Merkabah | Page 236 | INFJ Forum
Thanks as ALWAYS for your kind words and thoughts you extend without conditions.
I still feel optimistic that the bugs will be worked I said, I will give it a fair shot, I can only imagine the depth of work it takes to transfer a whole forum.
Maybe it’s just time for “Merkabah Part 2”, perhaps it’s a cue to evolve.
That is a fantastic picture btw!
Simply amazing mandala.

I was just talking with @Dragon about how these past few days and weeks have been particularly trying.
It is my belief that the collective consciousness is going bonkers right word to describe it - bonkers.
The racial tensions, the coming faux election, the turmoil in France and the middle east...I think we are reaching that tipping point and those of us who are more sensitive to such things are feeling anxious, depressed, angry, frustrated, etc.
I find myself wearing my psychic armor almost all the time now, which helps (I don’t have a bubble of light surrounding me, I have armor).
IDK...I will let some time pass and see what there is to see and do.
Again...thank you, and I’m sending you a blast of positive energy!

I like the idea of Merkabah evolving. Had a quick look at the blog. Enjoyed the interview with Nikola Tesla. So many materialists who see him as a idol forget how much he delved into the mystical. Same with quite a few other bastions of science.

Hm, well perhaps that would explain why I've been feeling so moody and weird the past few days. Either that or I'm having a psychological breakdown and I'm too emotionally retarded to see it. Which would be strange seeing as how my life is going pretty well right now. Still I feel so confused and out of balance. I think you mentioned that the best time for meditation is when you don't want to do it, but right now I'm not sure I could deal with what would come from that.

Dang, look at me emoting all over the place. Shield of INTJ stoicism activate. Ah, that's better.
Nonverbal Autistic Child Demonstrates Remarkable Telepathic Abilities To A Neuroscientist


Dr. Powell’s work with non-verbal autistic children has shown strong evidence for telepathic abilities. The video below is one example of a test she conducted with multiple nonverbal autistic children. This particular child achieved a 100 percent hit rate, and in total average, the children achieved a group hit rate of 90 percent.

Powell explains in the video that she wants to further study these children: “I want to go back and I want to film Haley under ideal scientific conditions. There are also several other children across the globe who demonstrate a similar phenomenon. I want to go and document them as well.”
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I like the idea of Merkabah evolving. Had a quick look at the blog. Enjoyed the interview with Nikola Tesla. So many materialists who see him as a idol forget how much he delved into the mystical. Same with quite a few other bastions of science.

Hm, well perhaps that would explain why I've been feeling so moody and weird the past few days. Either that or I'm having a psychological breakdown and I'm too emotionally retarded to see it. Which would be strange seeing as how my life is going pretty well right now. Still I feel so confused and out of balance. I think you mentioned that the best time for meditation is when you don't want to do it, but right now I'm not sure I could deal with what would come from that.

Dang, look at me emoting all over the place. Shield of INTJ stoicism activate. Ah, that's better.


How thick is it?
Russian Scientist Announce Historic Discovery Rendering the Entire System Obsolete

In another challenge to the Khazarian Mafia’s Babylonian paper magick financial system and the entire pyramid of cartels, two Russian scientists revealed a groundbreaking scientific discovery that is expected to change every system built for the last millennia.

Chemical transmutation, specifically involving lead into gold, was first heard within the occult science known as alchemy. Then, it was that same occultism that continue to suppress using the “national security” all encompassing excuse against free energy activist John Bedini, who successfully transmuted copper into gold by using 5000 Celsius of heat, further explaining why countries above the Ring of Fire, like the Philippines, have so much natural gold deposit that’s been extracted by foreign mining firms decades ago.

To put it simply, there is more than one way to produce gold, naturally and artificially. And this very valuable element has more than one application, too, not just in the realm of electronics industry, but also within our physical well-being, and has been made part in man’s pursuit for longevity for thousands of years.

So, why is the knowledge pertaining to all of the above are not available up to now?

In a word, capitalism.

The profit oriented capitalism, in conjunction with the monetary based economic system, has aborted humanity’s march towards space age progress. It has deterred us from achieving our full potential.

All technologies that have been discovered, and are deliberately suppressed by patent acquisition and shelving, can make the existing control paradigm obsolete overnight. Those who are addicted to these control systems need to be neutralized if we are to make it to the next level of our evolution that’s been delayed for more than 100 years.

This is exactly what the BRICS countries are trying to do.

