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I would imagine that if such things can feel excitement then they would feel it.

Not sure about negative alien frequencies from moon bases.
I'm not up to date on my hidden moon bases ��

It really is amazing that we exist in the forms that we do...again, where does the signal or code or information origionate that decides the form we take...we know DNA decides certain characteristics of our physical body, but what told the DNA to link together into the form of brilliantly compressed information?
What told the atoms to form molecules?
On the quantum level there is no separation between us and the chair you may be sitting in...we are huge groups of vibrating particles that is self-aware...not only of ourselves as a physical manifestation, but our spirit connected to the source energy of it all.
PSI phenomena exists easily and freely as a part of who we are as "individuals" if there truly is no separation.
If particles traveling at light speed can communicate with one another then it would also make some sort of sense that science hasn't been able to measure it as it would be "faster" than...but also more subtle than what we currently have the ability to measure.

Things aren't reducible to the sum of their parts. Things are more than the sum of their parts. Science cannot figure this out because all it can do is look at the small parts, while something like the N body problem is still very hard to figure out.

Take our solar system for example. It works the way it does only because of all of the bodies being present, therefore only a certain preexisting condition can create a solar system since every planet effects the orbit of every other planet. If there were one planet missing it would change how all the other ones behave. But this is not limited to the solar system, since the solar system depends on the galaxy in the same way, and the galaxy depends on the universe.

You can't for example build the solar system one planet at a time because doing so would cause the orbits to be entirely different. Only the whole of existence acting upon itself can make a solar system.
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Things aren't reducible to the sum of their parts. Things are more than the sum of their parts. Science cannot figure this out because all it can do is look at the small parts, while something like the N body problem is still very hard to figure out.

Take our solar system for example. It works the way it does only because of all of the bodies being present, therefore only a certain preexisting condition can create a solar system since every planet effects the orbit of every other planet. If there were one planet missing it would change how all the other ones behave. But this is not limited to the solar system, since the solar system depends on the galaxy in the same way, and the galaxy depends on the universe.

You can't for example build the solar system one planet at a time because doing so would cause the orbits to be entirely different. Only the whole of existence acting upon itself can make a solar system.

Well, I agree...I wasn’t trying to be a reductionist by any means.
But these are questions that science should be able to answer easily if it has it as figured out as it claims it has.
Even if one took a reductionist point of view, then in contrast one could say the larger and more complex a thing, the more likely it is to have consciousness and self-reflection.
So the Earth would be alive...and our solar system....our on, and so forth.
Well, I agree...I wasn’t trying to be a reductionist by any means.
But these are questions that science should be able to answer easily if it has it as figured out as it claims it has.
Even if one took a reductionist point of view, then in contrast one could say the larger and more complex a thing, the more likely it is to have consciousness and self-reflection.
So the Earth would be alive...and our solar system....our on, and so forth.

By 'you' I meant 'them' :p

Also interactions are so complicated that it is hard to truly understand them in terms of individual characteristics. This is why the N-body problem is hard. We can figure it out for only a few bodies but that's not accurate because there are a lot more than just a few bodies interacting.
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Also here is just a 3 body problem. It's ridiculously complicated. Imagine how hard it is to comprehend a lot more than 3.


It was not only the US government that conducted tests on mind control on innocent people. The British government did it too. Here is the 'evidence'. Soft disclosure from the 1960's.
By 'you' I meant 'them' :p

Also interactions are so complicated that it is hard to truly understand them in terms of individual characteristics. This is why the N-body problem is hard. We can figure it out for only a few bodies but that's not accurate because there are a lot more than just a few bodies interacting.


Also here is just a 3 body problem. It's ridiculously complicated. Imagine how hard it is to comprehend a lot more than 3.


I figured you meant “them”....damn “them”.

Well, here’s hoping that some of these new supercomputers we are building (now in a race with China), will be put to some good use and help model some of the interactions on a larger scale, or perhaps we will find a new algorithm or pattern or something fantastic!

