Merkabah | Page 246 | INFJ Forum
I think this is all supposed to happen but it's been made worse by the fact that people will not accept change. The consequences are therefore now asserting themselves forcefully.
Totally agree.
Yep...the Baby Boomers are losing power and desperately holding onto anything they can take down with them.
Most of them can’t afford to retire...but are getting too old to work...what are they going to do?
For all the bitching I’ve read in the commentary about Millennials being lazy and living at home.
Yeah...because education has gone up 3000%, we are paying for two unfunded wars and unfunded medicare part D.
But those graduating college can’t get an entry level position because the job market is stagnating due to the Boomers working later and later.
Don’t get me started on the two jokers up for election.
Glad to hear you are doing well to your best approximation.
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Agreed....although I use different terminology what you're saying makes sense to me in my own understanding regarding Time.

I too have heard Time was "invented" so we could learn the effects of our actions.
I've never heard it termed Quantum jumping but I have heard it called jumping Timelines(lifetimes). It's an interesting idea to term it as an algorithm...
We empaths...the feelers....have been going back "in time" and creating healing of traumas in those timelines by temporarily merging with the Being experiencing the trauma...then releasing the accumulated fear pain energy back to the universe for transmutation. Those are the words used by many in the Lightworker field to describe what I've been doing for a few years now. It is my understanding when the "other" timeline was healed and the fearpain released it altered that timeline to a higher frequency. Apparently I'm entangled with Being and now collectively we've shifted up our frequency together and individually.
The more I've allowed myself to merge with other Beings in their pain and assist them to process and release it...the higher in vibration my ...well...what would you call them? soul family?. ... I don't know what to call them these days. I just know they're my brothers...or of the brotherhood.
At any rate... our collective vibration is shifted up in frequency when either I process and clear out my own painful fears....or when I merge with them and assist them with feeling their fears.

When our vibrational frequency goes up new choices resonating with the new frequency is now available to selves. We don't actually go anywhere....we "step in to" the new dimension because the frequency is different than where we were. I think this is what I'm calling a new timeline of lives.

Sorry for rambling.
I agree. We make ourselves vibrate on the same frequency as the life we want to have...or the timeline we wish to live in...or the next quantum level of the game.

This is so very true..
We make ourselves vibrate on the same frequency as the life we want to have...
It is difficult at times to explain to others that they are "attracting" the issues they are facing (malevolent or benevolent). Trying to convince them to see the possibilities in the problem, accept it, learn/fix what they can and move along is tough. And forget some that when trying to explain that they "asked" for this when they designed their Divine itinerary to learn their skills & lessons ... Let's just say they react with the given "you must be bonkers" speech.

I am beginning to believe that no matter how subtle I explain how they may rejoin their path and they will see their life (energy) improve I'm met with resistance.

I can feel their low battery (lack of another analogy lol). Often feeling like they've sent out a tether of sorts to hook in my energy. Instead of lending them a boost it drains me and I back up to create physical space often ending the encounter so that they can't wipe me out so to speak.

Understanding that vibratory channel and its exchanges has been like taking a Trig test with no basic math ;)

C. G. Jung had profound insight into the deeper, underlying archetypal processes originating in the unconscious psyche of humanity that give shape and form to collective human events.

To quote Jung, “…the first World War released the hidden power of evil, just as the war itself was released by the accumulation of unconscious masses…. The second World War was a repetition of the same psychic process but on an infinitely greater scale.”

The current global war on terror is the latest iteration of the same underlying psychic process, the latest variation of a very old theme.

Our species is endlessly re-creating the same mythic, archetypal process, as if we are having a recurring dream.

War itself is an expression of an unconscious process in the collective psyche of humanity that literally is being re-enacted on the global stage.

Speaking about the Second World War, though he could’ve been describing our current times, Jung said that it “…was recognized as an unmitigated psychic disaster only by the few. Rather than do this, people prefer the most preposterous political and economic theories.” [Emphasis added]

Jung was pointing at the little recognized fact that the root factor underlying collective events such as war originate in the unconscious psyche of humanity.

Most people overlay political or economic explanations onto collective events, not realizing that the origin of the collective events is to be found in the human psyche.

The seeds of world events lie in the unconscious, waiting to sprout under the proper conditions and at the right moment.

Jung elaborated by saying, “…what the unconscious really contains are the great collective events of the time. In the collective unconscious of the individual, history prepares itself; and when the archetypes are activated in a number of individuals and come to the surface, we are in the midst of history, as we are at present. The archetypal image which the moment requires gets into life, and everybody is seized by it. That is what we see today.”

Any given moment of time requires and is simultaneously expressing the deeper, mythic archetypal process which in-forms it.

When we get into proximity to the archetype, we become collectively drafted into its overpowering field of force.

We then become a tool in the archetype’s hand, enabling it to give shape to itself in our world.
By being seized and thereby compelled to act out this more powerful archetypal force unconsciously as collective events, we become the instrument through which this suprapersonal force is making itself known to us.

Collective events have their own unique type of psychology.
Collective events are the manifestation of a mass psychology that becomes operative when large groups of people fall into their unconscious together, feeding into and off of each other’s unconsciousness.

The determining power underlying mass psychology, the archetypes of the collective unconscious, are the formative templates that give breath (inspire) and depth (materiality) to events in the outer world.

These inner primordial images are pregnant with a living energy that wants to embody, actualize, and incarnate itself in the shapes and forms of our 3-D universe.

