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  • NOWAY. NO. WAY. I think I would have died!
    How do I find her?! Do you think she likes kpop?!
    Argh! Thwarted again! lol

    Forgive me if this is inappropriate, but are you Asian? I'm just wondering where your fascination with Asian culture comes from. I don't have any Asian descent in me, but I have a strong interest in many parts of the culture.
    I hope that you are doing well, mochi. All the personal attacks going on here are making me feel a bit ill. I did not even realize what had happened until just recently. :{
    Oh ho ho! Well not to be outdone, here's a different kind of mochi!

    That was a misunderstanding on our parts then.

    Allow me to apologize for the both of us.
    Oh and if you would like an explanation for why Korg said that to you:

    Korg and I started talking here, but we met in person. He was never saying
    that you could not talk to someone online but in order to continue a relationship
    and become more than friends one must leave the house and meet the person
    they've been talking to. You did not understand this and instead called him a
    hypocrite pre-emptively.
    Have a good day Mochi.

    I am sorry for being rude. I have a hard time dealing with stupidity
    which is what that thread became full of. Even better was when people
    refused to step back and consider that they may be misinterpreting the
    thread in its entirety.
    Mochi get over your asshurt. If you have a problem with me send me a pm
    not a negative rep stating no explanation is needed.

    I would like an explanation. You're upset because people are tearing dragon
    apart in that thread. Get over it.
    You'll introduce me? My parents tried that already : P

    I hope so... I wish I could undo it. He didn't do anything at all to deserve it...
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