Recent content by freeeekyyy | INFJ Forum

Recent content by freeeekyyy

  1. F

    [ENFP] ENFPs: the least intellectual NF?

    Least intellectual? Maybe. I guess ENFPs tend not to really care much about book learning. But on the other hand, I find them to have more creative intelligence (as in, able to brainstorm, find new paths, etc.) than virtually any other type, NF or other, except for maybe ENTPs, who are probably...
  2. F

    Doomsday Clock Set at 3 Minutes to Midnight

    I'm not against taking care of the earth. When it comes to actual pollution, I'm all for protection. But I'm not sure how much CO2 counts as a pollutant, and what I don't like about current environmental protection is how centralized it is, and how little it pays attention to context. Banning...
  3. F

    Doomsday Clock Set at 3 Minutes to Midnight

    There's evidence of climate change. Nothing to suggest though that it's "the biggest problem ever" or an "emergency" that needs immediate attention. There's a reason this stuff is politicized. Because it's a convenient excuse for power grabs.
  4. F

    R.I.P. NASA

    Fine with me. NASA has no place as a government agency. I don't think it should be totally eliminated, but privatizing it and turning it into an independent organization would be ideal.
  5. F

    Doomsday Clock Set at 3 Minutes to Midnight

    I'm not into chicken little theories with no evidence, even when they're promoted by scientists. Being a scientist doesn't make you all-knowing.
  6. F

    Thanks for the rep comment. :)

    Thanks for the rep comment. :)
  7. F

    Christian nudism

    I don't like the idea. This isn't Eden, humanity isn't innocent anymore. Maybe if nudity were more accepted by mainstream society, as it is I just don't see the point.
  8. F

    In my pants (Music game)

    You Gotta Be in my pants. (hey, that works)
  9. F

    In my pants (Music game)

    On the Nature of Daylight in my pants.
  10. F

    In my pants (Music game)

    Jesse James in my pants.
  11. F

    Would you kill a puppy for $1000000?

    I don't know. Part of me says, "it's just a puppy" and the other part says, "it's a puppy!" I'm really not sure whether I could do it or not.
  12. F

    There's certainly a lot more interesting conversation on INTJf than there is here, at least from...

    There's certainly a lot more interesting conversation on INTJf than there is here, at least from my perspective. Not sure if it's because of being NT, or if it's just the particular users of this forum.
  13. F

    Noticed there's a fellow INTJf member here. And you just recently joined. Hopefully you'll stick...

    Noticed there's a fellow INTJf member here. And you just recently joined. Hopefully you'll stick around. So what brings you here anyway? Personally, I prefer it here sometimes. There seems to be a little less headbutting and constant need for users to get everyone else to agree with them.
  14. F

    Your GAMING personality type

    Explorer - 67% Achiever - 47% Killer - 47% Socializer - 40%
  15. F

    Religion is anti-truth: yes or no

    Well, hopefully that goes well for you, and you find the truth you are seeking.