It was not only the US government that conducted tests on mind control on innocent people. The British government did it too. Here is the 'evidence'. Soft disclosure from the 1960's.

They all did it, and probably still do honestly.
China, Japan, Russia, GB, US, Germany, etc. etc.
I wouldn’t be surprised if mass tests of populated areas are tested from time to time (most likely in 3rd world countries I’m sure).
We know the US govt. has a history of testing people unbeknownst to them, via vaccines supposed to protect them from smallpox instead giving them syphilis.
I’m sure you’re read about that one but I can post up a story if you like?

How’re you otherwise?

Form as used by the occultist and the mystic.

I would begin by a statement of fact.
The mystic is not necessarily an occultist, but the occultist embraces the mystic.

Mysticism is but one step on the path of occultism.
In this solar system - the system of love in activity - the path of least resistance for the majority is that of the mystic, or the path of love and devotion.

In the next solar system the path of least resistance will be that which we now understand as the occult path.
The mystic path will have been trodden.

Wherein lies the difference between these two types?

The mystic deals with the evolving life; the occultist deals with the form.

The mystic deals with the God within; the occultist with God in outer manifestation.

The mystic works from the centre to the periphery; the occultist reverses the process.

The mystic mounts by aspiration and intensest devotion to the God within or to the Master Whom he recognises; the occultist attains by the recognition of the law in operation and by the wielding of the law which binds matter and conforms it to the needs of the indwelling life.

In this manner the occultist arrives at those Intelligences Who work with the law, till he attains the fundamental Intelligence Himself.

The mystic works through the Rays of Love, Harmony and Devotion, or by the path of the second, the fourth and the sixth rays.
The occultist works through the Rays of Power, Activity, and Ceremonial Law, or the first, the third and the seventh.

Both meet and blend through the development of mind, or through the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge (a fragment of cosmic intelligence), and on this fifth ray the mystic is resolved into the occultist and works then with all the rays.

By finding the kingdom of God within himself and by the study of the laws of his own being, the mystic becomes proficient in the laws which govern the universe of which he is a part.

The occultist recognises the kingdom of God in nature or the system and regards himself as a small part of that greater whole, and therefore governed by the same laws.

The mystic works as a general rule under the department of the World Teacher, or the Christ, and the occultist more frequently under that of the Manu, or Ruler, but when both types have passed through the four minor rays in the department of the Lord of Civilisation, then a completion of their development may be seen, and the mystic becomes the occultist and the occultist includes the characteristics of the mystic.

To make it more simple for general comprehension: after initiation the mystic is merged in the occultist for he has become a student of occult law; he has to work with matter, with its manipulation and uses, and he has to master and control all lower forms of manifestation, and learn the rules whereby the building devas work.

Before initiation the mystic path might be expressed by the term, Probationary Path.
Before the occultist can manipulate wisely the matter of the solar system he must have mastered the laws that govern the microcosm, and even though he is naturally on the occult path yet he will still have to find the God within his own being before he can safely venture on the path of occult law.

The mystic seeks to work from the emotional to the intuitional, and thence to the Monad, or Spirit.
The occultist works from the physical to the mental, and thence to the atma or Spirit.

One works along the line of love; the other along the line of will.
The mystic fails in the purpose of his being - that of love demonstrated in activity - unless he co-ordinates the whole through the use of intelligent will.

Therefore he has to become the occultist.

The occultist similarly fails and becomes only a selfish exponent of power working through intelligence, unless he finds a purpose for that will and knowledge by an animating love which will give to him sufficient motive for all that he attempts.

I have attempted to make clear to you the distinction between these two groups, as the importance of the matter is great when studying meditation.
The form used by the two types is entirely different and when seen clairvoyantly is very interesting.

(Excerpts from "Letters on Occult Meditation" by Alice A. Bailey)

It was not only the US government that conducted tests on mind control on innocent people. The British government did it too. Here is the 'evidence'. Soft disclosure from the 1960's.’s still going on...this is just what is public knowledge, who knows what’s actually taking place?

