Recent content by Honey | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Honey

  1. Honey

    Fi and authenticity

    I hear you on the sensor company matter. I do prefer to work with certain sensors than I do with certain NF types in general though and it took me quite a long while and experience to realise this. My closest friends/colleagues all have at least two functions in common with me. I do not yet know...
  2. Honey

    Fi and authenticity

    Fi types that I am around tend to be firm and consistent in one matter only...soon or immediately after first meeting you, they seem to decide whether they like you or not based on the system they use to judge others. They will then stick to this and treat you accordingly no matter what. You can...
  3. Honey

    Fi and authenticity

    Thanks for your reply and that of all the others. These people in life who are causing me to question Fi and authenticity are most definitely XXFP types who I have been around for a long time. I currently work in an area that calls for very heavy use of extroverted sensing and so I work with...
  4. Honey

    Fi and authenticity

    In my daily working life I meet a lot of XXFP types. I rarely find any of them genuine. All the people who I think are deeply fake and hypocritical is usually some sort of Fi type, especially XSFPs. Very often they seem to have values that many other people would consider warped/immoral or...
  5. Honey

    How can I become more like an INTJ?

    Some INFJs are smarter than others and some INTJs are smarter than others. I do not think MBTI type determines intelligence and people with the Ne function amongst the first four commonly used functions tend to score better on certain IQ tests if I remember correctly anyway (if one thinks IQ...
  6. Honey

    Why do INFJs and INTPs hate each other so much?

    I do not want to use this thread to discuss the workings of Ni/Se but very briefly and in a super basic manner, I think Ni does a lot of 'tracking' and behavior pattern identification over an often quite long period of time. In the middle, there is the Ti analysis of what is happening and why...
  7. Honey

    Why do INFJs and INTPs hate each other so much?

    I have far more problems with INFPs than INTPs. However, I moved out of an apartment building I loved very much because of an INTP and an ENTP living there. The INTP starting having these frequent displays of anger, abrasiveness and bad temper and the ENTP was a downright sociopath. I nearly...
  8. Honey

    Why is there so much INFJ vs INFP confusion?

    True, but their intuitive functions are different and so are their feeling functions. I think if people focused more on the functions rather than on the type descriptions then there would be less type confusion. Ne is not like Ni and Fi is not Fe. I do not see INFJs and INFPs as being very...
  9. Honey

    Giving advice to INFPs

    Is it possible to give advice/suggestions to INFPs without seeming pushy and overbearing to them? The INFPs that I am used to seem to talk and just expect you to just listen & be supportive and I gather from some old threads elsewhere that they can be rather offended by people giving them advice...
  10. Honey

    Hopeless? INTP and INFJ -- HELP

    Now where are those darn antibiotics and yeast infection creams.
  11. Honey

    Born in the Wrong Decade

    I can't think of a decade or period in the past that appeals to me. I wish I had been born about 300 years from now. I imagine that the world would be fairer and more tolerant by then. Technology would be even more advanced and space travel would be common. Of course, it could be that 300 years...
  12. Honey

    Videos on common INFJ mistypes.

    I understand this well because I experience it too. In a way it makes me a little hopeful for myself personal growth wise that you know INFJs that do not experience this because the few INFJs I know all do.
  13. Honey

    Videos on common INFJ mistypes.

    I think I agree with all of this. There are times in certain situations where I have great clearly though but those are often work related day to day decisions. I tend to really struggle more with more personal life changing type decisions. So far, I sense that you understand the theory and the...
  14. Honey

    This Is Your Brain On Porn

    I rarely watch it. I find it extremely boring and repetitive for the most part but I guess you might have to pay for the more exciting stuff. However, I think I would get equally bored with those eventually too. Porn has always been available in some form or another but it is far more easy to...
  15. Honey

    People leave INFJs

    To be honest, I think what you describe above is for the most part more the INFP experience than the INFJ one. INFJs tend to be very alert to people using them.