The archetypes are the invisible, form-less “ground plan” which in-form and give shape to both individual and collective human behavior.

They are the psychic skeleton upon which the individual and collective body politic is formed.
Archetypes are the structural forms that underlie consciousness, just as the crystal lattice underlies the crystallization process.

Archetypes, like the crystal lattice, are empty of concrete, material existence, yet they shape consciousness and events in the world just like the crystal lattice patterns the form of the individual crystal.

The archetypes themselves are non-perceptible and irrepresentable, since they precede all representation, while simultaneously re-presenting themselves through in-forming and giving shape to the perceptible universe.

Being atemporal, archetypes exist outside of time.
They bleed through, irrupt, and unfold into and through time so as to incarnate and reveal themselves.

Archetypes become visible by arranging and magnetically attracting events into themselves like atemporal, self-organizing fields.

Archetypes synchronistically configure events in the outer world so as to express and actualize themselves on the stage of history.

When the archetypal dimension is emerging, the boundary between the inner and the outer begins to dissolve, as the inner experience of the archetype becomes synchronistically enacted in the outer world.

Jung said, “…people had simply no idea that our personal psychology is just a thin skin, a ripple upon the ocean of collective psychology. The powerful factor, the factor which changes our whole life, which changes the surface of our known world, which makes history, is collective psychology, and collective psychology moves according to laws entirely different from those of our [individual] consciousness. The archetypes are the great decisive forces, they bring about the real events, and not our personal reasoning and practical intellect…the archetypal images decide the fate of man. Man’s unconscious psychology decides, and not what we think and talk in the brain-chamber up in the attic.”

If we want to get to the source of collective events in our world so that we can transform them, we need to recognize the archetypal, mythic dimension of existence that is revealing itself to us as it acts itself out through us.

We have all been drafted into the service of a divine drama, and we play a key role in how this deeper, divine process of incarnation manifests.

Speaking about getting close to an overpowering archetype, Jung said, “One cannot resist it. It gets you below the belt and not in your mind, your brain just counts for nothing, your sympathetic system is gripped. It is a power that fascinates people from within, it is the collective unconscious which is activated, it is an archetype which is common to them all that has come to life. And because it is an archetype, it has historical aspects and we cannot understand the events without knowing history.”

The destructive world events throughout time immemorial are the effects of an archetype getting constellated and being unconsciously acted out as human history.

The archetype is continually creating novel iterations of the exact same underlying invariant process, which is to say “itself,” like an endlessly self-generating fractal unfolding over linear, historical time.

Until the archetype is consciously recognized, however, instead of unconsciously acted out, we are doomed to endlessly re-create its negative, destructive aspect as if we were somnambulists under an insidious spell.

Sounding eerily prophetic almost a century ago, Jung appears as a voice from outside of time when he said, “And at the present time, too, we are once more experiencing this uprising of the unconscious destructive forces of the collective psyche. The result has been mass-murder on an unparalleled scale.”

Jung was articulating in his time the same eternal, archetypal pattern that is expressing itself in our current times.

He was pointing to the deadly danger that results when collective psychology presides, and the archetypes become unconsciously acted out en masse as a destructive psychic epidemic.

Jung said, “…collective psychoses are based on a constellated archetype, though of course this fact is not taken into account at all. In this respect our attitude is still characterized by a prodigious unconsciousness.”

We are so unaware that archetypes are the determinants of world events, that this fact is not even part of our planetary dialogue.

Psychologically speaking, we, as a species are still in an un-evolved, unconscious and adolescent state, as we are too absorbed in a personalistic, reductive, and literal view of the world.

Unaware of the archetypal dimension of reality, we don’t realize that this dream-like universe is a living oracle, an unfolding revelation which is speaking symbolically.

Recognizing the archetypal dimension of existence is to realize that we are mutually playing roles in a mythic, divine drama of salvation, redemption, and incarnation.

We are tied together by a deeper archetypal process, which is like an embryonic fluid in which we are contained.

This deeper, archetypal unified field pervades, penetrates and expresses itself everywhere.
The archetypal dimension is not bound by the traditional rules of space and time, and is hence, non-local.

Being non-local, the archetypes of the collective unconscious exist in a realm outside of space and time, and configure events in the field so as to become manifest and actualize themselves.

The archetypal dimension is incarnating itself in, as and through our seemingly time-bound world so as to transform itself.

We are the medium through which this deeper process of incarnation and transformation becomes accomplished. It all depends if we recognize what is being revealed.

To be unconscious of the archetypal dimension is to be caught in a local, limited universe where we think we exist separate from each other, a fiction generated by our own divine, creative imagination with which we have become entranced.

We have then become bound and limited by the power of our own divine, creative imagination, instead of consciously harnessing its creative power in a way that serves us.

In the archetypal dimension, we don’t exist in isolation, but only in relation to each other.
By being interdependent, we are not separate from each other.

We are all interconnected and contained in, as well as being an expression of a deeper, archetypal process. We reciprocally condition each other in an interactive relational web in which we are co-related and correlated to each other.

This realization of our interrelatedness is the very teleology, or purpose, of the deeper, archetypal process unfolding in and through time.

In other words, recognizing the deeper, archetypal dimension is itself to snap out of the illusion that we are alien to each other.

Jung commented, “In these collective events, we merely see, as through a magnifying glass, what can also happen within the individual.”

What is happening on the planetary scale, the macrocosm, gives us insight into what is occurring inside the individual, the microcosm.