The idea that people can interfere with others' thoughts and implant things in their minds was made famous by the 2010 film 'Inception'.
But the concept is not completely science fiction, according to a group of researchers at Brown University.

The scientists have discovered a way to implant associations in people's brains, without the subjects being aware of it happening.

Working with colleagues in Japan, scientists at Brown University have been studying how a functional magnetic resonance machine (FMRI) can 'induce' knowledge in someone through their visual cortex by sending signals that change their brain activity pattern.

This process is called Decoded Neurofeedback, or 'DecNef'.

In a recent breakthrough, the group used a new technique to surreptitiously train a small group of volunteers to associate vertical stripes with the colour red and horizontal stripes with the colour green.

With volunteers in the scanner, the patterns of activity in two areas of the brain were first measured when the subjects saw different combinations of coloured backgrounds (red, green and grey) behind two different stripe orientations (vertical and horizontal)

The people taking part thought they were seeing the color red when looking at black and white stripes, and had no idea this was happening.

The association was induced by specifically targeting two early visual areas of the brain.

Named 'V1' and 'V2', the areas are the first parts of the cortex to process basic visual information coming from the eyes.

But scientists had not previously seen associative learning happening in these areas.

After three days of training, participants were trained into seeing red when they saw vertical stripes.

'This is the first clear study that shows that V1 and V2 are capable of creating associative learning,' said Professor Takeo Watanabe, corresponding author of the paper published in the journal Current Biology.

The idea for neurofeedback technique grew out of research from the 1960s showing that a person could regulate his heart rate or temperature just by thinking about it.

Because our brains regulate temperature and heart rate, Professor Watanabe wanted to see if we could regulate other aspects of brain activity.

'Participants were not aware of the purpose of the experiment or what kind of activation they learned to induce,' Professor Watanabe said.

After the experiment, the researchers asked the subjects what they were thinking about when they got high scores.

'I imagined a zebra,' said one participant, reported Stat News.

'I imagined a gymnastics match in which I performed well,' 'I imagined a situation where I behaved violently,' others reported.

The participants were not hallucinating the color red, Professor Watanabe said.
Instead their experiences were more similar to synesthesia, a condition in which people perceive coloors when they look at printed numbers and letters.

Associative learning and memory, the idea that 'this goes with that', is pervasive in the brain.

But it was a novel finding of basic brain science to show that it can occur in early visual areas, Professor Watanabe said.

Professor Watanabe said he is eager to find out if scientists can use the study's technique of training subjects with (unwitting) MRI-based feedback to create associations in other parts of the brain for educational or therapeutic reasons.

'Our brain functions are mostly based on associative processing, so association is extremely important,' Professor Watanabe said.
'Now we know that this technology can be applied to induce associative learning.'

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Dreams have always been one of the prevailing enigmas of humanity.
As early as 5,000 B.C., Mesopotamians made a habit of recording their dreams on clay tablets, and every culture in the world has their own interpretation of the realm that lies between wakefulness and sleep.

In some legends, dreams are sent from the gods; in others, terrifying monsters lurk at the fringes of consciousness, waiting for their chance to creep into the shadows of our minds.

These 10 legends encompass the dreams and nightmares of various cultures scattered across 7,000 years of human history.

10. Baku

In Japanese legend, a Baku is a dream-eater—a spirit animal that visits homes in the middle of the night and devours the nightmares of people who are sleeping. It’s usually described as a tapir, sort of pig-shaped with a long snout.

In the realm of dream spirits, the Baku is a benevolent spirit who protects people from the terrors of bad dreams.
The story of the Baku actually began in China, but was taken to Japan in the 14th century.

From there, the description of the beast changed over time. By the 17th century, the physical form of the Baku had become a chimera—it had the legs of a tiger, the head of an elephant, and the piercing eyes of a rhinoceros.

Its name changed to Mo, and the belief arose that in order for it to protect you, you had to draw a sketch of the beast before you fell asleep.

