Recent content by KuroShiro | INFJ Forum

Recent content by KuroShiro

  1. KuroShiro

    Why Metaphysics fails to be adequate?

    One part of me believes in a "Consciousness" synonymous to a "soul", and the critical side of me states that its ideal for humans to believe that his or her "self" will live on past the physical limits of our bodies. For our "soul" to survive the ends of our physical binding would be an...
  2. KuroShiro

    The Genesis of I: Social Anxiety, Depression and the INFj.

    I particularly enjoyed the opening line "The room is dimly lit, dry, and cool, eradiating a sense of peace undetectable beyond these walls. Here, time is inexistent and pain is comfortably processed" it truly feels serene and comforting. Intruding thoughts such as "i'm a looser" are only...
  3. KuroShiro

    Thought of the day.

    I pose the question: Will there be any souls? Does our consciousness extend beyond the physical limits of our flesh? or what will happen after death transcend any idea that man has ever thought? To any one person it is ideal to visualize our "self" extending beyond into whatever realm or phase...
  4. KuroShiro

    INFJ Cartoons

    I have run into that situation many times before; referring to the "eugene" comic.
  5. KuroShiro

    [INFJ] relationship with INFJ male

    Paragraphs, Indents, headings, tiles, TLTR, and a summary would be useful. Is just a wall of text at this point.
  6. KuroShiro

    "The Academic" INFJ

    One thing that typology cannot tell us are the personal skills that we have acquired throughout our lives. The skills we gain can either be acquired by hard work, natural talent, or a combination of both. Part of understanding your typology is working on your weaknesses and sharpening your...
  7. KuroShiro

    Massed march in every US state to dissolve the federal government

    Government only exists unless the people allow it. The people will allow it only if they feel their basic needs are met. Are our basic needs met? "yes" therefore government still stands.
  8. KuroShiro

    Horror short stories

    Wall of text; people are scared of them. Im quite sure that story is something worth reading. Its just very intimidating.
  9. KuroShiro

    Wisdom ...???

    Well honestly this entire post is quite ambiguous. Im quite sure if you clarified your question that i could certainly answer it.
  10. KuroShiro

    You Know You're An INFJ When....

    your description of how you feel on a particular subject that was painted with fluttery analogies and great metaphors is given a reply with less than two words.
  11. KuroShiro

    Are INFJs capable of non-super-intense friendships?

    Its how we are, quality of friends is better than quantity of friends anyways. For me simply mundane friendships are futile because i'm sitting there contemplating all the possible things that i REALLY want to talk about with a person. Although from a different perspective "not so intense"...
  12. KuroShiro

    Why Metaphysics fails to be adequate?

    Maybe you all don't have enough faith in humanity i feel that as humanity's collective knowledge grows and evolves that we will come to understand the inner workings of the universe or we will come to understand that understanding the universe is truly futile, sadly this wont happen within our...
  13. KuroShiro

    Do You Fear Death?

    I do not fear death for it is inevitable. I do not embrace death for it is the antonym of life. The existence of my consciousness beyond the limits of the human vessel would be welcomed in some settings, although i fear immortality because of the possibility of mental degradation to the point...
  14. KuroShiro

    How have others consistently described you?

    Philosophical, smart, intelligent, wise, reserved, weird. Definitely the "your weird" tops the list