What is occurring on the world stage is a reflection of a process happening deep within each and every one of us.

And vise-versa, as what is occurring deep within ourselves is being played out on the world stage.
In collective events, we are seeing through a looking-glass into the world-soul of humanity being played out on the global stage.

How our situation unfolds depends on whether or not we recognize what is being revealed to us by the deeper, archetypal process as it acts itself out through us.

Jung pointed out that “Whenever an archetype appears things become critical, and it is impossible to foresee what turn they will take. As a rule this depends on the way consciousness reacts to the situation.”

This is analogous to the dilemma in physics about the nature of light: Is it a wave or a particle?
And just like our current world situation, it all depends on how we observe, or dream it.

Speaking of the dangers of unconsciously being forced to act out the archetype destructively, Jung said, “It seems as if the psyche were endowed with consciousness for the very purpose of preventing such destructive possibilities from happening.”

The psyche is the organ through which the archetype realizes and transforms itself.
Everything depends on enough people waking up to what is being revealed by this deeper process and consciously mediating and overcoming the spellbinding effect of the archetype.

Instead of unconsciously participating in creating an endless, recurring nightmare in which we are all victimized, we are then able to connect with each other so as to incarnate the archetype consciously, compassionately, constructively, and creatively.

The underlying archetypal process that is giving shape and form to events in our world originates in the unconscious psyche of humanity.

Because it is not honored and recognized, the unconscious psyche of humanity is asserting its power in a destructive way so as to reveal itself.

This deeper, archetypal process is literally demanding to be recognized and integrated.
We are participants in the divine drama of incarnation, as we are the vessels through which the archetypes of the collective unconscious are incarnating and transforming themselves.

This is to say that we are the conduit, and events in our world the medium, through which consciousness is birthing itself into, through, and as our universe.

Because we have been unconsciously acting out this deeper process, it has been getting dreamed up destructively.

But our unconsciously acting out this deeper process is itself the very means through which we become conscious of the deeper archetypal process, which is to say that what is playing out in our world is initiatory.

We have collaboratively dreamed up a living nightmare for ourselves on a planetary scale so as to wake ourselves up.
Metaphysically speaking, animals have auras! They’re not going to have as large or as complex an aura as humans, but they have strong auras just the same. A cat, for example, will usually have an aura that reaches out about a foot in all directions. The colors will often be pink, red, and yellow. A dog will have a slightly larger aura, extending maybe a foot and a half. Blue, red, and pink are often seen in a dog’s aura especially if it’s loyal. The aura around a horse will be even larger, extending three feet in all directions often with green, yellow, red, pink, blue, and violet spiritual colors. An animal’s aura changes depending on its feelings and moods. They express anger, fear, sadness, and joy in their auras like humans do.

What most common aura does your cat have, Skare? I mean that one color might be more common reflecting the personality.

Does the aura color match the observed behavior of a cat?

Are fur color and aura color correlated? For example, a black cat that walks under a ladder is unlikely to cause bad luck to an observer, if that kitty has a green aura. That would be a contradiction.
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Metaphysically speaking, animals have auras! They’re not going to have as large or as complex an aura as humans, but they have strong auras just the same. A cat, for example, will usually have an aura that reaches out about a foot in all directions. The colors will often be pink, red, and yellow. A dog will have a slightly larger aura, extending maybe a foot and a half. Blue, red, and pink are often seen in a dog’s aura especially if it’s loyal. The aura around a horse will be even larger, extending three feet in all directions often with green, yellow, red, pink, blue, and violet spiritual colors. An animal’s aura changes depending on its feelings and moods. They express anger, fear, sadness, and joy in their auras like humans do.

What most common aura does your cat have, Skare? I mean that one color might be more common reflecting the personality.

Does the aura color match the observed behavior of a cat?

Are fur color and aura color correlated? For example, a black cat that walks under a ladder is unlikely to cause bad luck to an observer, if that kitty has a green aura. That would be a contradiction.

I have two is grey, black, and a bit of brown stripes and the other with orange cream stripes.
The grey Tabby and I would say he is purple for the orange one...he matches his outside a lot when he is very playful but otherwise I would intuit is blue mostly.
I do think the fur color has a bit to do with a cats personality...but that could very well be a genetic factor found in that certain color as well.
I lean more on the side of nurture vs nature as far as how an animal or human ends up with the personality they do.
Though there are some cats like Siamese cats, Calico cats, that seem to be more aloof and less friendly than your average cat....but that is generalizing...I’ve met nice versions of those too.
It’s all speculation.
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Metaphysically speaking, animals have auras! They’re not going to have as large or as complex an aura as humans, but they have strong auras just the same. A cat, for example, will usually have an aura that reaches out about a foot in all directions. The colors will often be pink, red, and yellow. A dog will have a slightly larger aura, extending maybe a foot and a half. Blue, red, and pink are often seen in a dog’s aura especially if it’s loyal. The aura around a horse will be even larger, extending three feet in all directions often with green, yellow, red, pink, blue, and violet spiritual colors. An animal’s aura changes depending on its feelings and moods. They express anger, fear, sadness, and joy in their auras like humans do.

What most common aura does your cat have, Skare? I mean that one color might be more common reflecting the personality.

Does the aura color match the observed behavior of a cat?

Are fur color and aura color correlated? For example, a black cat that walks under a ladder is unlikely to cause bad luck to an observer, if that kitty has a green aura. That would be a contradiction.