9. Morpheus

Few cultures delved as deeply into the world of dreams as the Greeks.
As with most facets of life, they had a god that personified the dream world: Morpheus.

He was the son of Hypnos, the god of sleep, and had the power to enter the dreams of mortal men to deliver messages from the gods.
Morpheus first appeared in the epic poem Metamorphoses, which was written by the first century poet Ovid.

Though he could take the shape of a human when he was delivering dream messages, his true shape was a demon-like figure with massive black wings that allowed him to pass quickly through the dream world.

Morpheus was chosen as a messenger because, out of Hypnos’s thousands of children, he was the best at disguising himself as a human.

8. Mara

In Germanic folklore, a mara is an evil spirit that sits on your chest while you sleep, constricting your air supply and turning your dreams into nightmares.
It appears in some form or another in all the Germanic cultures, although the specific name and description change with each language.

Most notably, the English word for the mara is “mare,” which is the origin of the word nightmare.
Croatians believe that the mara takes the form of a beautiful woman at night.

She visits men in their sleep to torture them and slowly suck away their life force over the course of a decades.
In other cultures, a mara is a thick-skinned goblin.

7. Dream Catching

The Ojibwe are a Native American tribe who originally lived near the shores of Lake Superior in the northern United States.
According to their own legend, however, their people began on the mythical Turtle Island.

There, the Spider Woman, or Asibikaashi, watched over the Ojibwe people.
Every morning, she builds a lodge that captures the sun and brings it to her children.

Since she’s a spider, the lodge is a spider web, and the morning dew reflects the morning sunlight, “capturing” it.
As the Ojibwe people spread, Asibikaashi was no longer able to watch over every individual, so she allowed the people to build their own lodges—dreamcatchers—through which she would protect them from nightmares.

According to the legend, if you hang a dreamcatcher over your bed at night, the good dreams will filter through the holes, but the nightmares will get stuck before they reach your head.

6. Phobetor and the Oneiroi

The Greeks had many different gods to portray different aspects of dreams.
And while Morpheus served as the dream messenger, his brother Phobetor was the bringer of nightmares.

His name translates from Greek as “to be feared.”
Every night, he emerges from the land of eternal darkness as a winged demon to infest the dreams of the living.

The poem Metamorphoses describes Phobetor as a shapeshifter who “forms the beasts and birds and long sliding snakes.”
He is the son of Darkness, and is one of the most important figures of the Oneiroi.

The Oneiroi are the pantheon of dream gods who live in Erebos, which was part of the Greek underworld.
Phobetor’s children are the shapes of nightmares themselves, allowing him to extend his reach to all the sleeping people of the world.

5. Sleep Paralysis

This strange phenomenon of sleep paralysis occurs when you wake up suddenly and are completely unable to move or speak.
For some reason, most people who experience it also have a feeling of being “watched,” and it’s usually terrifying.

People describe demons, alien visitors, and spirits in the dark room with them.
Even though it’s really just a trick of the mind, the idea of a stranger watching you in the middle of the night is definitely unsettling.

It makes sense then that nearly every culture in history has had their own personification for sleep paralysis.
The mara, which we mentioned earlier, were created to explain the phenomenon.

In Kashmir, it’s caused when a pasikdhar—an invisible demon—attacks you in the night.
In Turkey, a djinn sits on the sleeper’s arms, covers their mouth, and strangles them.

The Pakistani legend is that Shaitan (Satan) himself has possessed the sleeper.

4. Brownies

In the Scottish Lowlands, there’s a legend about tiny men called brownies who come into your home at night and do chores for you while you sleep.
They’re similar to hobs, which traditionally live on farmland and, as long as they’re appeased, will help out around the farm.

But God help you if you offend a hob, because their capacity for good is only outmatched by their mischievous appetite for destruction.
They’ll knock over pitchforks, spook the sheep, or even, if you’ve really upset them, steal pies from windowsills.

