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  • Hopefully mine is not wishful thinking as well, but I'm beginning to have my doubts.
    Yeah, I think perhaps it wasn't intuition but wishful thinking that I was doing. Good luck with everything. I wish you exactly what you want.
    Hi! If you want to post a gif you just right click and copy the image URL and put into the 'insert image' box but you have to make sure to uncheck the box below. It took me a while to figure out. Try it and hopefully it works. I had never even heard of gifs before but they can be kind of fun to play with :).
    Thanks, actually I read A New Earth first so it probably is the book that helped me most. I then read The Power Now which helped reinforced the ideas for me. I always have A New Earth on my bedside table. The Power of Now I leant it to someone and never got it back.
    I keep thinking that even though I am afraid of the anger and hurt I will be causing that it might the best thing for everybody in the end. Sometimes being kind and gentle with people isn't the best thing for them, sometimes they might need some shaking up so they can also grow to be better people. Just a thought.
    Thanks. You hang in there too.
    I'm getting out. It's the upheaval that I'm creating by that that is torturing me. It's the first time in my life that I'm being selfish, but I know that if I don't get out I'm just going to want to let myself die. What good is that? I know that I'm doing the right thing for mysef, but I'm just having a really hard time dealing with the idea of creating upheaval in other people's lifes (my husband, our sons, our families). I have spent my whole life trying to create peace and comfort in everybody's life, now I'm causing them pain. That's very hard for me, but I don't think I have any choice.
    By the way, John Wayne is overated. I'm married to a tough guy, give me a soft sensitive guy anytime. I can handle other's weaknesses, it's living with somebody who can't tolerate people having feelings that I can't handle.
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