I am able to sense the aura of animals but I don't see them as colors. I just feel their proximity and what they are feeling. I often sense the small animals such as rabbits and toads hiding in my yard. We had some baby rabbits that I rescued once and one of them escaped and hid somewhere in the house and I was able to sense exactly where it was and went straight to it with no searching. I also knew it was dying and in pain because it fell and got injured when it escaped.
I am able to sense the aura of animals but I don't see them as colors. I just feel their proximity and what they are feeling. I often sense the small animals such as rabbits and toads hiding in my yard. We had some baby rabbits that I rescued once and one of them escaped and hid somewhere in the house and I was able to sense exactly where it was and went straight to it with no searching. I also knew it was dying and in pain because it fell and got injured when it escaped.
That is a really awesome gift!

I have a great connection to cats...even when out walking the neighborhood, very often I have cats that run up to me for no apparent reason...or I will call one over that is happening by and I would say 90% of the time they come.
I think most of it has to do with my own energy I put off that they can perceive.

I scooped what I thought was a dead baby bird out of my ex’s parent’s home once when we were housesitting.
It was a baby was was February I think...anyhow, it was still alive and I kept it inside and fed it according to the a few days it was quite spry again...would make noise till I came and fed it....about 4-5 days later I put it out in the bushes near the pool as the Parents kept coming around.
The coolest part was about two weeks later....and I shit you not...we were sitting under the back porch at the same house by the pool talking when a very young dove accompanied by his two parents landed in the tree by us....then the young one flew under the porch and landed on the eves, looked at me as if to thank me...flew back to his/her parents and they all flew away.
So awesome.

C. G. Jung had profound insight into the deeper, underlying archetypal processes originating in the unconscious psyche of humanity that give shape and form to collective human events.

To quote Jung, “…the first World War released the hidden power of evil, just as the war itself was released by the accumulation of unconscious masses…. The second World War was a repetition of the same psychic process but on an infinitely greater scale.”

The current global war on terror is the latest iteration of the same underlying psychic process, the latest variation of a very old theme.

Our species is endlessly re-creating the same mythic, archetypal process, as if we are having a recurring dream.

War itself is an expression of an unconscious process in the collective psyche of humanity that literally is being re-enacted on the global stage.

Speaking about the Second World War, though he could’ve been describing our current times, Jung said that it “…was recognized as an unmitigated psychic disaster only by the few. Rather than do this, people prefer the most preposterous political and economic theories.” [Emphasis added]

Jung was pointing at the little recognized fact that the root factor underlying collective events such as war originate in the unconscious psyche of humanity.

Most people overlay political or economic explanations onto collective events, not realizing that the origin of the collective events is to be found in the human psyche.

The seeds of world events lie in the unconscious, waiting to sprout under the proper conditions and at the right moment.

Jung elaborated by saying, “…what the unconscious really contains are the great collective events of the time. In the collective unconscious of the individual, history prepares itself; and when the archetypes are activated in a number of individuals and come to the surface, we are in the midst of history, as we are at present. The archetypal image which the moment requires gets into life, and everybody is seized by it. That is what we see today.”

Any given moment of time requires and is simultaneously expressing the deeper, mythic archetypal process which in-forms it.

When we get into proximity to the archetype, we become collectively drafted into its overpowering field of force.

We then become a tool in the archetype’s hand, enabling it to give shape to itself in our world.
By being seized and thereby compelled to act out this more powerful archetypal force unconsciously as collective events, we become the instrument through which this suprapersonal force is making itself known to us.

Collective events have their own unique type of psychology.
Collective events are the manifestation of a mass psychology that becomes operative when large groups of people fall into their unconscious together, feeding into and off of each other’s unconsciousness.

The determining power underlying mass psychology, the archetypes of the collective unconscious, are the formative templates that give breath (inspire) and depth (materiality) to events in the outer world.

These inner primordial images are pregnant with a living energy that wants to embody, actualize, and incarnate itself in the shapes and forms of our 3-D universe.

The archetypes are the invisible, form-less “ground plan” which in-form and give shape to both individual and collective human behavior.

They are the psychic skeleton upon which the individual and collective body politic is formed.
Archetypes are the structural forms that underlie consciousness, just as the crystal lattice underlies the crystallization process.

Archetypes, like the crystal lattice, are empty of concrete, material existence, yet they shape consciousness and events in the world just like the crystal lattice patterns the form of the individual crystal.

The archetypes themselves are non-perceptible and irrepresentable, since they precede all representation, while simultaneously re-presenting themselves through in-forming and giving shape to the perceptible universe.

Being atemporal, archetypes exist outside of time.
They bleed through, irrupt, and unfold into and through time so as to incarnate and reveal themselves.

Archetypes become visible by arranging and magnetically attracting events into themselves like atemporal, self-organizing fields.

Archetypes synchronistically configure events in the outer world so as to express and actualize themselves on the stage of history.

When the archetypal dimension is emerging, the boundary between the inner and the outer begins to dissolve, as the inner experience of the archetype becomes synchronistically enacted in the outer world.

Jung said, “…people had simply no idea that our personal psychology is just a thin skin, a ripple upon the ocean of collective psychology. The powerful factor, the factor which changes our whole life, which changes the surface of our known world, which makes history, is collective psychology, and collective psychology moves according to laws entirely different from those of our [individual] consciousness. The archetypes are the great decisive forces, they bring about the real events, and not our personal reasoning and practical intellect…the archetypal images decide the fate of man. Man’s unconscious psychology decides, and not what we think and talk in the brain-chamber up in the attic.”