The brownies, on the other hand, are usually good-natured.
They don’t like to be seen by humans, so they’ll wait until you’re fast asleep and dreaming before coming inside.

They’ll work even harder if you leave them some food, and they’re particularly fond of porridge and milk.

3. The Great Spirit

The Abenaki are a Native American tribe who lived around the New England area of the United States, with villages that reached up into Southern Quebec.
Their greatest dream legend is also their creation story.

According to the myth, the Great Spirit initially lived in a void, a world with neither form nor function.
So he summoned the Great Turtle to form the lands of the world, and he piled clay onto the Turtle’s shell to create mountains.

But then he came to a moment of indecision: What kinds of creatures would live on this world?
As he thought about it, he drifted off to sleep and began to dream.

In his dream he saw all the animals and people that fill the world today, and thought he was having a nightmare.
When the Great Spirit woke up, he discovered that his dreaming had created all the animals of the Earth, and the more he looked at it, the more he saw how everything in nature worked together towards a beautiful purpose.

2. Nue

The nue is a chimera from Japanese folklore that serves as the harbinger of sickness and bad luck.
It has the paws of a tiger, the face of a monkey, and the body of a tanuki.

Its tail is a long, venomous serpent.
Nue are some of the oldest creatures in Japanese legend, most prominently appearing in The Tale of the Heiki, the story of a 12th century war between two opposing clans.

In the story, a nue took on the form of a black cloud and visited the Emperor of Japan.
The emperor soon became ill, besieged with nightmares every time he closed his eyes.

The emperor grew sicker and sicker, until a samurai fired an arrow into the black cloud and killed the nue.
To this day, there is a mound at the shore of the Sea of Japan which is said to be the grave of the nue from the story.

1. Sandman

Every young child knows the story of the Sandman, a benevolent being who sprinkles sand into the eyes of sleeping boys and girls to make them dream.
When you wake up with crusty residue around your eyes, it’s because the Sandman visited you the night before.

The Sandman was first introduced in literature in a Hans Christian Andersen story, Ole Lukoje.
But it was the 1816 story Der Sandman that tortured the minds of young children for years to come.

In that rendition, the Sandman visited only children who wouldn’t go to sleep.
His sand made their eyes fall out, which he gathered up and fed to his demonic children in his iron fortress on the Moon.

I figured you meant “them”....damn “them”.

Well, here’s hoping that some of these new supercomputers we are building (now in a race with China), will be put to some good use and help model some of the interactions on a larger scale, or perhaps we will find a new algorithm or pattern or something fantastic!

We have computers that could probably do it. The problem is you have to teach the computer how to do it which means we have to understand the math first. We currently only understand a little bit of it.

Psychic Abilities and the Illusion of Separation ~ Dean Radin PhD

Dean Radin Phd talks about the evidence of extended capacities of human consciousness (psychic abilities)
with students and faculty at the California Institute for Integral Studies (CIIS).
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Ken Wilber,
Spiral Dynamics and How to Become an Enlightened God


Spiral Dynamics, popularized by the consciousness theorist Ken Wilber, is a map of how human beings and human cultures evolve through different stages of consciousness—
much like the chakras, or Tim Leary and Robert Anton Wilson’s 8-Circuit model.

Is it our best possible map of evolving to higher states of consciousness?

If you’ve ever felt like the whole world is just on the verge of making sense, you are not alone.
Ken Wilber has spent his entire life working on pulling together a “theory of everything,” and fitting together every type of human thinking in the world into one giant map.

His hope: to create a way of looking at the world that would reveal even disparate points of view to be part of a greater whole.

Here’s a small sample of Ken Wilber:


One big idea that helped Ken Wilber unlock his work is a theory called Spiral Dynamics—inherited from Don Beck and Clare Graves—that maps out the stages of consciousness that individuals and even cultures evolve through, from pure survival needs to enlightenment.

It can be a useful map for figuring out where you, or the people around you, are at.

