Recent content by elysium | INFJ Forum

Recent content by elysium

  1. elysium

    What are your preferred types for a partner?

    Hmmm...definitely NOT an INFJ. I did that was a bad idea (although there are healthy INFJs out there who would probably make good partners). Anyway, the majority of my crushes have been on ENFPs or INTJs. It's weird because they have such different temperaments so it's hard for me to...
  2. elysium

    Do you believe in Religion or God for that matter?

    I used to be happily (or so I thought) agnostic. My mother always took me to church when I was little, but really, I never fit in with the church. So I said that I was spiritual, but not religious. I believed in a higher power, but not that it was necessarily prevalent in my life. About half a...
  3. elysium

    Facebook & Twitter: Nosy Attention Whores?

    I know exactly what you mean about being nosy on Facebook. I primarily use Facebook to be nosy. Except, like you, I'm very secretive about it. I don't update my status often (if at all) and I rarely post things on people's walls (or respond to posts on my wall). I also am always "offline" on...
  4. elysium

    INFJ Movies

    The Painted Veil You see the growth and maturation of this woman and the relationship she has with her husband in cholera-ridden 1930s China. Meanwhile, a cultural (communist) revolution is going on and, of course, there is much social (modern and historical) insight to draw on from that. This...
  5. elysium

    which emotions do you find uncomfortable expressing?

    I value sincerity so very, very much (more than a whole lot of things) and I find it way too hard to express sympathy or empathy. I can feel it wrenching my insides and pummeling my heartstrings, but I get all stiff and awkward when it comes time to express that. Then I just come off as cold and...
  6. elysium

    Cool bands made uncool

    Bands: Unassuming Rodent (also known as Modest army of humble Communist Party of China leaders) The Flaming Hips (for those with arthritis) Cabbage Garden Thrush Not Bands: Moe's Art Dry-cough-sky Baron Ellington
  7. elysium

    How to Recognize an INFJ

    Hahaha. My step mother makes fun of me all the time for the first part. She's gotten good at noticing when I'm actually paying attention to what she's saying versus when I'm in "automatic" mode (I'm not all there). I'm always been yelled at for walking in front of cars. Bluh...I really try to...
  8. elysium

    How often have you fallen in love?

    I've loved many guys (and been infatuated with many guys), but I've only been IN love with one. He was my very first boyfriend and I ended up dating for 3.5 years throughout high school. He had terrible psychological issues and our relationship was toxic. However, I deeply, deeply loved him...
  9. elysium

    Those storytellers!

    So I have just recently gotten into MBTI (dove in head first and feasted on it, is more like it) as a means of surviving this summer with my family. Anyway, I was not expecting (at all) to have the world opened to me in such a new light. I'm looking at everything so much more differently than I...
  10. elysium

    How do you see yourself....

    10 minutes from now: hopefully taking the ferry to the French Quarter with my dad so we can go to the Walgreens and get those photos for my China Visa A day from now: going to a job interview (to get a job for a month :P) and perhaps going fishing with my family? A month from now: getting on...
  11. elysium

    What does your MBTI really stand for?

    Awesome! :D Perhaps... (Intrinsically Noticing Funny Patterns) As for me: Into Novice Far-fetched Journeys (as in, going to China to study for a year) or... Isn't Normally Fond of Jacuzzies and... Is Not Finding J and easy letter to use in this game :m187:
  12. elysium

    Which MBTI type are you drawn to?

    Actualized type: INFJ (who you are) Preferred type: INFJ (who you prefer to be) Attraction type: INTJ (who you are attracted to) Hahaha...this is scarily accurate! I'm definitely and INFJ, I definitely love being an INFJ...
  13. elysium

    What about you does not fit nice and neatly into your mbti description?

    Even though INFJ fits me pretty darn well, I do have my deviations.....(fade screen) (enter: deviations) 1. I'm not very cautious. I'm aware of the dangerous things I might be doing, but I simply don't care. Although, I dunno, this might actually be a very INFJ thing to do. 2. I'm scientific...
  14. elysium

    Parents MBTI?

    Mum: INFP Step-Dad: ENTJ Dad: ISFP Step-Mum: ESFP My step-dad was a relatively new addition to my family lookit all the Ps. I think I became a J out of aggravation. :D My mum was definitely my biggest influence (she raised me as a single mother for 16 years), but my dad had his...
  15. elysium

    What's awesome about being an INFJ

    Hahaha! Oh man you guys....I totally got all teary-eyed reading this :m035: I don't think I could add anything more perfect that hasn't already been said! But perhaps disclosing the fact that I got all weepy over a post like this is something that's awesome about being an INFJ. I love my...