If we want to get to the source of collective events in our world so that we can transform them, we need to recognize the archetypal, mythic dimension of existence that is revealing itself to us as it acts itself out through us.

We have all been drafted into the service of a divine drama, and we play a key role in how this deeper, divine process of incarnation manifests.

Speaking about getting close to an overpowering archetype, Jung said, “One cannot resist it. It gets you below the belt and not in your mind, your brain just counts for nothing, your sympathetic system is gripped. It is a power that fascinates people from within, it is the collective unconscious which is activated, it is an archetype which is common to them all that has come to life. And because it is an archetype, it has historical aspects and we cannot understand the events without knowing history.”

The destructive world events throughout time immemorial are the effects of an archetype getting constellated and being unconsciously acted out as human history.

The archetype is continually creating novel iterations of the exact same underlying invariant process, which is to say “itself,” like an endlessly self-generating fractal unfolding over linear, historical time.

Until the archetype is consciously recognized, however, instead of unconsciously acted out, we are doomed to endlessly re-create its negative, destructive aspect as if we were somnambulists under an insidious spell.

Sounding eerily prophetic almost a century ago, Jung appears as a voice from outside of time when he said, “And at the present time, too, we are once more experiencing this uprising of the unconscious destructive forces of the collective psyche. The result has been mass-murder on an unparalleled scale.”

Jung was articulating in his time the same eternal, archetypal pattern that is expressing itself in our current times.

He was pointing to the deadly danger that results when collective psychology presides, and the archetypes become unconsciously acted out en masse as a destructive psychic epidemic.

Jung said, “…collective psychoses are based on a constellated archetype, though of course this fact is not taken into account at all. In this respect our attitude is still characterized by a prodigious unconsciousness.”

We are so unaware that archetypes are the determinants of world events, that this fact is not even part of our planetary dialogue.

Psychologically speaking, we, as a species are still in an un-evolved, unconscious and adolescent state, as we are too absorbed in a personalistic, reductive, and literal view of the world.

Unaware of the archetypal dimension of reality, we don’t realize that this dream-like universe is a living oracle, an unfolding revelation which is speaking symbolically.

Recognizing the archetypal dimension of existence is to realize that we are mutually playing roles in a mythic, divine drama of salvation, redemption, and incarnation.

We are tied together by a deeper archetypal process, which is like an embryonic fluid in which we are contained.

This deeper, archetypal unified field pervades, penetrates and expresses itself everywhere.
The archetypal dimension is not bound by the traditional rules of space and time, and is hence, non-local.

Being non-local, the archetypes of the collective unconscious exist in a realm outside of space and time, and configure events in the field so as to become manifest and actualize themselves.

The archetypal dimension is incarnating itself in, as and through our seemingly time-bound world so as to transform itself.

We are the medium through which this deeper process of incarnation and transformation becomes accomplished. It all depends if we recognize what is being revealed.

To be unconscious of the archetypal dimension is to be caught in a local, limited universe where we think we exist separate from each other, a fiction generated by our own divine, creative imagination with which we have become entranced.

We have then become bound and limited by the power of our own divine, creative imagination, instead of consciously harnessing its creative power in a way that serves us.

In the archetypal dimension, we don’t exist in isolation, but only in relation to each other.
By being interdependent, we are not separate from each other.

We are all interconnected and contained in, as well as being an expression of a deeper, archetypal process. We reciprocally condition each other in an interactive relational web in which we are co-related and correlated to each other.

This realization of our interrelatedness is the very teleology, or purpose, of the deeper, archetypal process unfolding in and through time.

In other words, recognizing the deeper, archetypal dimension is itself to snap out of the illusion that we are alien to each other.

Jung commented, “In these collective events, we merely see, as through a magnifying glass, what can also happen within the individual.”

What is happening on the planetary scale, the macrocosm, gives us insight into what is occurring inside the individual, the microcosm.

What is occurring on the world stage is a reflection of a process happening deep within each and every one of us.

And vise-versa, as what is occurring deep within ourselves is being played out on the world stage.
In collective events, we are seeing through a looking-glass into the world-soul of humanity being played out on the global stage.

How our situation unfolds depends on whether or not we recognize what is being revealed to us by the deeper, archetypal process as it acts itself out through us.

Jung pointed out that “Whenever an archetype appears things become critical, and it is impossible to foresee what turn they will take. As a rule this depends on the way consciousness reacts to the situation.”

This is analogous to the dilemma in physics about the nature of light: Is it a wave or a particle?
And just like our current world situation, it all depends on how we observe, or dream it.

Speaking of the dangers of unconsciously being forced to act out the archetype destructively, Jung said, “It seems as if the psyche were endowed with consciousness for the very purpose of preventing such destructive possibilities from happening.”

The psyche is the organ through which the archetype realizes and transforms itself.
Everything depends on enough people waking up to what is being revealed by this deeper process and consciously mediating and overcoming the spellbinding effect of the archetype.

Instead of unconsciously participating in creating an endless, recurring nightmare in which we are all victimized, we are then able to connect with each other so as to incarnate the archetype consciously, compassionately, constructively, and creatively.

The underlying archetypal process that is giving shape and form to events in our world originates in the unconscious psyche of humanity.

Because it is not honored and recognized, the unconscious psyche of humanity is asserting its power in a destructive way so as to reveal itself.