For the last several years since its inception, the BRICS tried several methods and strategies to start this paradigm shifting change that is not only expected to affect their own population, but that of the entire planet.

In order to weaken the clout of the Rothschild banking dynasty that is protecting the status quo, both Russia and China started buying vast quantities of gold available in the open market. This didn’t cause a significant increase on the price of gold and silver right away because those prices were already under intense systematic rigging in the first place, in order to protect the “integrity” of the legal tender, global exchange currency, i.e. Federal Reserve’s US dollar.

However, the stable and low gold prices only fed the desire of Russia and China to buy even more gold bullion using their huge reserve US dollars, a gradual yet deliberate dollar dumping, further undermining the already weakened Western economies. This resulted to the massive resignations of banking CEOs in the early part of 2012. These massive banking resignations were punctuated in June of the same year by World Bank President Zoellick and a year later by Pope Benedict XVI, the Vatican being at the apex of Corporatocracy and the entire fiat banking system on the planet.

Since then, the BRICS established direct exchanges using sovereign asset-based currencies to sustain their own economies while requiring others, especially the West, to do the same in exchange for their oil and industrial products.

Now, the financing world is separated between the East’s asset denominated and the West fiat based economies.

As the Brexit referendum was looming, Rothschild’s henchman George Soros invested heavily on Asian gold mines and made at least $2 trillion revenue overnight. This gives the Rothschild banking dynasty more fuel to sustain their sinister plans for the West, i.e. technocratic dictatorship.

So, how would humanity defeat a cunning enemy which is agile enough to play from one financial market into another, in a wink?

Since waging war is not a feasible option considering the possibility of a nuclear MAD, or mutually assured destruction, the only option left would then be the total destruction of the financial system itself.

But how exactly should the BRICS do it?

Barely a few weeks ago, a conference was held in Geneva, Switzerland, purposely to announce the discovery of a method to transmute any element into another element in the periodic table, and beyond.

This discovery was made possible by two Russian theoretical and experimental scientists who were trying to figure out how to fuel a spacecraft using any element found in space. Now, that’s a good scientific excuse, indeed.

The transmutation process does not involve nuclear reaction and heavy water. The economic consequence of the industrial scale of such a process cannot be projected at this point, they say.

Vladislav Karabanov: “Today, here in Geneva, we are making public a discovery and a technology which without any exaggeration could be of historic significance.

The essence of this discovery and the technology boils down to the development of an industrial method for the transformation of chemical elements into other elements and their isotopes.

What we’ll have to show you today is the transmutation without nuclear reactors, without heavy water, or anything of the kind, to obtain a transmutation of elements. Our approach to transmutation of chemical elements is biochemical in nature.


Let’s move onto the process itself very briefly. The first component used in the process is ore, or nuclear waste. The second component of the process are valuable valency metals such as vanadium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, and others. Either of these will do, but we tend to use iron as the least costly element. The third component and a factor in this process, these are bacteria. Usually we use iron and sulphur-reducing bacterial species which we select along a certain list of criteria, such as that the bacteria are active, that they are resistant to radiation, that they are adapted to a heavily salted solution — ore, suspended in water.

Now about the technology itself: ore, or nuclear waste (there’s no difference) is processed by bacteria in the presence of valuable valency elements in any closed vessel. The transmutation process kicks off immediately, and proceed stage by stage for two or three weeks until target elements are obtained. But if it is not stopped on time, this process would carry on until stable isotopes are obtained as the end product.”

Producing the right element is one thing, using it is another. In conjunction with this discovery, Russia also released the availability of its first 3D metal printer…

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I like the idea of Merkabah evolving. Had a quick look at the blog. Enjoyed the interview with Nikola Tesla. So many materialists who see him as a idol forget how much he delved into the mystical. Same with quite a few other bastions of science.

Hm, well perhaps that would explain why I've been feeling so moody and weird the past few days. Either that or I'm having a psychological breakdown and I'm too emotionally retarded to see it. Which would be strange seeing as how my life is going pretty well right now. Still I feel so confused and out of balance. I think you mentioned that the best time for meditation is when you don't want to do it, but right now I'm not sure I could deal with what would come from that.

Dang, look at me emoting all over the place. Shield of INTJ stoicism activate. Ah, that's better.

Yes, Tesla was very much into the mystical...which to him it seems, was a finger on the hand of science.
It was the same with the above article on Newton...he was way into alchemy as well as Biblical prophesy.

