Recent content by Chess | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Chess

  1. Chess

    [INFJ] Gas station for the soul

    I'm actually the first one to argue against type stereotypes. This is based on what the negative friends have said about INFJs and their abilities, not what I believe we're supposed to be or do. The point of a friendship isn't support, it's reciprocal support. If someone consistently ignores...
  2. Chess

    [INFJ] Gas station for the soul

    I do play the "big sister" figure to a few people. However, they're long-term, reciprocal friendships containing the kind of problems that are harmless to me (anxiety, depression) and not the kind of problems that grab ahold of my emotions and shake them like an ill-behaved child until they get...
  3. Chess

    [INFJ] Gas station for the soul

    I posted this on a general MBTI forum where I was considering not listing my type due to the nature of the friendships I was making: I used to have this problem in my early teens online and off, but this was long before I ever discovered MBTI. I managed to get myself off the radar for these...
  4. Chess

    [INFJ] Do INFJs easlyy get into relationships? Are they happy in their relationships ??

    I think we do well once we learn how to locate compatible partners and communicate in relationships. Most of my relationships have been long-term (shortest was 4 months, longest 4 years), but I've made some terrible selections in the past and handled some of them poorly. I've made a good choice...
  5. Chess

    How does one find a way to "love" oneself.

    It's just one of those things people say to avoid giving real answers.
  6. Chess

    Would you kill a puppy for $1000000?

    I suppose I'd kill this hypothetical puppy if I needed that money, though I'd feel bad. I have the blood of a thousand livestock on my hands simply because they're delicious, and I'm not excused by not being the one to deal the death blow or remove the cuts of meat nor am I excused because...
  7. Chess

    Are you a moral person?

    I thought ethics was something broader and more general while morals were more specific and personal, or something.
  8. Chess

    [INFJ] What would you most like to achieve?

    I want to make everything except babies.
  9. Chess

    Thoughts on.....

    We wouldn't have so many self-esteem problems, but everyone would be bigger dicks to each other. Not that anyone would give a fuck.
  10. Chess

    Sci-fi/fantasy Literature

    Feel free to drop in with some recommendations, ranting, or raving. To kick things off, my favorite fantasy novel for years has been Kij Johnson's The Fox Woman. In a world of imitations and far too many elves, this woman decided she'd rewrite a short Japanese folk tale into a full-blown...
  11. Chess

    I dont get this

    I relate in a few ways. I tend not to be affected by the emotions of others, which according to a friend would make me a good shrink. I can read about depression, loss, mental illness, etc, and not really be that affected. Unfortunately, I'm terrible at actually connecting to others on an...
  12. Chess


    Doing something you don't want to do can make you practical or kind. We become our actions, but because of the thought and the intent behind the actions rather than the actions themselves. Doing something that compromises who you are (values, truth, etc) is inauthentic.
  13. Chess


    You have a duty in the relationship to keep the relationship functional and to obey the boundaries (see: cheating). Keeping the relationship functional includes meeting sexual needs, but both partners can create dysfunction in a relationship not only by not attending to their partner's sexual...
  14. Chess

    [INFJ] Used Up Giver

    Dropping the sponges would be good advice. There's helping people who need help, and then there's helping sponges who make no efforts to return the favor or respect your needs. If you overexert yourself and don't take enough time for yourself or receive adequate help in return, you will burn out.
  15. Chess

    How patient are you?

    I tend to be patient with people but impatient with circumstance.