Recent content by ImpureHedonism | INFJ Forum

Recent content by ImpureHedonism

  1. ImpureHedonism


    The only reason Mormonism is seen as "special" or "bad" is because polygamy appears to be extremely common. I have negative opinions on Mormonism, but because as far as I know, its principles are pretty anti-individualist and looks to have a lot to do with authority. Mission work seems to...
  2. ImpureHedonism

    Infjs what kind of activities energize you?

    Reading philosophy, listening to music, theorizing, immersion, people that I love!
  3. ImpureHedonism

    [PUG] All white people are racist and must confront their racism

    "The fact of the matter is, that there is no other race that has as much privilege as the white person and if we as whites do not discuss, separate from other racial groups and the discrimination they have done, our own white racism and passive and active racism there can never be progress. "...
  4. ImpureHedonism

    Genetic link in mental disorders

    I'm not sure what you're pointing out. The link is talking about how there can be a genetic risk factor. Epigenetics likely has an effect as well, so it isn't like some people just "get" depression. There are many factors that will contribute to depression (or other disorders) becoming something...
  5. ImpureHedonism

    Relationships across class lines (advice needed)

    </thread> In other words, I'd go with this advice. If you are concerned about the future, then talk about it. What does your boyfriend strive for? If you see his life going nowhere, and he doesn't either, that is an issue, perhaps an unresolvable one. At first I was expecting you to talk about...
  6. ImpureHedonism

    Reality is Perception

    You are conflating perception and cognition. You perceive reality, with however your senses do that - sight, sound, etc. Your thoughts about those perceptions do not alter your perceptions. What you can do from there is to establish what you perceive as concepts. One thing you can do is call a...
  7. ImpureHedonism

    Humanity and it Progress in the 21st Century

    I dunno about you, but becoming a god sounds awesome. I want technology to progress even more!
  8. ImpureHedonism

    Bad People Don't Exist

    Yay, someone grasps where I'm coming from. It's an Aristotelian viewpoint, hence my posting an Aristotle quote on the first page. It's much better philosophy than the logical positivism (Billy) and extreme materialism (Poetic Justice) I'm seeing here, even if neither take that position...
  9. ImpureHedonism

    Bad People Don't Exist

    Less Te, more Ti. =P
  10. ImpureHedonism

    Bad People Don't Exist

    You can't touch color, you can't touch cell division, you can't touch justice, you can't touch truth, you can't touch mass, you can't touch calculus, you can't touch a psychotic breakdown. These are all abstract concepts, none can be touched, all are objectively real.
  11. ImpureHedonism

    Bad People Don't Exist

    No one sees envy as a color, so it's a silly example anyway. Synaesthesia isn't even seeing emotions as colors - it corresponds with perception, whether it be touch or sound. Some people try to explain emotions by means of metaphors, but that's different than saying envy is green as though it...
  12. ImpureHedonism

    Bad People Don't Exist

    Abstract entities cannot have colors, so those are subjective metaphors and not based on anything actual or real other than a vague feeling. That is reason enough to say there isn't an objective reason for these conclusions because colors are perceptual while envy is an abstract concept...
  13. ImpureHedonism

    Who can become a Tarot reader?
  14. ImpureHedonism

    Things about your type that don't fit you.

    What does "emotional" mean exactly? In my estimation, feeling is a matter of judging ideals and values, in contrast to judging consequences. Both are matters of judging, and judging is a kind of deliberation and thinking. As for myself, well, it seems I strongly identify with INFJ, so it's...
  15. ImpureHedonism

    Bad People Don't Exist

    Sorry, didn't read all your posts. =P I was mainly responding to Billy, but I'll look at your other posts later.