This deeper, archetypal process is literally demanding to be recognized and integrated.
We are participants in the divine drama of incarnation, as we are the vessels through which the archetypes of the collective unconscious are incarnating and transforming themselves.

This is to say that we are the conduit, and events in our world the medium, through which consciousness is birthing itself into, through, and as our universe.

Because we have been unconsciously acting out this deeper process, it has been getting dreamed up destructively.

But our unconsciously acting out this deeper process is itself the very means through which we become conscious of the deeper archetypal process, which is to say that what is playing out in our world is initiatory.

We have collaboratively dreamed up a living nightmare for ourselves on a planetary scale so as to wake ourselves up.
...I have been listening to Alan Watts on UTube. He makes some strong key points which are in alignment with your post here. One that stands out in particular is a talk he gave in 1967. In it he touches on societies current Materalistic Lifestyle & political venues. Worth the listen.
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Okay...some wacky shit took place early this morning.

I got up really early...per usual...I have found that if I don’t sleep in, then I don’t feel so physically bad.
So I set the alarm for 5:55 and got up.
Then as usual, because it helps me feel better...I put on my headphones and some binaural beats 4.0 hrz which is for all kinds of things including pain relief but also out of body experiences and ESP, etc.
Anyhow...after an hour and a half I get up and drink some water and put on another video with the same hertz.
About 20 mins. in I swear I hear Sensiko in the kitchen and she is talking rather I open my eyes and pull out an earbud (the noise cancelling kind), but hear nothing...shrug it off as a dream and put the earbuds back in and begin meditating again.

Then out of the blue I begin to get waves running through my body...this brings me to consciousness again and I wonder if this is the stage of astral projection where people feel vibrations through their body, right before separation.
I relax back into it and the sensations begin again, except this time it is exactly the same feeling of waves I would feel when I have “Qi blasted” some entity out of my house or room...they are not unpleasant, in fact they were rather pleasant waves of vibrational energy that seemed to emanate from my core outward. I hear what sounds like a group of women talking in the kitchen along with Sensiko’s voice in spite of the earbuds and binaural beats, as I feel these waves and hear the sounds in the kitchen, I relax into it instead of letting it bring my consciousness forward which would interrupt it.
I continue to feel the waves moving outward from me and I decide to try and separate from my body...I reach my arms up to feel my face and I feel nothing...but yet I’m moving my is at this discovery that I am feeling the space where my head is supposed to be that jolts me fully awake and I stop meditating.

Sensiko gets up a bit afterward and tells me how she was dreaming that she had gathered her girlfriends from work and other people to do some kind of group Qi blast.
She said in her dream she was looking out the window of our house and there was this very odd man, very creepy, coming down the street toward our house, but he doesn’t walk, he instead is doing backflips and strange gymnastic moves as he moves this way.
She quickly locks the house and the women begin to do a group “Qi blast” to keep this entity away.
Which it does apparently.

That is some weird coincidental shit if it’s just a coincidence.
And the waves I felt, felt exactly like the defensive waves I have used before...they began quite suddenly and I wasn’t looking to induce an out of body experience though I went with it when it began.
I think I heard the group of woman in the kitchen...I think I helped the group to “Qi blast” this thing away.

Very strange....thoughts?
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Okay...some wacky shit took place early this morning.

I got up really early...per usual...I have found that if I don’t sleep in, then I don’t feel so physically bad.
So I set the alarm for 5:55 and got up.
Then as usual, because it helps me feel better...I put on my headphones and some binaural beats 4.0 hrz which is for all kinds of things including pain relief but also out of body experiences and ESP, etc.
Anyhow...after an hour and a half I get up and drink some water and put on another video with the same hertz.
About 20 mins. in I swear I hear Sensiko in the kitchen and she is talking rather I open my eyes and pull out an earbud (the noise cancelling kind), but hear nothing...shrug it off as a dream and put the earbuds back in and begin meditating again.

Then out of the blue I begin to get waves running through my body...this brings me to consciousness again and I wonder if this is the stage of astral projection where people feel vibrations through there body, right before separation.
I relax back into it and the sensations begin again, except this time it is exactly the same feeling of waves I would feel when I have “Qi blasted” some entity out of my house or room...they are not unpleasant, in fact they were rather pleasant waves of vibrational energy that seemed to emanate from my core outward. I hear what sounds like a group of women talking in the kitchen along with Sensiko’s voice in spite of the earbuds and binaural beats, as I feel these waves and hear the sounds in the kitchen, I relax into it instead of letting it bring my consciousness forward which would interrupt it.
I continue to feel the waves moving outward from me and I decide to try and separate from my body...I reach my arms up to feel my face and I feel nothing...but yet I’m moving my is at this discovery that I am feeling the space where my head is supposed to be that jolts me fully awake and I stop meditating.

Sensiko gets up a bit afterward and tells me how she was dreaming that she had gathered her girlfriends from work and other people to do some kind of group Qi blast.
She said in her dream she was looking out the window of our house and there was this very odd man, very creepy, coming down the street toward our house, but he doesn’t walk, he instead is doing backflips and strange gymnastic moves as he moves this way.
She quickly locks the house and the women begin to do a group “Qi blast” to keep this entity away.
Which it does apparently.

That is some weird coincidental shit if it’s just a coincidence.
And the waves I felt, felt exactly like the defensive waves I have used before...they began quite suddenly and I wasn’t looking to induce an out of body experience though I went with it when it began.
I think I heard the group of woman in the kitchen...I think I helped the group to “Qi blast” this thing away.

