Recent content by Peguy | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Peguy

  1. P


    Well then, perhaps you need to educate yourself on it. This should give you some basic background: Now this thread is about Postsecularism, not Darwinism.
  2. P


    Yes that's certainly wonderful and necessary in terms of empirical study. However in concerning issues of ultimate truth, it's a poor substitute for philosophy or even religion - which deals with eternal truths. Do you even know anything about Theistic Evolution?
  3. P


    No - Postsecularism deals more with issues related to sociology. Most Christian demoninations are not "Creationists", but adhere to what is called "Theistic Evolution" which as the name implies is a theistic interpretation of the evolutionary process. Although it may interest you to know...
  4. P

    Thats INFJs for you: either blood-thirsty zealots or strictly neutral observers. :wink:

    Thats INFJs for you: either blood-thirsty zealots or strictly neutral observers. :wink:
  5. P

    Yeah I know. You have to pick your battles.

    Yeah I know. You have to pick your battles.
  6. P

    Yes, it gets draining hearing the same shit over and over again. Im not perfect, but I usually...

    Yes, it gets draining hearing the same shit over and over again. Im not perfect, but I usually try to strive for open and level-headed debate on issues.
  7. P

    Rosetta stone is good. you should also try Pimsleur as well.

    Rosetta stone is good. you should also try Pimsleur as well.
  8. P

    Yeah I know that feeling. only been here a few days and I'm surprised at the kind of discussions...

    Yeah I know that feeling. only been here a few days and I'm surprised at the kind of discussions here.
  9. P

    Oral Sex Definition Banned In US School Dictionaries...

    Pietism was a prevelant religious movement of the time, at least in Europe. America had its own counterparts in the Great Awakening, but these aren't considered "Pietist" per se.
  10. P

    [PUG] Is indoctrination of children abusive?

    Here - knock yourself out: BTW, Pascal's wager isn't about God's existence, not per se.
  11. P

    Oral Sex Definition Banned In US School Dictionaries...

    You're quite wrong. Pietism shares very little in the way of Medieval religiousity. BTW, the Enlightenment was a development of liberal Calvinism.
  12. P

    Oral Sex Definition Banned In US School Dictionaries...

    I'm quite surprised you despise the Age of Enlightenment Krump. Well that's more a Medieval thing, ala St. Bernard.
  13. P

    Oral Sex Definition Banned In US School Dictionaries...

    Actually that would be quite a step up in many ways.