Recent content by cjswanson1355 | INFJ Forum

Recent content by cjswanson1355

  1. C

    Money Management

    The funny thing about money is that the more you have, the more inclined you are to spend. Live within your means, and only purchase things you only truly need or want. These days there is so much free entertainment you should be able to fill up a lot of necessities in life with just the internet.
  2. C

    Humanity and it Progress in the 21st Century

    It's really hard to comment on where humanity stands in the 21st century. We have not evolved quick enough to keep up with the technology. I often feel as if the intellectually capable will be busy inventing and creating things, while those less so are busy reproducing. I predict a rift is...
  3. C

    Analytic thinking can decrease religious belief

    I've met very intelligent people who hold tightly onto their religion. I guess it's hard for them to admit the idea they base their entire worldview on, is wrong. It's too shocking for their minds to admit, and thus keep believing in their doctrine. Analytic minds will compare the evidence from...
  4. C

    Why DON'T you believe in other gods?

    People need to stop defining atheism by what it is not. There is great beauty in being an atheist, but you need to show it to people. And that is not done by telling them that they are dumb. Atheists worship life itself. There is nothing more precious in this world than life. The greatest...
  5. C

    Positive Atheism

    I wanted to talk about a concept known as Positive Atheism. As an Atheist living in America, I am constantly discriminated against by Theists for not believing in God. I wanted to describe some of my beliefs on what it really means to be an Atheist, since it is concept that is so...
  6. C

    A Career With Animals

    Hello, I'm currently working as a programmer maintaining code. I recently graduated from college, and was able to find employment quickly. I've been working there for about 4 months now, and it simply isn't the right path for me. It's not that I'm bad at solving problems. I'm simply too...