Very strange....thoughts?

Why 5:55 AM? Obviously it is something to do with magic numbers. Otherwise, you would choose 6:00. That is a precisely 'on the stroke', easy to remember. Why is not 6:66 possible? Would that be convertible to 7:06 if you want that number? You tell me, a novice, who has been separated from Source for eons.

I remember you writing before, in another thread, something about isolating a room from astral or etheric intruders, turning it into Fort Knox. It seems like you need to make some adjustments to make it work. How about putting out some astral or etheric mousetraps that interact only with the energy of the intruders but not with you. In that case, you can go to the bathroom in the middle of night without any problem, whereas waking up in the middle of night due to a scream is a positive sign of an intended catch. Why not try that?? :smirk:
Why 5:55 AM? Obviously it is something to do with magic numbers. Otherwise, you would choose 6:00. That is a precisely 'on the stroke', easy to remember. Why is not 6:66 possible? Would that be convertible to 7:06 if you want that number? You tell me, a novice, who has been separated from Source for eons.

I remember you writing before, in another thread, something about isolating a room from astral or etheric intruders, turning it into Fort Knox. It seems like you need to make some adjustments to make it work. How about putting out some astral or etheric mousetraps that interact only with the energy of the intruders but not with you. In that case, you can go to the bathroom in the middle of night without any problem, whereas waking up in the middle of night due to a scream is a positive sign of an intended catch. Why not try that?? :smirk:

Actually, I’m quite happy to know that my internal “spidey sense” still kicks in and I begin to have an OOBE to defend it away.
I was wondering if I still had the knack, as it has been about a year since the last true spontaneous OOBE.
Lucid dreams, yes...OOB, not the same.
And this was even better because I wasn’t asleep but meditating instead...that’s a first.
It’s funny because I was just about to write about my experience here when Sensiko woke up and I told her about what went on.
Then she told me her dream, and it seems to fit as far as us both being in an altered state at the same time...her asleep (me meditating), though I would classify her as semi-lucid, as she was doing her own protections on the house...the locks she said were big heavy locks on heavy metal doors...there is power in that symbolic gesture and active participation in doing a group Qi blast.
This home is quite protected I assure you.
It’s probably me...or us both (both INFJs with paranormal/empathic experiences), that attract certain entities, that’s how it’s been since I can remember as a child...
Even the noises I experienced this morning were the same I experienced as a child right before I would have an out of body experience that would terrify was ultimately me learning to jump back and force myself back to consciousness as a child that brought the night terrors associated with it to an end.
Sometimes I set the clock for 4:44...otherwise my body adjusts and I feel bad again...I have to switch up the time.’s as if there is a switch in my head or somewhere that flips if I try to sleep in.
So be it...I’m retraining myself so hopefully that doesn’t happen and instead my brain goes into a meditative default state in the morning instead.
As for there being any entities able to enter my home...I’m sure one out there exists, but it will have a hell of a time once it’s in the house.
There are many protective objects in this home...that and the intentions and boundaries I have set up.
I have everything from crucifixes to powerful protective stones, incenses, boundaries around doors, etc.
Still...the occasional wandering baddie will trip my internal alarms - and it seems Sensiko’s alarms as well.
That’s a comforting thought actually.
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...I have been listening to Alan Watts on UTube. He makes some strong key points which are in alignment with your post here. One that stands out in particular is a talk he gave in 1967. In it he touches on societies current Materalistic Lifestyle & political venues. Worth the listen.

I think he’s wonderful to listen to....even if you ultimately don’t agree with him or his theories...he gets you thinking outside the box in new fantastic ways.
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I think he’s wonderful to listen to....even if you ultimately don’t agree with him or his theories...he gets you thinking outside the box in new fantastic ways.
thinking outside the box in new fantastic ways.
I've been surrounded by too many "sheep" this summer. They are blindly walking someone else's path instead of perusing their own. I can't fathom how folks hear a thing and say "yep, that's for me" without finding if there is more/alternate information. Seems many think it's too difficult to think for themselves ;)
Oh, and Manly P Hall is quite fasinating too in his theories.
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Okay...some wacky shit took place early this morning.

I got up really early...per usual...I have found that if I don’t sleep in, then I don’t feel so physically bad.
So I set the alarm for 5:55 and got up.
Then as usual, because it helps me feel better...I put on my headphones and some binaural beats 4.0 hrz which is for all kinds of things including pain relief but also out of body experiences and ESP, etc.
Anyhow...after an hour and a half I get up and drink some water and put on another video with the same hertz.
About 20 mins. in I swear I hear Sensiko in the kitchen and she is talking rather I open my eyes and pull out an earbud (the noise cancelling kind), but hear nothing...shrug it off as a dream and put the earbuds back in and begin meditating again.

Then out of the blue I begin to get waves running through my body...this brings me to consciousness again and I wonder if this is the stage of astral projection where people feel vibrations through their body, right before separation.
I relax back into it and the sensations begin again, except this time it is exactly the same feeling of waves I would feel when I have “Qi blasted” some entity out of my house or room...they are not unpleasant, in fact they were rather pleasant waves of vibrational energy that seemed to emanate from my core outward. I hear what sounds like a group of women talking in the kitchen along with Sensiko’s voice in spite of the earbuds and binaural beats, as I feel these waves and hear the sounds in the kitchen, I relax into it instead of letting it bring my consciousness forward which would interrupt it.
I continue to feel the waves moving outward from me and I decide to try and separate from my body...I reach my arms up to feel my face and I feel nothing...but yet I’m moving my is at this discovery that I am feeling the space where my head is supposed to be that jolts me fully awake and I stop meditating.