Here’s a basic breakdown of the First Tier of Spiral Dynamics—with Ken Wilber’s terms for the levels in parenthesis—adapted from Wilber’s A Theory of Everything

1. Beige: Survival (Archaic-Instinctual)
This is the most basic level there is.
The stuff at the base of Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs”: Food, shelter, water, warmth.

Throw in a little sex.
Self-awareness is barely there.
(Of course, if your survival needs aren’t met, you can just write off everything that comes afterwards.)

2. Purple: Tribal (Magical-Animistic)

Animal and ancestor spirits, curses, magical spells.
This is what people talk about when they talk about “magical thinking,” and mean it in a negative way.
(Move far enough up the Spiral, and maybe your viewpoint will change on that note.)

Sports teams and corporations use this way of thinking every day to keep their “tribes” together and focused on beating other “tribes.”
It often works.

3. Red: Egocentric (Power Gods)

The Self starts to exert its influence, which can be a doozy.
At the society level, the Gods show up in all their Olympian glory, while feudal lords exert their “might makes right” power on the masses.

In the modern world, we see the Red phase in self-centered celebrities and two year olds.
It is here that the impulse to question everything, especially one’s place in the world, is born.

4. Blue: Authoritarian (Conformist Rule)

On a societal level, we step up from feudal kingdoms to religiously ordered empires.
Right and wrong aren’t squishy ideas up for debate.

They are hard truths written down in books.
A membership in the right group can give the individual the keys to power.

Finding your role within the greater whole is your mission in life.

5. Orange: Rational (Scientific Achievement)

It’s time to DISRUPT! Here comes the level where rational thinking reveals the natural laws of the world.
And you can’t argue with Natural Laws!

This is where Adam Smith draws the rules of Capitalism from the marketplace, and Karl Marx derives his theories of Communism from the drama of the Industrial Revolution.

Career politicians, Wall Street financiers, supermodels and social media analysts alike all excel under an Orange world view.
Of course, so do hackers, activists, and organizers.

If you can wield your intellect, you too can play the Orange game.

6. Green: Egalitarian (The Sensitive Self)
Cold rationality starts to give way to warm network thinking.
Everything is relative, and everything is connected.

Green is a postmodern world view that values diversity in both a social and biological sense.
Wilber points to a “mean green” trend that looks a lot like internecine parts of the Culture War.

This makes the Internet a less-than-hospitable place as the uninitiated navigate the latest in socially aware terminology.
Green thinking as a whole, however, means that everybody means well, even if they can’t quite see how it all fits together.

As Ken Wilber likes to point out, each step up the spiral builds on the others.
The further down the spiral you go, the more fundamental the level is, the higher up the more it signifies.

You couldn’t just wish away, say, the whole “Red” level without knocking down the rest of the spiral.
It’s a developmental stage, something that societies go through on their way further up the chain.

Each step is supposed to “transcend but include” the step below.
The kicker: the same is true for people.

People and societies near the top of the chain are able to contain more points of view than the ones below, but it takes a big leap into the Second Tier of the Spiral before people really start seeing the value in all those conflicting points of view.

Here’s a (very) basic breakdown of the Second Tier of Spiral Dynamics:

7. Yellow: Integrative

The world is an interlocking series of systems.
Some hierarchical, some not.

This level values both spontaneity and excellence, egalitarian values and meritocracy.
Yellow thinking means not only knowing that the Spiral exists, but basing actions on that as well.

The creators of the theory believe that very few people—as little as 1% of the world—operates from this point of view.

8. Turquoise: Holistic
At this level of the Spiral, everything can be seen in its right place.
Systems are consciously woven together to make a better whole.

Different tiers of interaction are detected at once, with the Turquoise view being a flow-state that would be seen as mystic in nature from points further down the Spiral.

If the Second Tier doesn’t sound as clear as the first, there’s a good reason: this way of thinking is still emerging.
That’s part of the beauty of Spiral Dynamics—it points not just at the past, but towards future ways of thinking about the world.

Suggesting that you are not, as some would believe, at the end of history but instead are part of a potentially endless wave of human evolution.


