun of it).

    Why do you relocate so frequently? Military parents?
    You definitely will have time for those in college.

    Calculus is one of those classes where even though you don't score high marks, you realize that you have learned a lot, and not just about calculus either. You will learn life lessons and have some valuable character development as a result of that class. I was never a bright math student either; In fact, I scraped a D in that class, but I got a 4 on the AP Exam, which says a lot. I retook the class in University, got a C+, and took Calc 2 (terrible) and got a A on my second try. Yes! Khanacademy.org is the reason I didn't completely fail XD.

    With government, it's a requirement in our school system, but I guess not in yours. Your counselor is right; you have quite the load lol. I have faith in you though. Are there any extra-curriculars that you are planning to get involved in?
    I listened to her song last night. It really struck a chord in me; reminded me of riding a horse down a well-worn path at sunset,
    The fresh earth being kicked up by it's hooves; red softly melted into brown.
    Thank you for sharing that : )

    And you are very right, it is ultimately us who are responsible for everything that we do, how we feel, how we deal with the good, bad, and ugly.

    I enjoy many types of music; One day I shall compile a list for your entertainment, but my current favourite song is "Someone Like You" by Adele.

    Your schedule sounds very close to mine my senior year: AP Calculus, AP Government, AP English Literature, AP Spanish, AP Biology, and 2 Chorus classes.
    My favourite class of the set was AP Government because there is so much you can learn about yourself when you are debating/listening to others debate.

    As for university, you'll have the chance to explore what you want, to find/realize your calling.
    Life is starting to become more fulfilling for me that it has been in 2 years. I've been slowly opening myself up to new experiences;
    stepping out of my comfort zone to discover a little more about myself. I'm still working on trying to be more social though.

    I also spend a great deal of time in my room; I read, write, look up things on the internet, practice yoga/meditation, work on my singing and piano. I've also been spending a lot of time making goals for where I want my fine to be in the next five-ten years. I begin school next week, as a third year at my university. I am itching to go back, so I am slightly envious of you.

    I partake that you are about to be a senior? What classes are you taking?
    There certainly is; that is what initially drew me here. (well other than Google)

    And thank you for your kind words : ), it took me years to even begin being able to accept compliments, so I can relate to that.
    A sincere thank you works just fine : )

    On another note, how have you been/what have you being up to?
    Yes, I do like to gauge potential attractiveness based on speech and manner online. I'm either dead-right or dead wrong, 90% of the time, it's the former.

    Well, to be honest, it took me a few posts to realize if you were a male or female.
    Either way, you have a beautiful soul in my eyes, from what I can tell, so you were going to be either drop-dead gorgeous or incredibly handsome.
    And I was right.

    I've noticed that if the soul is pleasing to the eye, I needn't care how the body looks; The glow from within transcends the physical being either way.
    I've noticed this a lot in the pictures of other members on the forum as well.
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