Recent content by CoffeeShopDiva | INFJ Forum

Recent content by CoffeeShopDiva

  1. CoffeeShopDiva

    Physical expression of personality.

    That was my first post - in a long time. :P I'm very impressed someone noticed : )
  2. CoffeeShopDiva

    Physical expression of personality.

    I have a hard time making eye contact, too. I can do it if I really pay attention to it. But, my default setting is I have trouble looking people in the eyes (especially if I don`t know them or don`t trust them). I also tend to cross my arms, and do other closed off behaviours, sadly.
  3. CoffeeShopDiva

    Nostalgia . . . those were the days

    I miss this the most, too.
  4. CoffeeShopDiva

    A Glimpse into your "self"

    I am resilient. Definitely. I would change my introversion, probably. I'd like to be a social, outgoing, warm person.
  5. CoffeeShopDiva

    Mutual love that can't be...I need some sad music.

    I adore Jeff Buckley. And especially that song. :)
  6. CoffeeShopDiva

    Unconditional love

    I do love others unconditionally. My best friend and my father, definitely. But, I don't have faith that others will love me unconditionally.
  7. CoffeeShopDiva

    Too Distracted By The Internal World?

    I have the opposite problem. When I'm down or stressed everything is a mess.
  8. CoffeeShopDiva

    INFJs + Pain . . .

    I find pain frustrating. I feel I have come to a place in my life where I suppose I'm being overwhelmed by the pain, and its making me slightly bitter. I know I should be growing through this, and I know I'm strong enough to deal with it. But, I wish I didnt have to be so strong. Why me? Why...
  9. CoffeeShopDiva

    Why do girls that have turned you down, expect you to sympathise?

    I don't understand this thread. She thought you were her FRIEND, and she came to you looking for support. I don't understand why a previous lack of interest on her part (especially if she lives far away) has anything to do with that.
  10. CoffeeShopDiva

    What types are your siblings?

    I have two half-sisters who are quite a bit younger. But, they are quite a bit younger than me, so I don't think they have influenced me that much. My oldest little sister is an ISFP. I always feel the need to protect / care for her. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and isn't able to filter...
  11. CoffeeShopDiva

    INFJ kryptonite

    I think this is one of my biggest faults. This life never measures up to how it "should be". I am never in the present. I think that's one of the reasons I find myself attracted to ST types. They live in the present and can bring that out in me. I have a really hard time with feeling wanted...
  12. CoffeeShopDiva

    INFJs and attachment

    It does feel good. To be flooded with good feelings. Well, it feels good until it ends or starts to scare away the other person. I tend to be clingy. And, its not a good thing. Is the only way to stop being overly attached complete detachment?
  13. CoffeeShopDiva

    INFJs and attachment

    I have issues with attachment. I sometimes get very attached to people quickly (usually boys). Does anyone else have this issue? What do you do? I want to still be genuine and not play games, but I also don't want to scare people away.
  14. CoffeeShopDiva

    INFJ lads

    I'm not a boy, but I do have a fuck buddy. I am looking for something genuine (in someone else), but I don't see why I can't have fun in the meantime. However, I don't think FBs work in general. Someone always gets too attached. And, in general, that would be me, so I haven't ever done it...
  15. CoffeeShopDiva

    Is the ENTP-INFJ thing a mirage?!

    Am I the only INFJ who doesn't trust the ENTPs? Granted, I don't know any in real life. But, I don't think I could trust feelings coming from an ENTP. I would think they would find someone else to have feelings for quickly.