Recent content by Ciergan | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Ciergan

  1. Ciergan


    I'd give it some time this year. It's still as funny as ever, but it's definitely going in a different direction. Dan Harmon wants this season to have more of a serialized feel, which has made a few episodes feel less tightly structured. The pay-offs aren't going to be evident until they...
  2. Ciergan

    Hopefully you all can help...

    I scored INTJ the first time I took the test, when I was in a school environment. After college I scored INFJ consistently.
  3. Ciergan

    Do INFJ's appear to be ISTJ's?

    I do this on a regular basis at my grocery job. It's more of an affect than actual demeanor. When talked to for more than two minutes, my NF will readily come out. Otherwise I can appear more aloof than I usually look thanks to me putting my head down and working. It's probably less...
  4. Ciergan

    You at your best, You at your worst

    Best: Happy, joyful Enthusiastic Hard-working Humorous, take-no-shit Worst: Paranoid Uninsightful Somewhat spiteful Ruminative, lazy
  5. Ciergan

    Fe Traps.

    I think I see where you're coming from. This is how I see it: There's a difference between social awareness and attempting to bend someone's perception outright. As INFJs, we're always analyzing others' demeanors and behaviors to figure out their levels of healthy functioning--nothing wrong...
  6. Ciergan

    Do you often feel older than your peers?

    I get this all the time. I'm in a slight position of authority in my job. Every time I meet a new client, she/he asks, "How old are you?" Another question for folks: Do you actually look younger than your real age? In addition to being told I act older, I'm often told that I look about...
  7. Ciergan

    What are your biggest fears and how do you overcome them?

    Not finding the connections I want. In the end it's a trivial thing to worry about, since I have plenty of things to work on. Still...
  8. Ciergan


    Childish and silly? Yes. It's intended for small folk. Bright, fun, and hilarious? Also yes.
  9. Ciergan

    Fe Traps.

    Manipulating the social process of a conversation when the other person doesn't know it should be used sparingly. Even if I'm working with a less functional client in group therapy, such manipulation should eventually be followed up with actual comments on the quality of the discussion ("You...
  10. Ciergan

    A life forever?

    It wouldn't be a good story unless there was a good ending.
  11. Ciergan

    Talking/mocking behind others' backs

    This is my number one pet peeve. On the rare occasions that I do this, it feels wrong and unhealthy. I prefer to engage each person on his/her own terms at that time. This way I don't need to be roped into any unnecessary conflicts that keep me from being constructive. When this has happened...
  12. Ciergan

    Male INFJs, Male INTJs

    I think it can be an issue for both INTJ and INFJs, no matter the gender. My INTJ college roommate was quicker to fit in thanks to his sarcasm and computer knowledge. I never quite identified enough with my peers to really connect; from what I've seen with others' self-disclosures here, that's...
  13. Ciergan

    Help finding a specific type of music

    This is as good a thread as any for inspirational INFJ music. Something to get your Fe working for your Ni. Tl0nTtla96U LRLdhFVzqt4