Wilber didn’t come up with Spiral Dynamics—it was built up by Don E. Beck and Cristopher Cowan from the pioneering work of developmental psychologist Clare W. Graves.

Beck even acted as a consultant during South Africa’s reconciliation efforts post-Apartheid, using Spiral Dynamics to help heal a societies deep wounds.

You can learn more about Ken Wilber and his take on Transpersonal Psychology, Integral Theory and more at his website.
In watching the latest Cosmic Disclosure episode Corey Goode and David Wilcock said something very interesting I thought you'd need to know....considering your own experiences. It's Season 5 Episode 8 and I list the link to watch the show below.

While most of the show is about Corey's experiences with the Anshar and Antartica....right towards the end Corey tells us this. (I tried to capture what he said word for word.):

**** Corey said he was told from the Blue Avians:

"We are about to experience into(?) Madness ...SSP were not immune to it...and...that…...when masses of people start having visitations from dead family members that that is a big sign….you know it's gonna happen en masse...that that is a big sign of where the veil has thinned to the point of where we're about to go through Transition".

David Wilcock says: "Ascension in other words...and that the things you all who are in to the UFO stuff will then see afterwards."

Corey says: Right. David says: Mass ghost sightings will start to occur...and Corey shakes his head and says Right.

I wanted to get this out case you and I see our Dads....and we start hearing from other people about their own. :)

In watching the latest Cosmic Disclosure episode Corey Goode and David Wilcock said something very interesting I thought you'd need to know....considering your own experiences. It's Season 5 Episode 8 and I list the link to watch the show below.

While most of the show is about Corey's experiences with the Anshar and Antartica....right towards the end Corey tells us this. (I tried to capture what he said word for word.):

**** Corey said he was told from the Blue Avians:

"We are about to experience into(?) Madness ...SSP were not immune to it...and...that…...when masses of people start having visitations from dead family members that that is a big sign….you know it's gonna happen en masse...that that is a big sign of where the veil has thinned to the point of where we're about to go through Transition".

David Wilcock says: "Ascension in other words...and that the things you all who are in to the UFO stuff will then see afterwards."

Corey says: Right. David says: Mass ghost sightings will start to occur...and Corey shakes his head and says Right.

I wanted to get this out case you and I see our Dads....and we start hearing from other people about their own. :)

And I was also told about . . . We're about to experience a lot of 'end time madness', that the SSP were not immune from it, and that the strangest part, towards the end, was that when masses of people start having visitations from dead family members, that that is a big sign. It'll . . . It's gonna happen en masse that that is a big sign that the veil has thinned to the point to where we're about to go through the transition.

There is your quote.

What will happen is that the top brass of the Looneynati will be getting nightly visits from their victims. :eek:

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And I was also told about . . . We're about to experience a lot of 'end time madness', that the SSP were not immune from it, and that the strangest part, towards the end, was that when masses of people start having visitations from dead family members, that that is a big sign. It'll . . . It's gonna happen en masse that that is a big sign that the veil has thinned to the point to where we're about to go through the transition.

There is your quote.

What will happen is that the top brass of the Looneynati will be getting nightly visits from their victims. :eek:


Hahahahahahahaha..... An image of Jacob Marley popped up in my mind....
It must be rough to live with such paranoia you don't even have servants around to light your candles for you...

Can you imagine seeing all the ones you murdered show up for retribution?

Not sure about the new format...really disappointed that a good portion of my posts that I took the time to post and edit are now fucked up, with broken videos, and no way for me to go back and edit them...
Let’s try a post with the new forum style...
Character limit...oh boy, now I can just post insubstantial short limericks and awesome.

Everything is the Light – Interview with Nikola Tesla

Interview with Nikola Tesla (1899) by Journalist John Smith.
In it Tesla pulls no punches and reveals the great conspiracy of science that was well under way, the suppression of ether and the introduction of a new fake science to conceal it as well as to suppress the work of Tesla himself.