I honestly believe that there is a world-wide “something”, going on with the collective consciousness...perhaps it’s just all the hate, fear, and turmoil going on specifically right now.
I see otherwise reasonable people deciding to vote for Trump (not that Hillary is much better - sell out), mostly because of fear...if you listen to what he says, he bases everything on fear...the terrorists will cross the Mexico border, they only send rapists and criminals (when statistically illegal immigrants commit far fewer acts compared to those native born to the US).
His whole platform is fear.
He praises and quotes people like Mussolini, Putin, Kim Jong-un.

And people here are afraid...we just had ANOTHER mass shooting of police officers.
Around 90% of Americans want tougher guns laws, but the NRA lobbyists have paid everyone off.

If I were black in the US, I would shit.
And of course Fox news and CNN play up the race issue...though one of the officers killed was also black.
It’s a police vs. them mentality from decades of being mistreated, looked upon suspiciously regardless of what you are doing.
There are so many statistics showing that not only do the police shoot blacks more often than whites, but they arrest them at higher rates (though crime is roughly equal between races), they sentence them for longer periods of time than their white counterparts.
They shoot first...they act like judge, jury, and executioner.

Don’t get me wrong, I have known many cops having been a paramedic...I know most are good.
But these incidents of police shooting unarmed young black men has got to stop.

Anyhow...then we have France, the middle east, etc.
So sad.

The collective psyche it being pushed to it’s breaking point...I know it’s not all just in my head...can’t prove that in any way, or really give you a good description of how that feels and how I can feel it at all, but after discussing this with several people, they all are feeling it to varying degrees.
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Is MDMA psychiatry’s antibiotic?
Ben Sessa

This TEDx talk will explores the practice of MDMA Psychotherapy, illustrated with the life-story of a fictional typical patient.

We owe it to this population of vulnerable, untreated patients with unremitting mental disorders due to psychological trauma, to explore MDMA Therapy as potential new treatment for the future of psychiatric medicine.

Ben Sessa is a consultant psychiatrist in adult addictions, working part-time at Addaction in Weston-Super-Mare and is senior research fellow at Bristol, Cardiff and Imperial College London Universities, where he is currently taking part of his time away from clinical medical practice to study towards a PhD in MDMA Psychotherapy.

He is the author of two books exploring psychedelic medicine; The Psychedelic Renaissance (2012) and To Fathom Hell or Soar Angelic (2015) and is currently conducting research with Imperial College London and Cardiff universities studying the potential role for MDMA-assisted therapy for the treatment of PTSD and alcohol dependence syndrome.

Dr Sessa is outspoken on lobbying for change in the current system by which drugs are classified in the UK, believing a more progressive policy of regulation would reduce the harms of recreational drug use.

He is a co-founder and director of the UK’s premier international psychedelic conference, Breaking Convention.
Makes total sense...

Reality continues to crumble in the wake of David Bowie’s death


Six months after the death of David Bowie, normal reality is collapsing at an ever-increasing rate.

Scientists have concluded that Bowie was in some way integral to the function of what we call normality in ways which they have not yet properly begun to understand, but postulate a hitherto unknown particle called the ‘Bowon’ which helped the universe keep its shit together.

Researchers at the Large Hadron Collider have added the Bowon to the list of particles they are looking for after recognising that things ‘really started to get all kinds of freaky’ after January 10th of this year.

“It started with small things,” said Professor of Applied Bowie Physics Simon Williams.

“Leicester winning the league, for example.

“But as time goes on, what we humans perceive as ‘normal’ is being revealed as a shared group illusion which is collapsing at an ever-increasing rate.

“Donald Trump leading in the polls. Hillary Clinton getting the nomination. Boris Johnson becoming Foreign Secretary. Jeremy Corbyn being allowed to remain where he is. That sort of thing.

“Stuff that simply would not happen in a sane world.”

Preliminary experimentation in subtracting the Bowon from other fundamental particles indicates that they just lose something of their Strangeness and Charm, and scientists theorise that this is what’s happening to everything, really.

Staff at CERN have taken to playing Space Oddity down the LHC really loudly to try and pull things back together, and will report on their findings.
Character limit has been up’d!
Thank you!!!
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Makes total sense...

Reality continues to crumble in the wake of David Bowie’s death


Six months after the death of David Bowie, normal reality is collapsing at an ever-increasing rate.

Scientists have concluded that Bowie was in some way integral to the function of what we call normality in ways which they have not yet properly begun to understand, but postulate a hitherto unknown particle called the ‘Bowon’ which helped the universe keep its shit together.

