Recent content by Curio | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Curio

  1. Curio

    social benefits of introversion

    Be careful with that sole extrovert! It sounds like he's the unicorn in the group. lol
  2. Curio

    social benefits of introversion

    As an introvert, one's likely to be able to maintain a stable social network over a long period of time. "Fair weather friends" are more likely for extroverts.
  3. Curio

    What is intimacy?

    Intimacy is a concept that refers to the sense of closeness one has toward another person. It can't be condensed to something more concrete, because each person experiences it differently. That's my POV, at least.
  4. Curio

    How many INFJs assumed they were Ts before they understood typology?

    I always thought that I was a T at first, because I was uncomfortable with the idea of being both male and an F. The first time I ever took a test, though, I came up as an F. This was before I'd come to understand MBTI so well that I could get almost any type I felt like I was at the time. I...
  5. Curio

    Important to have a life of your own

    It's always important to maintain one's personal life, even when in a relationship. Not doing so can cause someone to feel burnt out, result in uneven attention paid to one partner, and ultimately, the relationship failing. I've taken this notion for granted to some extent, but I suppose...
  6. Curio

    You Know You're An INFJ When....

    Dude! Story of my life!