Recent content by dukeofearl | INFJ Forum

Recent content by dukeofearl

  1. D

    Dominating Men

    Dominating personalities are a broad range. There's a certain level or propriety and respect that is necessary for a working relationship. A line in the concrete.
  2. D

    Digital Privacy in a relationship

    No. And people who offer to give a password should be similarly avoided.
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    How do/don't you rationalize God

    I don't. But I ponder the possibilities.
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    Don't trust them.
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    What would you say?

    Get on with it.
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    Your ideas of beauty as a child

    Chubby girls were the prettiest but they became too unstable.
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    Having a stable sense of identity

    I agree with the evolving nature of identity.
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    [INTJ] needs help with INFJ girl

    None of that is worth your time.
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    Where's the "off" switch??

    Turning "off" is how people have to live to survive sometimes.
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    I has to be a pizza delivery guy for awhile. It sucked.
  11. D

    [PUG] Possessions

    I think possessions need to serve a purpose. Having something just to let it sit unused doesnt make sense to me.
  12. D

    Fear of losing someone

    Belief in myself keeps me from feeling this. If I lost my girlfriend it would hurt, but time would heal the wound.
  13. D

    How do you guys relate to ISFP's?

    Balance is a good point. Peoples types I think should be secondary after personal consideration.
  14. D

    Fantastic Article on Assisted Suicide

    I think its a moral problem controlled by laws meant for other reasons. I dont know if I could end my family member's life.
  15. D

    Noticed anything today?

    I noticed mosquitos coming back to life and sitting on my car.