Researchers at the Large Hadron Collider have added the Bowon to the list of particles they are looking for after recognising that things ‘really started to get all kinds of freaky’ after January 10th of this year.

“It started with small things,” said Professor of Applied Bowie Physics Simon Williams.

“Leicester winning the league, for example.

“But as time goes on, what we humans perceive as ‘normal’ is being revealed as a shared group illusion which is collapsing at an ever-increasing rate.

“Donald Trump leading in the polls. Hillary Clinton getting the nomination. Boris Johnson becoming Foreign Secretary. Jeremy Corbyn being allowed to remain where he is. That sort of thing.

“Stuff that simply would not happen in a sane world.”

Preliminary experimentation in subtracting the Bowon from other fundamental particles indicates that they just lose something of their Strangeness and Charm, and scientists theorise that this is what’s happening to everything, really.

Staff at CERN have taken to playing Space Oddity down the LHC really loudly to try and pull things back together, and will report on their findings.

Well look on the bright side. When reality finally splits and a new universe is formed, we can all move to the Bowiverse
I like the idea of Merkabah evolving. Had a quick look at the blog. Enjoyed the interview with Nikola Tesla. So many materialists who see him as a idol forget how much he delved into the mystical. Same with quite a few other bastions of science.

Hm, well perhaps that would explain why I've been feeling so moody and weird the past few days. Either that or I'm having a psychological breakdown and I'm too emotionally retarded to see it. Which would be strange seeing as how my life is going pretty well right now. Still I feel so confused and out of balance. I think you mentioned that the best time for meditation is when you don't want to do it, but right now I'm not sure I could deal with what would come from that.

Dang, look at me emoting all over the place. Shield of INTJ stoicism activate. Ah, that's better.

HUG!!!! Muah!
[aren't you glad you got your shield in place before I came over and gave you a hug?]

I miss my hugs and kisses smiley faces. You're lucky of course because I would have plastered them all over this comment for you. [bats eyelashes in complete innocence] Hahahahahahaha....

Which other bastions of science have admitted to mystical experiences?

Weird and moody is an apt description of the last weeks or so. Just about every Lightworker I know is talking about it and how unusual it was for them.
I'm feeling fantastic today!...and I hope you are too!

The body is trying to keep up with the constant fluctuations in the Earth energy field as the intensity of the energy keeps on coming. Wave after wave after wave. Your body is trying to hold itself together....and It's like you're trying to focus on the target but your eyes keep blurring and you miss the bullseye each time. It gets tiring after a while....

Recent news article tying the human body to the earth's field:

"....suggests a natural brain response: as Science puts it, “a set of neurons firing in response to the magnetic field..."

‘It’s part of our evolutionary history’: American scientist thinks he’s found a ‘sixth sense’ in humans

Maija Kappler
| June 30, 2016 3:02 PM ET
More from Maija Kappler | @MaijaKappler


Aaron Lynett / National PostGeophysicist Joe Kirschvink used a Faraday cage, like the one pictured here, to avoid electromagnetic interference in his study of magnetoreception.

We already know that migratory birds use their recognition of magnetic fields to travel south during the winter. Certain species of mice and rats set up their nests along magnetic field lines. And dogs also have an awareness of the earth’s magnetic field, which studies have shown they use, for whatever reason, to relieve themselves along a north-south axis.

But no one has yet been able to prove that that subconscious awareness of magnetic fields exists in humans — until now. Joe Kirschvink of the California Institute of Technology thinks he might be the first person to confirm that humans also have what he calls this “sixth sense.”


California Institute of TechnologyScientist Joe Kirschvink
Kirschvink’s study is still in its early stages — his sample size is small, and the work hasn’t yet been peer-reviewed. But Science Alert reports that he’s gotten past the hurdles that have stopped past researchers from proving that humans have what’s called magnetoreception.

The possibility of magnetoreception in humans could help us understand evolution, Kirschvink told Science magazine. “It’s part of our evolutionary history,” he said. “Magnetoreception may be the primal sense.”

Previous experiments on this subject have failed when the results couldn’t be verified or repeated. But Kirschvink said he’s discovered that electromagnetic interference, which can come from computers, mobile devices, and elevators, among other everyday objects, can scramble results. So he prevented that interference by building what’s called a Faraday cage: a box with magnetically shielded aluminum walls.

