Darkstar008 | INFJ Forum


Carbon-based bioform hell bent on world domination.

Psychology (Holland test tells me I should be a social or comparative psychologist, go figure); Emergency Medicine; Environmentalism; Nihilism; Emergency Planning and Disaster Relief (you just watch, I'm going to head FEMA some day and then completely ignore you when the disaster hits); Reading (school has deaden this part of me); Sports - pro and college football, college basketball, rugby (yeah . . . I lied, I'm ISFJ); Creative and imaginative crapola; Film Making; Short Prose, Poetry, and Film Script Writing.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
(1) Oxygen
(2) Land upon which to stand
(3) Clothing . . . covering the whole of my body.
(4) Toilet Paper or Sea Shells
(5) Water
(6) Nutrients
What would be your epitaph?
I am just going outside and may be some time.
4w5/6w5, 1w9
Since our time is short on this Earth and likely a
