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  • Thanks. I am not taking math now, but I took calculus a long time ago but the problem made me curious. I was trying to work it out, and it just made me wonder whether I knew enough to work it out.
    Hey Awesome! Congrats on your country winning the World Cup today!!))

    Crazy thing, #19 looks a lot like you!!!))))

    How's Seattle treatin' ya? Gonna be in the 90s this week for you too. >_< Hope you have a/c!
    Yeaa?? How are you liking it so far?))) I was thinking about Seattle the other day, actually. I probably won't make a trip up until after my Peru trip--which is in Aug/Sept. I'll PM you when I have a better idea on dates.^^
    That's the most amazing avatar I've ever seen. Now if I could only find something for my short legs...
    Heyy Awesome)) Happy Thanksgiving to you too) 7 hours!! Bet you're sleeping like a baby right now.)) Hope it all went well. Pretty intimate dinner for me, just my brother and parents. It was lovely though.)) How's the weather? Any snow? Gettin chilly?))
    So far, so good.)) Hasn't broken yet. And I haven't lost it at work yet!! Oh yeah?? You'll have to let me know if it lives up to your expectations.))
    No. I had not heard of him till now. Nice! :D Thanks for introducing me to a new artist.
    Heyy heyy.)) I'm doin' pretty good. Nothing 'crazy new and exciting'... but nothing bad either.)) You have any more of your Seattle trip set up? Getting excited??))
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