“The Faraday cage is key,” Kirschvink told Science. “It wasn’t until the last few years, after we put the damned Faraday shield in, that we went, ‘Wait a minute.’”

He started his experiment by connecting his human subjects up to monitors that chart their brain activity. Consistently, throughout the run of his experiments, Kirschvink recorded a sharp drop in brainwaves when the magnetic field rotated counter-clockwise — the same way the Earth’s does.


Patrick T. Fallon / BloombergCalifornia Institute of Technology, where geophysicist Joe Kirschvink studies magnetoreception
The drop in waves suggests a natural brain response: as Science puts it, “a set of neurons firing in response to the magnetic field.” To Kirschvink, the fact that the response occurred only when the field was rotated counter-clockwise, and not in a clockwise direction, indicates the polarity of the human magnetic compass.

There are competing theories about the causes of magnetoreception. But for now, Kirschvink is focused on proving that it exists in humans at all. He’s currently in Tokyo, trying to replicate the results of his initial study with Japanese neuroengineer Ayumu Matani. After that, he’s hoping for a traveling Faraday cage he can test at the magnetic equator.

The magnetic “sixth sense” is not vital to human survival, but understanding its impact might help us gather a better scientific understanding of ourselves, Kirschvink said. He likens the magnetic sense in humans to the wings of an ostrich: it’s a remnant of our past.
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HUG!!!! Muah!
[aren't you glad you got your shield in place before I came over and gave you a hug?]

I miss my hugs and kisses smiley faces. You're lucky of course because I would have plastered them all over this comment for you. [bats eyelashes in complete innocence] Hahahahahahaha....

Which other bastions of science have admitted to mystical experiences?

Weird and moody is an apt description of the last weeks or so. Just about every Lightworker I know is talking about it and how unusual it was for them.
I'm feeling fantastic today!...and I hope you are too!

The body is trying to keep up with the constant fluctuations in the Earth energy field as the intensity of the energy keeps on coming. Wave after wave after wave. Your body is trying to hold itself together....and It's like you're trying to focus on the target but your eyes keep blurring and you miss the bullseye each time. It gets tiring after a while....

Recent news article tying the human body to the earth's field:

"....suggests a natural brain response: as Science puts it, “a set of neurons firing in response to the magnetic field..."

‘It’s part of our evolutionary history’: American scientist thinks he’s found a ‘sixth sense’ in humans

What a fantastic article...pls forgive me, I have been fighting a migraine off and on since last night.
Felt fine earlier, now feeling shitty again.
Will write to you in more depth later.
Much love!
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What a fantastic article...pls forgive me, I have been fighting a migraine off and on since last night.
Felt fine earlier, now feeling shitty again.
Will write to you in more depth later.
Much love!

Forgive you? What for?
I give you hugs and kisses too....for your migraine.

Yes.... Migraines and headaches are also part of the current soup of symptoms. We're now in the process of connecting and bringing online the upper chakra energy centers of our new operating system. We're back to the headaches, neck aches, shoulders and arms numbness and tingling, throat swelling, and teeth aching stuff.
That weird spiraling sensation on the right side of my head seems to have finally least I hope so.
The most important thing you can do right now is take care of you.
HUG!!!! Muah!
[aren't you glad you got your shield in place before I came over and gave you a hug?]

I miss my hugs and kisses smiley faces. You're lucky of course because I would have plastered them all over this comment for you. [bats eyelashes in complete innocence] Hahahahahahaha....

Which other bastions of science have admitted to mystical experiences?

Weird and moody is an apt description of the last weeks or so. Just about every Lightworker I know is talking about it and how unusual it was for them.
I'm feeling fantastic today!...and I hope you are too!

The body is trying to keep up with the constant fluctuations in the Earth energy field as the intensity of the energy keeps on coming. Wave after wave after wave. Your body is trying to hold itself together....and It's like you're trying to focus on the target but your eyes keep blurring and you miss the bullseye each time. It gets tiring after a while....

Brace for impact. Shields down to 50%. Divert energy from patience and willpower.

Thanks, still feeling a bit weird. The migraine and stress don't help much. Glad you're feeling well though. I wonder, if you can give out positive energy, can you also leech it off of someone else? I may have to find out...kgal.

Well Skarekrow mentioned Newton, but there was also Wolfgang Pauli who believed in psychokinteicism, Charles Richet who wrote about the art of premonition, and Marie and Pierre Curie who took an interest in mediumship. I'm sure I'd find more if I did a bit of research.
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Brace for impact. Shields down to 50%. Divert energy from patience and willpower.

