Recent content by alpha | INFJ Forum

Recent content by alpha

  1. alpha

    [INFJ] Do you value being loved or being understood higher?

    Understood. When I was younger, I just wanted to be loved and accepted for who I was. But now I wish for a friend who can empathize and resonate with my feelings and possibly, experiences. Being an INFJ, I have been misunderstood a lot. And that has left me emotionally isolated. I long for that...
  2. alpha

    [INFJ] An INFJ on making!!

    Most people find me too intense too. For the longest time, I thought I was extra weird or something.
  3. alpha

    [INFJ] An INFJ on making!!

    Guess you have a point there. But it gets lonely sometimes.
  4. alpha

    [INFJ] An INFJ on making!!

    I love to have meaningful friendships and connect with people on a deeper level, but its hard to find a kindred soul. Most people seem to be happy with not-so-deep connections. This mostly left me feeling lonely and misunderstood. Finding friends who could be authentic and supportive seemed like...