Recent content by MonkeyGrassGirl | INFJ Forum

Recent content by MonkeyGrassGirl

  1. MonkeyGrassGirl

    Dislike/Animosity Towards INFJs?

    LOL. I can see that in myself, a little. It's not that I have a desire to manipulate at all. Rather, I intensely hate anything that smacks of manipulation. I can agree to disagree, but not when it comes wrapped in veiled insults, passive aggression or non-apologies. That feels like nails on a...
  2. MonkeyGrassGirl

    What makes a reasonable boundary?

    Yeah. I do, and often do (not engaging/fighting it is TOUGH) It's a little disturbing when it's not just a crazy friend/stalker that's calling, but the person you live with. O.<
  3. MonkeyGrassGirl

    What makes a reasonable boundary?

    Mmmm. In my experience, intensely stubborn people who don't like boundaries usually means fireworks (and not the pretty kind) in the face of the firm boundary setter. I suppose, then, it depends on your tolerance level for histrionics and drama, and ability to live with constant violation...
  4. MonkeyGrassGirl

    What makes a reasonable boundary?

    In a relationship, what makes a boundary a reasonable one? At what point does a boundary become just a personal preference or unreasonable demand? How far would you go to see that your boundaries are respected, and how many reminders would you issue before you drop the relationship? :m083:
  5. MonkeyGrassGirl

    Let's Psychoanalyse your Avatar [2]

    Stella-I love your avi! :D Yours is so deep, varied and dualistic. There's a certain fearlessness about it, as well as a willingness to explore every shade and nuance, plunging into it all as far as can be plunged. There is some structure, though, in how the exploration is carried out, which...
  6. MonkeyGrassGirl

    Let's Psychoanalyse your Avatar [2]

    mine? :O) Rough-playful, a little impish. A tenancy to tease from a safe distance, perhaps? You'd like to be perceived as a little feisty or powerful, but you also like for others to like you. That's my silly best guess.
  7. MonkeyGrassGirl

    That boring feeling

    I actually feel that I'm fantastically interesting! However, it does take the right kind of interaction to really bring that part of me to the surface. Certain personalities completely shut me down, and never stay on a subject long enough for me to really participate. When conversations stay...
  8. MonkeyGrassGirl

    Expectations of Friendship

    This thread is really interesting to the past year or so, I've had several relatively new friends approach me with complaints about "my level of commitment to our friendship". Which has completely sent me running for the hills, in most cases, because I had no IDEA that they took our...
  9. MonkeyGrassGirl

    :melts: That pic looks like it jumped onto the screen, just to make me happy! :D Love it!

    :melts: That pic looks like it jumped onto the screen, just to make me happy! :D Love it!
  10. MonkeyGrassGirl

    What makes you happy (everyday)?

    Cats. :P One giant ginger cat with a tattered ear, specifically. My quiet little 5yo coming to sit beside me. Not talking. Just to sit. Autumn (how I wish it were every day). Having an hour to myself when no one in the world wants to bother me about anything. Tea, book/laptop/daydream...
  11. MonkeyGrassGirl

    The Secret of Kells

    I adore that movie (my kids love it, too).
  12. MonkeyGrassGirl

    Object empathy

    I remember getting really attached to an old couch as a child, and feeling as if it would feel taken for granted and cast off when my family replaced it. I think stories like The Velveteen Rabbit made it even worse...which is why I won't let my kids watch a lot of Toy Story movies (I'm trying to...
  13. MonkeyGrassGirl

    What's your chinese body type

    You are a proactive, progressive, and passionate. You don't have much patience when there's something you want. You are full of new ideas, theories, and plans. Sometimes you get carried away with your dreams. You make quick judgments, but they are usually right. You are good at assessing a...
  14. MonkeyGrassGirl

    Motherhood and Fatherhood

    Exhausting, fulfilling, dedication, nurture, insight, warmth, availability. For both words. Oddly, my own parents didn't even factor into the equation. :P
  15. MonkeyGrassGirl

    Types- Nature vs. Nurture

    I don't know. My parents, as best I can guess, are ISFJ (mom) and ESTJ (dad) . Both my sib and I are INFJs (no question). My spouse's parents are likely emotionally constipated INFJ (father) and ISXJ (mother). Spouse is ISTP with sibs that are (best guess) ESFP, INFP, ISTP and INTP (all guys)...