Thanks, still feeling a bit weird. The migraine and stress don't help much. Glad you're feeling well though. I wonder, if you can give out positive energy, can you also leech it off of someone else? I may have to find out...kgal.

Well Skarekrow mentioned Newton, but there was also Wolfgang Pauli who believed in psychokinteicism, Charles Richet who wrote about the art of premonition, and Marie and Pierre Curie who took an interest in mediumship. I'm sure I'd find more if I did a bit of research.

Yes. One can leech the joy energy off of another. I think it was Lee Harris that taught us we "eat" or consume each other's energy all the time. Which is why for those of us who radiate that energy we need to replenish ourselves and clear our energy field of any unwanted energy from other.

It's best if you learn how to generate that Joy for one's self though. A lightworker gets tired of energy vampires....

Thanks for the names. I'll look them up.

It looks like at least one of my hugs may have slipped through your shields. I hope you felt the impact!

I saw that study.
Very interesting results.
I want you to know Eventhorizon that I don’t advocate for just anyone to take psychoactive substances..
It is something that should be regarded with respect and knowledge of what could potentially happen if done in an ignorant manner.
Up until recently though, scientists were barred from studying mushrooms, LSD, MDMA, or even Marijuana.
They have found strong potential uses for helping certain individuals and hopefully in the future they can be used in more therapeutic ways.
Even the drug Ketamine with is sold on the street as “Special K” is being used to treat PTSD and there are quite a few clinics popping up around the country.
Thank you for your story and your open mind.
Sorry I have been out for a few days...I haven’t been really feeling well.
Hope everyone is well?
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There are some truths to be found within this video.
I personally believe certain aspects of it but have difficulty with the whole alien races fucking with human DNA part.
Maybe they are...either way, I think there are parts of this that are worth watching.
Hope you enjoy!

The Template - The Ceremony of Original Innocence - Code 1

As a result of the genetic modification of the Human DNA, almost all of our foundation circuits are in a state of disconnection, creating a distorted sense of self that has led to fear, shame, guilt and disease.

The disruption of the bio-circuitry relating to our primal resonant relationships with our mothers and fathers affects our ability to engage unconditionally in relationships.

However, it is no longer necessary or ultimately effective to engage in lengthy post-mortems of childhood, casting ourselves into the trauma-vortex of past tragedies and injustices, reinforcing identities anchored in disempowering scenarios.

By reconnecting the vital circuits that relate to conception, gestation, birth and childhood, healing is integrated on the DNA level.

The Ceremony of Original Innocence takes us back to our first choice, prior to our first breath, reminding us of our true identity - creators rather than victims.

The key to this shift in perception is forgiveness, the bedrock of the shamanic journey.
To embrace forgiveness is to embody the living mandala of love, upon which is based the fundamental Human ethic, acknowledging your "response-ability" within the interconnectedness of all creation.

Although it is possible to be born with the Water Circuits connected they are almost always disrupted by guilt, regret and anger.

Reconnecting these circuits clears these negative emotions, liberating relationships from destructive patterns.

The reconnection of the Thymus Circuit activates the T-cells of the immune system.
This has a powerful effect on health.

With the reconnection of the Air Circuits, the pineal-hypothalamus-pituitary complex is revitalised, as the pineal is now enabled to receive the full spectrum of the geometric language of light.

The Template - The Ceremony of Synthesis - Code 2

The Template - A Holonomic Model Of Transcendence - CODE 2 - Ceremony Of Synthesis - The reconnection of the 13th Circuit - Preparing the Pranic Causeway.

The 13th Circuit connects into the Occiput, where the spinal cord enters the brain, and grounds the this electromagnetic energy into the Coccyx.

The form and progression of the 23 geometric fractals of the Human creation code and their sonic counterparts are resonant with aspects of the Holonomic agreement that is the Human Blueprint.

This covenant is activated and integrated through frequency resonance, reinstating the 13th Circuit.
The is contained in this film.

The dynamic of The Template model follows a momentum of exponential progression.
Each coded Ceremony reconnects circuitry that restores a spectrum of electromagnetic integrity to the body.

Each successive Ceremony holds the potential of a subsequent spectrum of electromagnetic Source Intelligence that builds upon the resonant synergy of the previous code.

For this reason, prior to experiencing this 2nd Code, It is essential that you interact with the
1st alchemical code,