Sensiko gets up a bit afterward and tells me how she was dreaming that she had gathered her girlfriends from work and other people to do some kind of group Qi blast.
She said in her dream she was looking out the window of our house and there was this very odd man, very creepy, coming down the street toward our house, but he doesn’t walk, he instead is doing backflips and strange gymnastic moves as he moves this way.
She quickly locks the house and the women begin to do a group “Qi blast” to keep this entity away.
Which it does apparently.

That is some weird coincidental shit if it’s just a coincidence.
And the waves I felt, felt exactly like the defensive waves I have used before...they began quite suddenly and I wasn’t looking to induce an out of body experience though I went with it when it began.
I think I heard the group of woman in the kitchen...I think I helped the group to “Qi blast” this thing away.

Very strange....thoughts?
Really cool shared experience of another reality.

The group of women are the new Beings from Venus here to help humanity shift up their frequency and expand consciousness. I also sense the Divine Feminine Energy presence there with you.
The man doing odd moves towards your house is curious. It seems to me that if a person has nefarious motives towards you and your home they would try to get as close to you as possible to enact their dastardly deed. Yet this guy was being as obvious as possible even to the point of calling attention to himself by doing gymnastic moves right out in the open. As if to say "look at me! ...look at me! ...I'm trying to sneak up on you to do some harm!"
...weird that is...

I've read a couple of others talk about this smooth gentle loving completely fullfilling energy moving through them seemingly from the core of their being. Feeling as if wrapped in a cocoon of love. Others are sensing it too. I too am feeling this energy flowing out from my center and I think it's our Lightbody engaging with the human body through the portals along our spine. Some call them chakras. Some call them energy centers....gateways...nodes of connection with the web...the matrix...the dimensions...etc.

Some thoughts come to mind:
Be mindful of the fact you and I and all of us are OF One unified field of consciousness.
Our ultimate goal is to integrate and unify with our Light Body Higher Self down here in our human form...and the goal of the Light Body Being is Unity Consciousness.
Projecting our Fear upon another Being...whether incarnate here on earth or only adding to the collective consciousness of Fear which intensifies its effects upon all humans through our shared consciousness.
Most are not adept at keeping "your" personal Fear out of "their" personal consciousness field....and this keeps humanity scrambling at full speed on the hamster wheel of manipulation.
Therefore it is our responsibility to deal with our own personal fears.
Seek ways, methods, and tools to release your fear of seemingly dark demonic Beings...not barricade yourself and push against them. Transmuation is the term.
All consciousness is energy and exists in the neutral state of unconditional love. The Creator...which is you....projects their Emotions combined with Thought upon that "sea of consciousness" and it takes on Form. It has weight. It has substance. and it has Affect...and Effect...upon your world(energy field) and the world of humanity. [okay i said that last line poorly...but you know what i mean]:blush:

So if you're fearful of demons trying to enter your home....they will come check you out because they resonate to that fear and they can feel in the collective.
You are actually creating the potential for that to happen.
...orrr... you are literally creating negative thought forms filled with fear to come flip flopping down your street towards your house.

How do you feel when you read those words?
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Why 5:55 AM? Obviously it is something to do with magic numbers. Otherwise, you would choose 6:00. That is a precisely 'on the stroke', easy to remember. Why is not 6:66 possible? Would that be convertible to 7:06 if you want that number? You tell me, a novice, who has been separated from Source for eons.

I remember you writing before, in another thread, something about isolating a room from astral or etheric intruders, turning it into Fort Knox. It seems like you need to make some adjustments to make it work. How about putting out some astral or etheric mousetraps that interact only with the energy of the intruders but not with you. In that case, you can go to the bathroom in the middle of night without any problem, whereas waking up in the middle of night due to a scream is a positive sign of an intended catch. Why not try that?? :smirk:

That's pretty much what I do. I asked in ceremony for assistance in keeping my place safe from harm. I first started with my house and then moved outward to the acres. Every season I smudge the house with sage and put salt down across the thresholds and give profound gratitude. I know of others who put out crystals of protection all over their space.

Everyone has their own tools and I say what works works. I imagine Skarekrow could put special colored socks in all the corners and as long as he infused them with his energy they'd keep the heaviness away. :) Look up Bashar and Permission Slips.....There's a wealth of information there finding what works for you.

That's pretty much what I do. I asked in ceremony for assistance in keeping my place safe from harm. I first started with my house and then moved outward to the acres. Every season I smudge the house with sage and put salt down across the thresholds and give profound gratitude. I know of others who put out crystals of protection all over their space.

Everyone has their own tools and I say what works works. I imagine Skarekrow could put special colored socks in all the corners and as long as he infused them with his energy they'd keep the heaviness away. :) Look up Bashar and Permission Slips.....There's a wealth of information there finding what works for you.

I will try seasoning or smudging later. But will that be needed after the Event? At some point, lunatic spirits will not be able to match the vibration of the planet.

I remember that there is a tradition in England of putting out socks on Christmas Eve. By Christmas Day morning, Santa has hopefully put present in it. Now there is a dual purpose of socks. Make an X-mas of every day. :mxmas:

'Thx' for the Bashar video. He seems to be a great teacher. BTW this is a video that I have been really looking for for a long time.

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